It took the sound about 30sec to reach the camera. Sound travels at about 340m/sec. Thats roughly 10,200m. This person is filming from about 6.3-6.5miles away.
In 1956 The Biderman Report was released to evaluate and expose the Communist Coercive Methods for Eliciting Individual Compliance of Captured American Servicemen. It isolated 8 methods of Coercion used against American POW's. These 8 Methods are now being used against Americans
The Methods: Isolation, Monopolization of Perception, Induced Debility & Exhaustion, Threats, Occasional Indulgences, Demonstrate Omnipotence, Degradation, and Enforcement of trivial demands.
Deprives Victim of all Social support and ability to resist. Develops intense concern with self.
Makes victim dependent on captor.
Many establishment democrats arent communists or socialists, unlike a lot of rank and file democrat voters who are. Those at the top are political opportunists that use any means to consolidate power for themselves. They'd happily sit atop a pile of shit if it was deemed valuable
This isnt to say the AOC and her Acolytes arent socialists. But the swampy constantly in power Dems (Feinstein, Schiff, Harris, and the hundreds of other congress critters) are just looking for money and perpetual power as any aristocrat does, even if that is at the expense us.
The problem with messaging on the right is that labelling them communists or socialists doesnt matter to them. They dont view that as a negative. They actually see a lot of good in those systems, which is difficult to understand. Its part of why they are rarely on defense.
Biden will get an * going in to 2024. They arent removing him. I suspect these audits will take us right up to 24' timeframe. Theyll be used as debate meat and by the time they are all over we'll be "voting" again.
Its bc the powers that be, the bureaucratic machine, the beltway, the establishment - whatever you want to call them arent necessarily responsive. Theyre proactive. They create narrative and situation, they drive events and control perception. These audits arent removing Biden.
I follow some Anti-Colonial, Haitian Nationalists and a few things Ive learned about their perspective: 1) The people have been calling for mobilization against Pres/PM since 7 Feb 2) US/UN/OAS/France/Canada are blamed almost exclusively for Haitian Political corruption
3) Foreign aligned militia/death squads work at the behest of a corrupt govt
4)Current de fact PM Claude Joseph is considered a puppet and was apparently a member of CIA's fake student movement GRAFNEH
5) The political movement of average Haitians wants complete reform devoid of foreign interests 6) They are claiming Commandos appeared to pose as America Agency members, possibly (DEA) to get close to Pres. target
7)They (Haitian Nationalists) do not appear upset over this event
DELTA Propaganda begins, fall lockdowns incoming. Govt will blame vaccine hesitancy and evolving strains for this need. Any bad interactions with door-to-door vaccination efforts will be cited.
Protection vs C19
>Alpha 95%
>Beta 72%
>Delta 64%
>Lambda ?…
At Wednesday's GOP-led hearing on the COVID-19 origins, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci's actions and statements at the beginning of the pandemic. But something far more important was largely ignored or missed by many.
The conversation that happens from about 10:40 onward reveals a startling bit of information that had been relegated to conspiracy theory in the internet until now. 23&Me DNA, among other DNA servicing companies ship the specimen to China who has been buying up more DNA...
Sequencing machines than any place in the world. This gave the CCP a framewwork or target for their gain of function research (which we funded) so they knew what and how to target mostly european or white middle to upper class America. Why middle and upper class America?