He was ignored because he was "un-photogenic"& "un interesting" & White man DJ Snake couldn't care less about Dawleet (Dalit) stuff from India. "Exotic" Sri Lankan (Tamil Brahmin) "funky", "peppy", "dusky" Dee, on other hand is"kind-a-cool" & "photogenic".
I have always maintained that RACISM plays greatest role in the evolution of Hindu Brahminical "Varna" system and its Muslim cousin "Ashraf - Ajlaf" divide.
Dalit, Shudra, Kamzaat, Bhangi, Chamar, Madrasi are terms associated with "Lowerness" identified often by ,"dark skin".
Dark skin of Dalits, Shudras, Kamzaat upon which foundation of "caste system"was built is based on extreme hatred, disgust, disdain for "darker" people of South Asia. "Varna Vyavastha"literally means social classification based on skin color.Still we refuse to see RACISM in caste
The whole arrogance ecosystem of Ashraf Muslims is based on supposed belief of pure, superior "sufaid" (white) nasal (race) of Ashrafi Muslims from Iran,Turkey, Afghanistan etc. against "badsoorat"(ugly) "na paak"(impure)"kala musalman" of "barre sagher"(Indian subcontinent).
Indian Christian community is also not far behind in this fair - dark business. We have "special" lighter skin superior Syrian Christians of Kerela carrying Jewish blood from biblical tribes &Goa's "beautiful" Brahmin Portugese Christians against "dark & ugly" "rice bag converts"
Till we acknowledge caste system's racial foundation, we cannot honestly annhilate it.
No, it is not a "coincidence" that South Asia's darker, poorer and Dalit/Shudra are ADDITIONALLY dark too.
White Foreign Elite pushed them to Dalit, Shudras, Poor, Pasmanda status.
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Asaduddin Owaisi from Konkanastha Brahmin lineage announces his party AIMIM's decision to fight from 100 assembly seats in UP in tie up with OP Rajbhar's Suheldev BSP, a small Eastern UP based party of Rajbhar OBC community with 4 MLAs in current UP assembly.
Will it impact chances of UP Muslim vote getting divided between Owaisi and SP & Congress ?
I wish answer could be simple.
Owisi's party was also in tie up with OP Rajbhar's party in Bihar state elections, where AIMIM surprisingly won 5 seats and helped in diving Muslim votes.
Owaisi's party did play spoiler in Bihar and had a great role in making BJP emerge as single largest party in Bihar for the first time.
But Owaisi's magic did not work among Bengali Muslims, who did not even spit at AIMIM and instead supported Brahmin didi enmass.
Being a Sikh, I know there is systemic pressure on Kashmiri Sikhs to convert to Islam from Kashmir's radicalized (upper caste Syeddist controlled) religious organizations.
They are nuisance not just for Sikhs but all.Sadly, this issue will politically misused by both BJP & Akalis
There r various social political reasons, why Kashmiris have become one of most religiously radical Muslims. But, they r citizens of India too.Kashmiri Muslims need help of enlightened Indians to get them out of monster of religious radicalisation that is eating them from inside
No, where has Wahabism and Ahle hadith, one of most intolerant Sunni Muslim ideologies has had such devastating impact as in Kashmir Valley, where decades of instability has allowed Sunni orthodoxy to take foothold in a ferocious manner in an otherwise unique sufi land.
How have Upper Caste Ashrafi Muslims contributed in strengthing RSS/BJP as well as Hindu - Muslim binary that suppresses Caste related issues of discrimination and economic destitution ?
@KhalidAAnsari4 a well respected Pasmanda Muslim intellectual writes this in Hindi:
Who else but Pasmanda (Muslim) activists only understand as to why there has been a meteoritic and exponential growth in "activism" of (upper caste) Ashrafi intellectuals/activists since BJP's coming to power ?
Coincidence? Or Facilitation?
This is how most of this ecosystem works:
At base of pyramid are Pasmanda Muslims, who are to be butchered, harassed, killing, maimed, humiliated by Hindutva gangs in mob violence, cow vigilante and communal violence, with special emphasis on visual recording for circulation.
Puthirai Vannars of Tamil Nadu: "unseeble" people, people considered so destestful that they were supposed to remain "invisible" to "civilized world" and not let the "civilized world" be even remotely allowed to be known about their existence, while living in "civilized world".
Historically, Puthirai Vannars or washermen community, a Dalit community would serve other Dalit sub castes and were at bottom of the bottom of Brahminical caste pyramid.
Their work was very dehumanizing and did not involve "normal" washing of dirty clothes, but washing dead bodies, washing blood stained clothes of girls (of other castes) who attained puberty, washing sullen clothes of women, who delivered babies etc.
Shahuji Maharaj and Baba Sahab Ambedkar's association was modern India's first true unofficial OBC - Dalit collaboration that paved way for a process (still continuing) to unify marginalized communities of a diverse nation like India, under one umbrella of "Bahujan".
Shahuji Maharaj was a Maratha & from a royal family.
Being a Maratha is a complex identity as it remains trapped under half hearted attempt of Marathi Brahmins to Sanskritize an OBC community, which they would rather not do, especially when there are Brahmin Peshwas to glorify.
Had it not been glory,villor & might of Chatrapati Shivaji, Marathi Brahmins wouldn't have"Kshatriyized" Maratha in ways that actually deliberately confused caste status of Marathas (even till today). If I were a Maratha, I would never forgive this cunningness of Marathi Brahmins
Most Dalit & OBC intelligensia & social media influencers don't even respond to Pasmanda Muslim activists.They deliberately avoid & ignore them & only deal with upper caste Ashrafi Muslims. Emboldened by this Ashrafi Muslims humiliate, mock, ridicule Pasmanda Muslim activists.
If you want to really break the trap of Hindu - Muslim binary suppressing issues of caste, then hear voices of Pasmanda Muslims activists.
The Hindu-Muslim binary is created not only by Hindutva forces but also by Ashrafi Muslim controlled parties like that of Owaisi.