From an apical 5- or 3-chamber view we can use PW Doppler to assess the velocity time integral (VTI) in the LVOT to determine blood flow.
Essentially, LVOT VTI is the average distance travelled by ejected blood during one contraction...
It is also known as stroke distance.
LVOT VTI can be combined with LVOT diameter measurement to calculate SV.
Incorrect measurement of LVOT Diam can significantly alter the result as any error is squared.
LVOT Diam hardly changes during the cycle, so measurement of VTI only is a useful surrogate for trends in SV
To obtain an optimal trace, the PW sample box should be placed at the level of the AV and then gradually moved back into the LVOT, past the ‘zone of acceleration’ immediately before the valve, until a clear trace is obtained. See @BSEcho guidance here 👇…
LVEF depends on all these factors, not only LV systolic function!
Two hearts could have the same SV, while one is dilated & chronically impaired (⬇️ LVEF) and the other acutely underfilled and hyperdynamic (⬆️ LVEF).
In acute, severe MR, a normal ventricle should appear hyperdynamic, so a normal SV, LV size and LVEF indicates LV impairment!
This is why assessment of LV systolic function in ICU should include a visual EF + measurement of systolic longitudinal function (MAPSE, TDI S') and forward flow (SV), all interpreted in the context of any reverse flow (MR) and loading conditions.
Clinical integration is key!
Guidelines for performing a complete haemodynamic exam can be found here