A few indulgent TMI thoughts this morn about my column this week. They put it on A1 of the paper yesterday. Not often there. This was by far the most shared Star thing I've ever written (I think). My @'s pinged like every minute w shares all day wed & thur thestar.com/opinion/contri…
City admin, and in particular, the mayor's office (who is pushing the hard line around all this), have grossly underestimated how pissed off people are about it all. It certainly plays well with some, no doubt, but it isn't just "homeless activists" or "pinkos" who are angry.
The response from the city, that hardline, is vicious. The official doublespeak from comms. I can't stop thinking about how someone at the city tried to intimidate Evy (on top of cops stopping journalists from covering in the park).
It's telling that nobody tried that w me. Have been just as vocal. Wonder why. (I'm a freelancer so don't actually have a "job" but still, it's quite telling). At any rate, the TMI is that I hate writing a column like this. It is the most stressful thing. It is not a pleasure.
After filing I fret & don't sleep. Went for a night walk & don't remember much - just walked, thinking about column. Wed/Thursday neck was wrenched & could hardly turn head because I was hunched over like a tight little fist writing on Tuesday eve. (Sit up straight, kids)
All to say I don't take writing a thing like this lightly or glibly, and would rather not have to call people/city out (I have a column on surface run off that keeps getting bumped. Surface run off is important!). I would and will again tho. Can't not.
Anyway this sounds totally wankerish so enough indulgence. But the anger is real & wide here in the city & beyond about what went down on & around Tuesday in Trinity. Councillors on the left/centre certainly feel it, given their largely milquetoast rote responses getting roasted.
I love this city. This is very bad for social cohesion, public trust, civics. Bad bad bad, and it isn't just the mayor who failed here.
A friend was taking her fam to Island today, 1st beach day. 2 adults + 3 young kids. Looked ok when they pre-booked ferry tickets 2 days ago, but rains came earlier so they cancelled. Tickets non-refundable. Out $29. Reserve system is good, need a rain refund tho @TorontoPFR
They are fine but $29 can't just be tossed away by many fams. One of the many barriers to the Island.
Oddly the Toronto Islands are kind of a barrier Island, tho not in the technical geographic sense. I digress.
Vaxxed to the max! Michael Snow’s “The Audience” (1989) cheers for it all. 💉🙏🏼 All Mod(erna) cons.
All praise to @TOPublicHealth - the convention centre operation is huge and an efficient machine. In & out. And friendly. Airport security could take notes!
Love that the plaque below The Audience (Part One - there is another on the other side of SkyDome) has a guide to each character.
Lots of Trinity Bellwoods was eerily reminiscent of the G20 but another is the wishy-washy councillor responses that rolled out then and over the last couple days.
The rhetorical skittishness & acrobatics around (not) commenting critically on policing. It's a sign for anyone looking to reform/defund/etc of how hard that will be.
Saw some Liberal MPs commenting in a similar way. Members of a caucus where the G20's Bill Blair is now a minister of the crown. Emptiest words.
This priest most certainly is out in the Ontario Catholic Schools within the Merciful Redeemer Parish in Mississauga. 4 elementary schools and one high school. mercifulredeemermi.archtoronto.org/en/parish-life…
At 8:41 a.m. this morning the Air India bombing memorial sundial in Humber Bay Park marked, as it does every June 23rd, the time here that corresponds with solar noon on the Irish coast where the plane exploded. The largest mass killing in Canadian history.
A friend txts this photo - sunset tonight in riverdale park. “500 people, washrooms locked tight”. All these people just doing the right safe thing. This entire council needs to be voted out. So many words about open washrooms, and this. It’s an insult. Vote them all out.
People should get fire axes and open them themselves if their back-yarded councillor is going to go awol on them.
On Sunday in Grange Park the washrooms were open (but in a bad state) but a parks worker came by at 8pm to lock them. Couple 100 still in park. Sun still out. Bladders? Toronto council would prefer you stay in your apt. They have demonstrated this. (Pic about 7pm). 14 months now.