Isn’t the entirety of modern conservatism based on inventing largely imaginary culture-war grievances so you can disingenuously claim you’re “punching back” at liberals
I mean, the GOP regularly claims to be “fighting back” against...
- critical race theory
- transgenders in public restrooms
- rioting, looting, etc
And of course, the rigged & corrupt election that inexplicably ousted the most unpopular President in American history from power.
I could go on...
- “cancel culture”
- a noun, a verb, Hunter Biden
- the Orwellian dystopia of mask requirements and vaccine passports to compensate for Dr. Fauci’s massive coverup of the sinister Chinese origin of the Coronavirus, which incidentally was no worse than the flu
KILMEADE: Our report on the border will resume in a moment, but we have a late-breaking report: college student Jeremy Fudgeknuckles posted on Facebook that he believes “all police officers are poopyheads”
KILMEADE: The Left is simply out of control
HANNITY: All decent Americans are aghast & horrified at what Leftists like Jeremy Fudgeknuckles are saying about our brave men in uniform
CARLSON: Is Jeremy Fudgeknuckles the new voice of the Democrat Party?
DEMS: It was one guy
CARLSON: We can only conclude that yes, he is
INGRAHAM: The Democrats have sunk to a new low
MAHER: This only proves that the woke left is out of control
I can confirm from my friends who work in public schools that the last thing they need is more Fox News-addled parents riding their asses about Brainwashing Their Kids With Leftist Claptrap because of some fucking context-deprived MAGA bullshit they heard about on the teevee
The whole point of Fox News outrage porn is to scare people with buzzwords like “Critical Race Theory” so they can intimidate teachers from saying anything that implies institutional racism is a thing that still affects our lives & didn’t end a long, long time ago
The smarter conservatives are finally acknowledging that CRT isn’t actually taught in public schools, so now they’re moving the goalposts to encompass history viewed “through the filter of CRT” so they can continue their horror stories of ideological brainwashing uninterrupted
If you or I were genuinely concerned that we were being misunderstood by thousands of people, our first instinct would be to concisely explain our “true” meaning.
If you continue to coyly insist “You misunderstand me” without doing that, it’s gaslighting.
The point of DM’s first Tweet is clearly “The good dog died, while the bad dog lived. Just like Biden’s sons, LOL.”
After thousands of responders rightfully suggested DM was a terrible person, he doubled down on “Those philistines and simpletons failed to read my full column!”
I did read the column. It basically said the same thing, appending “It’s just like a Shakespearean tragedy!” It’s still a flowery “Hunter Biden LOL” joke. There is no other point to the allegory; all it does is rub salt in the family’s recent wounds for a hacky punchline.
Thanks to Trump, “Who are you gonna believe: me or your lying eyes?” became the actual mission statement of the GOP
Thanks to Trump, the GOP has collectively rejected not just democracy, but the republic, the electoral college, and the U.S. Congress... all because Trump refused to accept that he lost.
Thanks to Trump, the GOP is now infested with a new crop of “rising stars” whose only goals are garnering publicity and triggering the libs
“Critical race theory” is a very specific doctrine that the Right has demonized and broadened to encompass pretty much anything liberals say about race that they don’t like.
It’s a lot like what they did with “Antifa”.
In the words of Otto von Bismarck, “Politics is the art of arguing with your uncle at Thanksgiving”, so if he believes “critical race theory” encompasses the 1619 Project & rebooting SCOOBY-DOO with a black Velma then our protestations to the contrary will likely mean very little
Conservative media is most effective when they use language that frightens and alarms their audience, so when they say “Antifa” they’re usually not talking about Antifa and when they say “critical race theory” they’re usually not talking about critical race theory