There are communities being targeted by Right wing groups across the country over CRT. Last week, the DC PACs may have picked the wrong one in Grand Ledge, MI. We'll find out tomorrow.
These anti-CRT, anti-mask weirdos went absolutely nuclear because they weren't allowed to speak twice during public comment at the Grand Ledge Public Schools board meeting.
"If you're going to follow Robert's rules, you have to follow all of Robert's rules!" He shouted from the audience without being recognized.
I've got so much of this on film. And there is so much more. This was just the first one I grabbed to tease Twitter with.
Don't get me wrong, the majority of the comments tonight were positive and defended teachers from accusations of them being the collective reincarnation of Joseph Stalin, but they were absolutely interrupted frequently by the typhoid brigade.
JC Huizenga, founder of the National Heritage Academy charter school franchise, was just at a GRPS meeting about a scholarship asking and learning about the term BIPOC for the first time. He then asks if that discriminates against "Jews who aren't wealthy."
JC is also a trustee on the Gerald R Ford Foundation board. His schools operate in places like Kentwood and Ypsilanti, areas in Michigan with a higher percentage of black students than most places in the state, and as you can see, they love showcasing diversity on their webpage.
The mayor of Grand Rapids, @mayorbliss attended the meeting, and remained silent through this. I'm very interested in hearing if she views this as unacceptable anti-Semitism and social ignorance from someone in his position.
An update on the effort to push back against the Republican voter suppression attempts in Michigan.
NBC News just made a Facebook post about the Michigan Republicans' attempt to circumvent the governor's veto on their package of 39 voter suppression bills.
If you're on Facebook, see how the conversation between voters & bots is going at this link:
This attempt hinges on the Republicans successfully circulating a ballot initiative petition containing the language of the voter suppression bills, and collecting 340,000 valid signatures from Michigan voters in 180 days. Volunteers would never do this.
Slander in MI is defamatory & false statements designed to stop third parties from interacting with individuals. Ann Arbor Council Member Ali Ramlawi is openly attempting to do this to me, a BIPOC anti-segregation activist, with his city Facebook account. A thread. #a2council
"Communications are defamatory if they “harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating or dealing with him.” Swenson-Davis v. Martel...(Mich. Ct. App. 1984)." #a2council