Think the culture wars are hot now? Wait until we're 2 years into this insurrection investigation and the State security & intel apparatus have grown and adapted to prevent the next 'insurrection'. You wont be able to plan a protest or get a permit without being vetted by Feds.
And they wont really need to vet you for your protest or march permit bc by the time ypu apply for it you'll already be on their radar and theyll have viewed all your communications about it. They'll then deny you for reasons attached to 1/6, securitu, terrorism, etc.
Unless of course you're a liberal group, then your permit will be signedand you can protest, destroy, burn, and loot to your hearts content. Just wait. It'll happen.
"We regret to inform you, Mr. @JackPosobiec that your application for a protest permit for the 'March for the Constitution' is denied. Your social media history, and possible affiliation with known and unknown right wing hate groups, miltitias, insurrectionists, or domestic...
terrorists is what led us to this decision. The Government is unable to guarantee security at such an event, and in light of the events of 1/6 expect you understand our position. Should you wish to appeal, and win you will be granted a permit for that allows 30-50 individuals...
to gather in a pre-established and well cordoned free speech zone that is both away from traffic, and any government buildings. We appreciate your cooperation and feel free to apply for a permit at any time."
Aaaand this is how it will go down.
"Mr. @DineshDSouza , we regret to inform you that your movie premier is now classified under the new domestic terrorism laws as a political event or protest due to the nature of the attendee's and the possibility of their known or unknown affiliation with right wing hate...
groups, militias, or domestic terrorists. To hold such an event the new guidelines require you receive a permit from local, state, and federal government. We, the federal government, deny your permit at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."
Wildly impressive and something we will never see in the U.S. Putin just spent 3+ hours answering live unscripted questions from the Russian people. He didnt threaten any citizens with F15s or Nukes either.
English translated version:
People seem to be missing the point of what I am showing. The unscripted nature of this with a bunch of avg to low quality questions allows Putin to shine. Solid Propaganda. The tough questions get through allow him to seem fair. Its propaganda. Just the opposite of what we do.
In the US we have people read from notecards that were handed out by party members as they entered the room. The candidate responds with a formulaic answer. Now one benefits. We get talking points. I want to see Trump, Bernie, AOC, DeSantis, Cruz, all of then do this.
This slide shows the BLARNEY program, which has the SIGAD, or SIGINT Activity Designator US-984 and the PDDG, or Producer Designator Digraph AX. The slide says that BLARNEY collects DNR (telephony) and DNI (internet) communications under authority of the FISA court.
The main targets of the program are diplomatic establishments, terrorists, foreign governments and economic targets. And they can always collect and store 2 hops away from the target without breaking their own rules.
Tom Chivers, the fucking insane Science Editor over at UnHerd, argues that screwing an already dead, oven-ready chicken before cooking and eating it isn't immoral. So, why should sex with a living horse be any different?…
The American left is genuinely nuts if they think these arguments are sound, or the practices anything other than immoral. We're so close in so many places in America to becoming the Weimar Republic. If you dont understand, let review the sexual attitudes in Weimar Germany.
Weimar Berlin's omnisexual erotomania was fueled by a cocaine craze. Look to areas of liberal drug usage in the US and you'll find these same practices in cultural depravity.
Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.
Emmanuel Goldstein's The Theory and Practice of Oligarchic Collectivism
1984, by George Orwell
How did The Party control thr masses? Newspeak, surveillance, state-controlled media and propaganda, demagoguery, fear, persecution, the manipulation of history and the systematic erosion of facts and truth.
The rulers, the inner party, want the rest of the people to be dehumanized so that they can only experience hate, fear, triumph, and love of Big Brother. Through limiting mankind to these ideas and emotions they can control almost everyone.
If you're posting from an iPhone you're not marginalized or having 'the struggles'. The slaves, however, who mined the cobalt in your iPhone are.
If BLM and CRT propagandists were honest about their station in life and actually wanted to be the freedom fighters ghey so claim to be they'd be abolitionists physically fighting and killing those holding slaves black slaves. But they arent.