We're now into the split sessions #RCPsychIC and this thread is covering The Nature of Suicide and Work with Those Bereaved by a Doctors Suicide - and our first to talk is @ClareGerada - a difficult subject but we have experienced and knowledgeable speakers.
@ClareGerada 'We learn to make our patient our first concern - being a dr is not something you do, it is something you are, and because of that, i think doctors have a higher propensity to kill themselves' says @ClareGerada#RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada There's a lot of research - female drs are 2-4 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population says @ClareGerada - even though we have a host of protected factors, eg job security, good educations, good social networks - so higher rate needs exploring #rcpsychic
@ClareGerada I've been running a group for those bereaved by the death by suicide of a dr says @ClareGerada - and I am always left with the question, why did these doctors kill themselves? #RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada Some drs who died by suicide had mental illness - often depression, sometimes unbelievable anxiety. But at least 50% have no mental illness we were aware of, says @ClareGerada - so I come back to the question, why? #rcpsychic
@ClareGerada For drs, working provides meaning to their life, + it gives them identity + a sense of belonging @ClareGerada. When work is taken away or becomes futile, some drs find it too much to bear. A work-related complaint is often found in the backgrnd as a cause for suicide #RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada "I think for drs whose job is taken away or becomes futile, they find the transition from their life having great meaning to it (in their mind) having no meaning becomes too much to bear". A sensitive + thoughtful talk from @ClareGerada#RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada We are now listening to Dr Rachel Gibbons, who is talking about the difficulties doctors face when a patient dies by suicide - having experienced this awful situation herself. "Part of me died,' she said. #RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada In the wake of the traumatic experience Dr Gibbons spoke to other drs who have had similar experiences. It led her eventually to a deeper understanding of a v difficult subject, which is rarely spoken abt. #RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada You don't know what is going on in someone else's mind, says Dr Gibbons. People are always surprised when a loved one dies by suicide, even though they later create narratives that they should have foreseen it. #RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada Suicide is a human condition, not a mental health condition. About 73% of people who die by suicide in the UK have no record of being treated by mental health services previously, says Dr Gibbons #RCPsychIC
@ClareGerada No one is to blame for the death by suicide of someone else, concludes Dr Gibbons. Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom with #RCPsychIC and for the work you've done on this important subject, Dr Gibbons.
@ClareGerada Dr Gibbons has played a leading role in helping to produce a section on the @rcpsych website to support psychiatrists when a patient dies by suicide. You can access a range of resources here rcpsych.ac.uk/members/suppor…
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Join us now in the auditorium of Virtual Congress to see one of our last talks of the day: "How to work with homeless people" #RCPsychIC
The agenda on today's talk is "Making services work for homeless people" with Dr Philip Timms @philip_timms a Consultant psychiatrist at the National Psychosis Service #RCPsychIC
After that, we have "Trauma-focussed practice with homeless people" with Dr Peter Cockersell @petercockersell the Chief Executive at Community Housing and Therapy #RCPsychIC
Our final session of #RCPsychC virtual Congress we are talking about Religious Delusions and Hallucinations: Significance, meaning, and narrative with Dr Alison J Gray @revdraligray, Professor Christopher C.H. Cook @cchcook and Dr Angela Woods @literarti
In one of our final split session talks of #RCPsychIC 2021, we'll be hearing from @RachelUTG, @PsychMarwaha and @sameerjauhar, chaired by Professor Allan Young: Care of Adult Mental Ill-Health: Getting it right from the start.
So -we're nearly at the end of our first virtual #RCPsychIC - but there's one more set of split sessions to go! On this thread you can follow the 57th split session of this amazing event, which is about Dual Diagnosis from the public, clinical + academic perspective.
Our first speaker is Caroline Turiff, who has been diagnosed with a range of conditions inc OCD and PTSD, and is an award winning investigative broadcast journalist. #RCPsychIC
I've read 70% of people with drug dependency who have a dual diagnosis so it is the norm for them, she says. #RCPsychIC
Hope everyone had a good lunch! Now we look at the lessons we can learn from the 'asylum era', chaired by @DianeGoslar, an expert by experience. We'll also hear from @PeterNaxos, @claire_hilton6 and Dr Allan Beveridge. #RCPsychIC
@DianeGoslar@PeterNaxos@claire_hilton6 Change is desperately needed – such as the total dismantling of stigma – but we have evidence change can happen, says @DianeGoslar. One example of change is that Diane, a patient, is chairing this session. #RCPsychIC
@DianeGoslar@PeterNaxos@claire_hilton6 The first story comes from @PeterNaxos, who speaks of Henrietta, a patient in Kingston Asylum, in 1859. She found within herself a resolve she was never aware of, which enabled her to survive a situation which was totally at odds with anything she'd experienced before. #RCPsychIC