"Facebook failed to protect against teen sex trafficking, court rules, paving the way for tech companies to be held liable when they're used for criminal activity" businessinsider.com/facebook-texas…
FINISHED my archive collection of the past four years of rioting in Portland.
"Oakland votes to defund police despite sharp rise in violent crime, to pay for 'alternatives to police responses'" thepostmillennial.com/oakland-votes-…
Read this tweet but keep in mind the pompous attitude of the leadership who arrogantly believe they're the best politicians ever.
well fuck
Regarding the Kiwi Farms situation?
"I appreciate that this thread was made. I really do. It put all my bullshit in one place and it was a bit of a wake-up call for me." -- quote from that Near/Byuu person.
@Job4_2 "I've been humbled and pleasantly surprised, thank you. I feel like I understand your perspectives better now, than through only being an outside observer. Apologies for the misconceptions I held about this place." -- another quote from Near/Byuu.