"'With the treatment, these residents can continue to participate in enriching experiences, enjoy visits with their families and, most importantly, live in safety and freedom from self-injurious and aggressive behaviors,' it said."
In what world is getting shocked 100 times a day completely out of your control, due to behaviors as innocuous as getting out of your chair, or wanting a drink, or any other regular life thing, living "in safety and freedom"?
In what world is that somehow better than performing self-injurious behavior (likely because that person is in pain and that is how they are COPING, there's literal research on this on the "Why ABA is Harmful" page on my site that explains this).
Tell me how they (or anyone) can "enjoy visits with their families" while being electrically shocked and causing 2nd and 3rd degree burns because of it.
"Congress has explicitly prohibited the FDA from regulating the practice of medicine"
Here is a quote from the research on self-injurious behaviors, and specifically why ABA is utterly unhelpful at "treating" them:
"…physiological responses resulting in pain from non-suicidal self-injury can be an attempt to heal psychological pain or other pain," [cont]
"especially for individuals with an insufficient stress response...Research has been fairly transparent that a high proportion of children with ASD..use challenging behavior as a form of expression,"
"and even if the behavior is ignored the child will still engage in [self-injurious behavior (SIB)] in order to try to communicate (Chiang, 2008)...A Functional Behavior Assessment or Analysis (FBA) is a method that is widely used in Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy"
"[The FBA] has been inappropriately applied to address SIB to develop hypotheses as to the internal, invisible processes within a child in order to determine why they are engaging in SIB…"
the conclusions for the functions of [self-injurious behavior] reached [in ABA] are varied, inconsistent, and without any scientific basis. Therefore, any treatment recommendations that are derived from an FBA should be considered unreliable"
"since the assessment method in it of itself is unscientific, as it attempts to measure an unobservable construct, which is outside of the sphere of behaviorism and should only be performed by someone trained in psychology..."
"It is unclear why one would think these responses are appropriate for someone who is engaging in SIB since these responses do not follow any evidenced-based treatment. A psychologist would not respond to any client this way after discovering their client..is engaging in SIB"
And the actual study is called Treating Self-Injurious Behaviors in autism spectrum disorder, by Shkedy et al. 2019, link is here - tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…
The part I added I will tweet here so you can copy and paste into your message:
"I would also like you to push to ban the GED device that the FDA previously banned the use of, but has just been overturned by the D.C. Circuit Court." 1/3
"The Judge Rotenburg Center tortures autistic people and people with intellectual disabilities with this shock device.
The GED is abusive. Shocking autistic people and people with intellectual disabilities for not taking their coat off fast enough is abusive."
"To learn more, please follow the #StopTheShock hashtag on twitter.
Please push the FDA to ban the GED device outright, and to prevent the restraint and abuse of all autistic people and people with intellectual disabilities in the US."
A primary source, someone who literally went to JRC. This is what the Circuit Court is allowing.
JRC was an appointed guardian over this person, which is why their parent couldn't just take them out of JRC. This is utterly terrifying. 1/9
TRIGGER WARNING - restraint, electric shock, abuse, seclusion, lack of privacy, manipulation
What follows is a quote from the video:
"It lasts 2 seconds but it feels like 10-15 seconds. The feeling is like this pulsing, pulling, yanking, burning sensation that they get in your arm, leg, whatever spot they shock you in. It doesn't go through your whole body,"
If anyone wants to "approve" this they should have to undergo the electric shocks themselves before they get to officially decide.
This is f*cking barbaric.
"The ruling was a victory for the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center and a group of parents and guardians of its students, which had challenged the regulation."
Notice they didn't say it was a victory for the STUDENTS.
It was Not a victory for the disabled students themselves.
Is it really so hard to believe autistic people?
Are neurotypicals taught to disbelieve other people's experiences? To gaslight? To ignore what is being communicated?
I honestly don't know of autistic people who would immediately disbelieve someone's internal experience. 2/5
I'm not joking when I say, is this a neurotypical empathy deficit?
Do they assume no one's experiences as disabled people are true? Or they can't fathom it?
Why is it so hard for them to Just. Believe. Us.
I think it's worse that people perceive(d) me to be a girl/woman, and because of that, the change in pitch I had to show to mask would be ridiculous.
People don't seem to judge cis men as much regarding tone. It felt like an absurd unnecessary constraint on communication. 2/5
For me masking or really more "mimicking" NT tone that other people wanted from me was akin to a person on the street having to put on clown makeup & a red nose everyday.
It has just never made sense. And it's so easy to tell (with people I know well) when my tone is "wrong" 3/5