A form filler that fills all inputs on a page with fake/dummy data. This productivity-boosting extension is a must for developers and testers who work with forms.
2️⃣ Window Resizer
This extension re-sizes the browser's window to emulate various resolutions. It is particularly useful for web designers and developers by helping them test their layouts on different browser resolutions.
3️⃣ Notion Clipper
Notion Clipper saves any page on the web to your Notion workspace.
daily. dev is the easiest way to stay updated on the latest programming news. Get all the content you love in one place -- CSS-Tricks, Smashing Magazine, web. dev, and +350 sources.
A Chrome DevTools extension for the open-source React JavaScript library. It allows you to inspect the React component hierarchies in the Chrome Developer Tools.
The Web Developer extension adds a toolbar button to the browser with various web developer tools. This is the official port of the Web Developer extension for Firefox.
Material UI is a set of components built based on the material design guidelines of Google.
Material UI consists of many accessible and configurable UI widgets.
Netlify is an intuitive Git-based workflow and powerful serverless platform to build, deploy, and collaborate on web apps. Considered as one of the easiest way to host your website.
2️⃣ GitHub
GitHub, Inc. is a provider of Internet hosting for software development and version control using Git. It is a platform where over 65 million developers shape the future of software, together.