It appears there's an effort underway to 'cancel' non-establishment views on nutrition. Seems impossible, yet it's happening. Non-orthodox opinions are being suppressed in many fields-why not nutrition? Hence, a thread for @twitter@facebook@Wikipedia@youtube@instagram etc
On saturated fats, the vast majority of now ~20 review papers on this subject do NOT support continued caps on sat fats. Official guidelines lag behind (as they always have), but the science clearly no longer supports caps on these fats. List of papers:… 2/
Most important was a paper on sat fats in the J. of Am. College of Cardiology. Authors included 4 members of previous USDA-HHS Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committees, saying, basically, we got it wrong on sat fats: Data do not support continued caps 3/…
This paper was chosen by Editor in Chief of @JACCJournals as one of the 2020's top 100 papers. 👍Also the @bmj_latest wrote up how these authors tried to reach USDA authorities, but gov't decided to disregard all 'outside' science 4/…
On red meat, the most rigorous-ever reviews on red meat + health were published in top journal, Annals of Internal Med, and these concluded that the data on red meat was of "low quality" and insufficient quantity to say that red meat caused heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. 5/
They refer to 5 other papers that reviewed all the clinical trial (RCT) and observational data using the respected GRADE rating system (used by 150+ public health institutions globally, including the WHO). 6/
These papers stirred controversy bc they disrupted widely accepted narrative that red meat is bad for health, but is it? The data against red meat are all epidemiology-do not show cause-and-effect. Limits of this kind of science (MANY articles on this) 7/…
Fact checkers at @facebook, @twitter, @youtube, @instagram are unlikely to delve into the science. Understandably. But it's v. important to know that are legitimate, top scientists with differing views. "Consensus" science is being manufactured. Eg.:…
Or, fact checkers at @facebook, @twitter, @youtube, @instagram, see this, just published, on how Harvard scientists used all possible tactics to stifle science contradicted their own. Helps to understand the brutal politics of this field 9/…
Field of nutrition is full of Big Food, pharma $$. Sophisticated tactics to stifle 'contradictory' science, manufacture consent are the norm. Please take time to understand this @facebook, @twitter, @youtube, @instagram, and recognize that debate is the life blood of science. 10/
p.s. Recognize that current establishment nutrition is *not* working. That is the super-important, larger context. Rates of obesity, diabetes etc all still rising--all proof that status-quo ideas haven't prevented disease. In this context, we should all be welcoming new ideas
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Malnutrition among US women. "This is the stuff that keeps me up at night,” says prof. Bailey. And ability to have healthy children? “Going into reproductive age at nutrition risk can cause intergenerational effects"
Important story by @ANDREAAPETERSEN
In the US, "We live shorter, poorer lives" according to a Nat'l Academies' report. The report was called a "catalogue of horrors." Newspapers were "stunned" and "surprised." That was 2013. “As bad as things were then, they’ve only gotten worse,” says Dr. Woolf from @VCUHealth
By 2019, U.S. was 36th in the world on life expectancy at birth, behind Slovenia, Costa Rica. Recent paper found that even privileged whites fare worse on infant mortality, maternal mortality+deaths from heart attacks than avg. citizens of Norway, Denmark+other developed nations
"The troubling portrait of America’s health did not spur action to paint a better one. Two presidential administrations have ignored it, as has Congress" states this article by @undarkmag, looking back at the 2013 report…@XavierBecerra
USDA-HHS Secys said they're for “all Americans,” yet the DGA is scoped ONLY for disease prevention, not treatment. This ignores the 60% of US with a diet-related disease. DGA is thus for minority of Americans who are healthy.
Congress' statute says the DGA must be for the "general public"--yet clearly majority of Americans now have diet-related diseases. THIS is the general public, yet Guidelines excludes them. DGA process didn't even look at studies on weight loss, when >42% of adults now w/ obesity.
Tagline of this DGA is "make every bite count," yet did not reduce 10% of calories as sugar, as recommended by the expert committee. Sugar is not just 'empty calories'--it raises blood sugar and over time high blood sugars lead to diabetes (+ increase vulnerability to Covid)
Today! 11-3PM ET, tweet to #DelaytheDGA until the expert panel includes ALL the science in the Dietary Guidelines expert report. Currently all trials on weight loss, low-carb excluded. Sat fat reviews of last 10y excluded. @HouseAgGOP@HouseAgDems@HouseAppropsGOP@AppropsDems 1/
DGA has no advice for anyone diagnosed w/ chronic illness including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease, etc. Even tho these are DIET-related diseases. Obesity now at 42.4% in US. #DelaytheDGA@HouseAgGOP@HouseAgDems@HouseAppropsGOP@AppropsDems 3/
Obesity continues to rise in the US. 42.4% among adults now. There was a prediction that we'd hit 50% by 2030, but seems like we'll get there sooner. Not surprising given that nearly all trials on weight loss excluded from our #DietaryGuidelines 1/…
Our nation's nutrition policy, affecting schools, military, feeding programs for elderly etc, is only for "healthy Americans"--USDA-HHS have decided. Even though Congress said the #dietaryguidelines should be for the "general public." 2/
General public is now >60% of America w/ 1 or more chronic disease. Yet Guidelines are not for them. The current committee has also excluded virtually all low-carb science and all science that contradicts continued caps on sat fats. No matter ur views, this is bad science... 3/