Voor context waarom ik zo boos... ehh... nee, teleurgesteld ben:
Uit het laatste RIVM weekrapport bleek dat vorige week in de Horeca véél mensen werden besmet, maar...
... van veel besmettingen is de bron onbekend (niet-horeca). Dus alleen dáár maatrelen nemen, is onvoldoende.
Wat? Een "Exponentiele" stijging. 📈
Waar? "In de Randstad, Brabant en specifiek in studentensteden"
🧵The Deltavariant is absolutely RIPPING through the Dutch youth.
Cases rose quickly from ECDC 'Green' to 'RED; in just 6 days.📈
After that, it took Delta *ONLY 3 days* to push the daily number of cases from 'Red' to 'Dark Red'.🚀
- June 26th: The Netherlands🇳🇱 lifted almost all restrictions.
- June 27th: the number of cases was 504.
- July 8th: the number of cases reached. 6.984
Delta showed that a 13.8 fold increase in 13 days is not only *possible*, its EASY.