🚨 How should authorities communicate about #covid19 vaccines? A concern is that transparency about side-effects will induce hesistancy. In our new paper in @PNASNews, we show that even if transparency induces hesistancy, it is key for sustaining a core resource: Trust. 🧵 [1/7]
In 2 pre-registered tests with 13,000+ Americans & Danes, we show how transparency & content of vaccine info shapes acceptance, trust & conspiracy beliefs. We compare transparency with an often used form of communication in patient-doctor relationships: Vague reassurance. [2/7]
We show that transparency regarding negative features of a COVID-vaccine decreases acceptance. Importantly, so does vague reassuring communication ("Don't worry - it is fine!"). Vagueness is, in essence, seen as a cover-up. [3/7]
Moreover, vague communication also induces conspiracy beliefs and decreases trust in health authorities. Transparency, even if it reveals negative features, doesn't fuel conspiracies and *increases* trust. [4/7]
Trust is a critical resource. "Political cynicism" (i.e., mistrust) is the major predictor of overall skepticism regarding COVID-vaccines, even more so than the perceived personal threat from the disease. [5/7]
And among those who are already mistrusting, transparency has no effect. When trust is lost, authorities have lost their ability to reach the public. [6/7]
All in all, transparency about negative features *will* induce hesistancy. But losing long-term trust is likely a far greater challenge. These findings serve as a clear warning to those motivated to downplay negative info with the short-term goal of not hurting acceptance. [7/7]
We surveyed experiences of victims in 30 countries across the world (N=15,202) to show that political & economic inequality drive global differences in abuse on online platforms:
Our preregistered study show that experiences of being a victim to online hostility vary widely. West Europeans experience political hostility less than once a month but hostility is much higher in other parts of the world. 2/12
These differences reflect basic societal conditions of inequality. Political equality (i.e., presence of democracy) is highly correlated with online abuse (corr = -.69) as is economic inequality (corr = .45). 3/12
“The unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off. And so, we’re going to continue doing so, until the end. That’s the strategy,” said Macron during the COVID-19 pandemic
In a new article, we show the risks of such moralized cost-imposition:
Similar, but less strong, rethoric was used by the Danish primeminister during a press conference on Nov 8, 2021.
During the time, we collected daily representative surveys of trust in the response etc. in the @HopeProject_dk. 2/7
@HopeProject_dk Our findings show that, as result of the press conference, unvaccinated lost 11 %-points of trust in the response. It also decreased their motivation to contribute to the collective action problem of reducing infections as well as their felt ability to cope with the pandemic. 3/7
I was asked by the board of the Danish National Research Foundation, @GrundforskFond, to give a talk at their annual meeting.
They asked me to talk under the theme: "Preprints"
Here is what I said 👇
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@GrundforskFond A key challenge facing the dissemination of knowledge is delays in publication ().
The social sciences are hard hit. 18 months from submission to publication in Economics & this is only *if* the paper is accepted in that journal. 2/18 sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
@GrundforskFond The evidence suggest that the delay is getting worse, not better, over time (). This is mostly due to increased time in review.
@concitoinfo Tal fra @ HopeProject_dk viser, at der ikke er helt aMMW konsensus om hårde instrumenter som skatter og afgifter, men selv er der kun ca. 30 %, der er uenige: 3/8 https://t.co/yV5W77QaHxgithub.com/Hopeproject202…
The Danish government has appointed me to direct a 5-year audit of Danish democracy in the 21st century: ufm.dk/aktuelt/presse…
Political scientists can think of Dahl's classic, "Who Governs?", but for an entire country. It is a monumental research challenge.
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Parliament-initiated studies of power & democracy constitute a Scandinavian tradition. The last Danish study ended in 2003. In the following year Facebook was launched & fundamental societal changes have happened since. 2/5
A core focus is thus how and whether "slow-speed" democracy is fundamentally threatened by current "high-speed" society -- characterised by rapid technological innovation, increasing problem complexity, fast-paced media reporting & rising inequality. 3/5
I denne tråd skitserer jeg det, der ligger forude, og nogle af de udfordringer, som demokratiet står foran i det 21. århundrede.
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Magtudredninger er en særlig skandinavisk tradition, hvor parlamentet beder uafhængige forskere om at vurdere om de - og andre magtaktører - lever op til demokratiets idealer og udstyrer forskerne med væsentlige ressourcer til den opgave. 2/14
Én gang tidligere har man gennemført en magtudredning i DK (magtudredningen.dk). Bl.a. under overskriften "et ganske levende demokrati" konkluderede man, at DKs demokrati var robust, og at forskydningerne af magt i høj grad var politisk bestemte & dermed under kontrol. 3/14