First thread.

Ok really a repost of an old one, but with all the Luciferian symbology and games being at the fore right now, I decided this was more important to repost than some of my other stuff. IE Antarctica, Maps, etc.

So lets dive in!
Expansion on a video by Chuck Swindoll
First let me address the elephant in the room. No, this is NOT by THE Charles Swindoll.
This video is actually by his son, Charles Swindoll Jr, who for all intents and purposes appears to be someone who keeps up with Cue, and also understands the Great Awakening.…
He is in a VERY unique place to have his fathers HUGE Biblical background at his disposal, but it does appear that he has gone his own way as far as Religion itself goes.…
Here is the video in question. Before you watch, make sure you put your rigid belief structures on the shelf. This will shake you to the core if you already didn’t know this information.
So, with those out of the way, lets take a look at the video slides themselves, and let’s break them down even farther than Chuck did. First the Table of Contents as it were.
First slide. Not much to add here.
This next slide is where we start to get into some meat. He is touching on the ideas of Natural Law, and Nature: Red of Tooth and Claw. Also, the duality that we find in all things. Black/White, Good/Evil, Up/Down, Light/Dark etc. ad nauseum.
If you are not familiar with the term Natural Law, it is the law by which all Luciferians live. I will touch on it later, but logically it’s a very enticing thought process, survival of the fittest etc. But it’s a hugely slippery slope morally in my opinion.
This next slide starts laying out who all is involved in this. Pretty much everyone. He did leave out entertainers. Meaning sports, music, movie, TV, stage et all.
As Cue says, those whom you trust the most. Clergy, First Responders, Politicians, Doctors, Bankers, Scientists. If you know their name, they are involved.
It would be a rare person who was able to stay above this and still succeed. It would be a self-made man, someone who was known as a visionary and a rogue.
Someone who doesn’t play well with others (by the Others standards, which we want no part of). Someone plain spoken and blunt. Gee.. who does that sound like?
Moving on, this next slide hints that the Apple in the Eden story, aka the Fruit of Forbidden Knowledge, is metaphor for something else. Something literal? Or something physical? Or something emotional? I have myself heard two different versions of the Luciferian Garden story.
The one shown here, and another that says that Cain was borne by Lilith. While Able was Eves firstborn. But I believe the Lilith version is just a distraction, perhaps invented by the Satanic witches to make themselves more important, as they all view Lilith as their crown Mother
This next slide touches on one of the hardest things for people to potentially digest. This is the OLDEST religion in the world. Period. It truly goes back to the beginning.
I will toss out a couple of books that I have read that are relevant to the discussion as we go.…
This is the first mention of Lucifer being a 4th dimensional being in this video. I have only in the past couple of years heard this espoused, specifically about demons, but in many ways, it makes sense.
In order for God to be as powerful as he is given credit for (all seeing and all knowing) it would take a being of a higher dimensional order to achieve that given the laws governing our universe.…
Also, this is the first hit on child sacrifice. Most of us who research Cue have touched on this subject at one point or another, and have learned the Baal/Moloch origins of the practice.
6th slide tackles who qualifies to be a Luciferian. This is the origin of the term, Blue Bloods. While utilized to mean the upper echelons of society, its actually a literal term meaning those of the blood of Satan.
It is also interesting that the lines follow a Matrilinear format, similar to Judaism. I will just leave that at that, as I believe that modern day Judaism has little to do with traditional Judaism, except in rare cases. But that’s a tale for another thread.
Now to the bloodlines. Here is where you can get a direct copy of the bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier.…
Yes, it’s a CIA link. This is a grouping of books that were found in Osama Bin Ladens compound… strange topic for the head of Al Qaida no? IMO this is a pdf worth downloading and hanging on to.
This paragraph from the introduction to Springmeier’s book, should set the tone for the rest of what you are about to discover.
The Merovingian bloodline is perhaps the most interesting, as some claim that this is Jesus bloodline directly. Others think that these claims were set up to obfuscate the truth of the bloodline’s Satanic origins. Either way, to the Luciferians, this is the most sacred bloodline.
Also, the Merovingian is a character in the Matrix movies. An older “program” who controls and sells information for a “price”. The Matrix movies are perhaps some of the MOST blatant shows of hidden history out of all.
Swindoll mentions the Amalekites as one of the ancient lines of the Luciferians, but they trace back through MANY races over the millennia. Babylonians, Phoenicians, Hittites, Canaanites, Tartarians, Khazarians. ALL of them have been Luciferian in origin, belief and practice.
So, basically, Luciferians believe that Cain and Able were fraternal twins. With Cains father being Satan, and Ables being Adam. Talk about Demon seed. Funny enough, fiction is rife with Demons coupling with women.
It rarely ends well for the mother, as Demon spawn don’t feel much in the way of love for their mother…
This next one is pretty easy to illustrate, but I will do it in a different way. Back in 2011 or so, a supposed mysterious Rothschild jumped on the GodLikeProductions discussion board, and opened up an open Q&A.
Reading this now and looking back leads me to believe that this was definitely a high Luciferian.
Take the time to read quite a way into that. There are some REAL gems in there, including references to Natural Law etc. But also, how they are raised is addressed pretty well over a few posts. Its eye opening to say the least.
It’s also VERY easy to see the lack of compassion or normal morals in people like Hillary (What does it matter at this point anyway???) Bill (I did not have sex with that woman!) Epstein, and so many others that could be mentioned.
Lying is as natural to them as breathing. Whatever it takes to get to your goals.
We have always wondered how the politicians can get up and bald faced lie to us regularly, and not even seem to care about that fact. Well now you know how. Its about becoming a better Demon.
The next slide is some clarification of the structure of their belief in the Godhood. Notice that they DO believe in God, they just believe he is such an unreachable force, that they don’t bother, and settle for the lesser Lucifer as the most potent entity available.
Now the phrase “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” was brought forth in modern times by Aleister Crowleys perversion of Wicca called Thelema. Wicca, at least the non-black versions, all operate on the line “An ye harm none, do as ye will”.
Notice the difference? See how we believe based on the falsehoods that have been shoved down our gullets? “Wicca is bad, period.”
Actually no. If you do even a modicrum of reading, the followers of Wicca are no different than Hindus, Jews or Christians, they just have a different dogma that they follow. Good is still good, evil is still evil, and recognized as such.
Also, deception, beguilement, coercion are all within the realm of ok with these people. Its up to US to figure out what they are doing. As soon as we comply, we have given full permission to them for whatever machinations they have in mind for us. This is their code.
Natural Law drives all of this. Survival of the fittest. Its cold, its raw, its real, but it lacks all human components. It reduces us to nothing more than animals with nothing but instinct to guide us. Thought, gratitude, love, all outside Natural Law.
To understand more, read the Rothschild board drop above. Read ALL of it.
The Luciferians believe that they are superior to us. They have the blood of Satan, we are just mere men. But they believe, and in this case that’s what counts, that this gives them the authority to rule over us.
You have heard of the attitude of the Aristocracy towards regular people? We are nothing more than slaves to them. In reality, we are nothing more than cattle to be fed upon, but that’s for later.
We have no idea what our true history is. None. Zero. We think we know based on Biblical input, and some other things like the Gilgamesh Epic, but other than that we really do not know our true past. But if you think that we evolved from the apes….
Consider this. Lets look at Myth. Myth as history has a lot of validity. Not taken literally, any more than we take every story in the Bible as literal. But more allegorical. There is much evidence that we are not the first peak civilization on Earth.
In fact, we may not even be the 2nd, or the 3rd. We could be as many as 7-8 civilization peaks to now. Consider all of the Myth, and physical evidence we have. Stonehenge, Pyramids, Tiahuanaco, Atlantis, Mu, Shangri-La, etc etc….
Things that live on, and that we can SEE with our own eyes. Things we cannot reproduce using even our most modern tech. We would struggle to even move a stone of the size shown below…
So there is much to our past history that has been hidden from us. Veiled by lies and deception, as a control mechanism. Now who does that sound like? Sounds more like the behavior of Satanists than Godly folk.
Then we get into the abuse to force people and their children, into behavior patterns. No love there, that’s purely mechanical thinking.
Creation of a narcissist. They have this down to an art form. In their view, a narcissist is the purest form of Satanic perfection. No love, no compassion, no caring, only self and winning. MKUltra is another way used on cattle. .
A great book on the remote viewing part of it is this one.…
Basically, the whole idea is to psychically break the child so that there is no love, no compassion, no giving, no caring. Only competition to be the winner.
You can see that in many who we suspect to be part of this group. Win at all costs, the ends justify the means. The lies, the deception. Its all part and parcel of this process.
We know that the bloodlines are purposely confused, and the children passed around the families to break and exploit. So that’s how a Clinton is actually a Rockefeller, or a Alefantis is a Rothschild.
Slide 14 pretty much says it all. You HAVE to let go of what you think you know. What you think is true. What you think is Good even. EVERYTHING IS NOT AS IT SEEMS. Those who you trust the most. Remember that.
Think back to above, where I referenced Bill Clintons bold faced lie about “I did not have sex with that woman”. Read slide 15 and understand, its part of their belief system..
They don’t HAVE to tell us the truth, in fact, they are encouraged to lie and deceive as a matter of day to day interaction
Money given to charities and philanthropic funds are also funding this behavior. STOP FALLING INTO THE TRAP. Yes, there are good charities, but it is up to YOU to find them and do the research yourself If you choose to continue to give that way.
I can’t add to slide 16 any. Bottom line is personal responsibility is the key. Always has been, always will be. Quit shirking your duties and blaming others. We are here because everyone tried to take the easy way out. We can’t do that anymore. We ALL have to be responsible.
17 illustrates where the 800,000 children a YEAR in the US alone go missing. That’s 0.2% of the population that flat out goes missing each year. Tie that in with the number of abortions, 650,000, and that is nearly 1.5 MILLION children that never get to grow up in the US yearly.
Im going to take a second for a small aside. The Red Cross. Founded in Switzerland, obviously has some Deep State connections, as they have been caught running money around, but I want to show something else.
Adrenochrome is carried by blood. Abusers drink blood product to obtain the Adrenochrome. But I also believe that they consume regular blood consistently as well.
Let’s take the recent COVID scare. Hospitals were shutting down, people were locked up and not going anywhere, yet the Red Cross was still complaining about needing blood donations. Why?
Fewer accidents needing transfusions. Fewer elective surgeries needing transfusions. The only things happening were life and death surgeries. But they were still saying they needed more blood.
Where the hell is all that blood going? Just think about it for a bit. It shouldn’t take that much to connect the dots.
Back to 17. Think of all the blood from the sacrifices and aborted babies. I wonder if they get adrenochrome from the abortions as well? Sorry, that’s a disturbing thought, but I wouldn’t put it past them. We know that the abortion industry IS part of the sacrifice to Satan.
With all of those kids missing yearly, the FBI and CIA don’t track missing children. That’s left up to local authorities? Why? Maybe because they are BOTH complicit in it? FBI and CIA will be cleaned or dismantled because of the level of corruption involved.
Now 18 starts to get into an area I’ll admit I am weak on. I’ve converted to electromagnetic universe thinking, but I haven’t distilled it down to the human body yet. Although neurons and such ARE an electro-impulse.
To take this to a logical conclusion, the 4th dimensional beings must not exist in an electromagnetic universe, that’s why they value our energy so highly. There is the Matrix reference again, Coppertop….
As I write this it becomes more clear. We are a bounty of electromagnetic energy, in full accord with nature and all that is around us, because of the electromagnetic universe. All effects All. We are both positive and negative, Ying and Yang, wrapped into one. Interesting.
Ok wow, another epiphany. All life is electromagnetic. Durrr.. that should have been obvious I guess, but it wasn’t to me, till now. Again, this is the draw that we are to them. That electromagnetic life force that they can consume.
The Universe is a big place. Kek. That it is. Please read the attached photos for the full skinny. But like stated, to assume that we are the only form of intelligent life within the vastness of the Universe is foolhardy at best.
So to credit Lucifer with being THE Evil, is to accord it too much credit. It is not ALL of anything. It merely IS Evil.
I am going to add to the Egyptian remnants in our Religions. Amen. Think that’s a word that Jesus used? Most likely not. Perhaps the Jews in Egypt, as its an Egyptian God. Originated 2000 BCE.
Or how about this, the name of Israel itself. Is(is) Ra El. Once you’ve seen it, you can’t go back. It’s all a deception.
21 gets into the Luciferians world view. I will add that this is probably where our modern art has come from. Ugly is beautiful. It’s a standard Satanic inversion, and is present in all that they infiltrate. Art died in the 1900’s
This can also explain why music, TV and Movies have moved on from the beautiful and uplifting to the Dark, dank and depressing. Almost all TV and Movies have dark overtones in the way they are presented. Music as well. Degrading filth.
This next slide is going to perhaps be the toughest of all for the dogmatic religionist to accept. Remember, this is written by Chuck Swindoll Jr, son of one of the great Pastors of our time. So his foundation is solid.
He is not saying that there is no right or wrong. What he is saying is that the idea of sin, and therefore being FROM SIN, is a control mechanism. Dig into where the true origin of the word Sin is from. Hint, Ancient area in India named Sind….
I can go on and extrapolate more, and perhaps at a later date I will. But small bits at a time. If I were to go full tilt I’d piss many off and they would leave in a huff. I don’t want that. You can DM me if you want more guidance to the information out there.
Moving forward to slide 23. Have you heard people discussing seeing people’s “aura”? I believe that is exactly what is being referenced here. Interestingly enough, aura is another word for the halo that surrounds the heads of divinity.
And now we land smack dab in the middle of it. Loosh. The energy that the 4th dimensional beings feed on. Taken directly from us. They WANT the pain induced Loosh because it satisfies their hunger.
Loosh is the 4th dimensional equivalent to Adrenochrome. Derived in the same fashion from the same sources for the same reasons.
Children provide the purest and most powerful loosh. This is why they are so desired for the sacrifice. You could consider an abortion clinic a Loosh factory.
. If we could detect these beings, I’m sure they swarm each and every abortion clinic out there. Youngest, most terrified. Perfect storm.
Now we get to the rough ones. Slide 25 describes, in detail, the ultimate act of harvesting Adrenochrome. Not much I can, or want to add to that other than to comment on the 30 million practitioners number. That is a full 10% of the population. 1 in 10 people.
Ultimately, that means that you KNOW someone who has participated in this behavior. Probably several! If that isn’t enough to turn your stomach, I don’t know what will.
Thinking back on people I have known in the past, I can imagine a couple. But odds are someone I interact with daily is also involved.
26 is the uber descriptive one. But the last sentence holds a real humdinger that I will expand on greatly.
Vampirism is very real. This is something that I have been saying for months now, as my digging, and historical knowledge background, AND my questionable choices in TV and Movie viewing have all come to play here.
Firstly, lets discuss what we know of Vampires because of books, TV and Movies. No, Twilight doesn’t count. Underworld, Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman one), Interview with a Vampire, Bram Stokers Dracula, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Blade. I could go on and on.
In general, we all know they drink blood. They have to continue to drink blood because regular food is poison to them. They have a sensitivity/Death to sunlight. Silver kills them.
Read through this article on Sanguinarians, and pay attention to disorders it might treat, and symptoms it can cause.…
What the article doesn’t go on to state, is that hemochromatosis can actually cause you to have to continue to consume blood. And that regular food might become unpalatable if not making you nauseous.
I haven’t found the link to silver yet. LOL.
Now, lets examine something else that is very interesting. Not long ago, Prince Charles stated that he was descended from Vlad the Impaler.
Vlad the Impaler is of course the “inspiration” for Dracula. Transylvania is in Romania, where Vlad ruled. He also was known for his brutal ways of dealing with enemies, hence the Impaler part of his name.…
Although not documented, it is rumored that Vlad drank the blood of his enemy’s infants. No doubt to cow the recently conquered, but it is also possible that there was another reason for it. Alchemy.
Alchemy, the ancient science of trying to turn things into gold. Or so everyone thinks. What its real goal and purpose was, was to create a Philosophers Stone.…
One of the properties of this stone was extended longevity and youthfulness. It was also found in liquid form. Now, go do an image search for Philosophers Stone. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Lol. What color was this stone?
Ok, now take a look at this picture.
So yes, Adrenochrome can be a solid. Its also usually a liquid, red in color, imparts youthful looks and added longevity.
Get what I’m putting down here? The ancient search for the Philosophers stone was really an allegory for the harvesting of adrenochrome. This has been known for millennia. This is NOT a new thing.
Also notice WHO were known Alchemists. Royalty, members of the Illuminati, leading lights in arts and science. Sound familiar? In fact, up until about 30 years ago, alchemists were looked down upon as evil.
Most of this information about its history has only come to light recently. I wonder why……
With all of that said, its entirely possible the Vlad was knowingly drinking the blood of babies for the Adrenochrome. And we have a known pedo, Prince Charles, pretty openly admitting that he’s a direct descendant. Too many coincidences there.
Ok moving forward again. Sorry for the sidetrack. Been wanting to get that out there for awhile now.
Slide 27. I am going to sum this one up with a word that I have based my life around. Introspection. Learn and embrace yourself. ALL of it. Even the darkness. Learn to cope with it, learn to deal with it. Once you know yourself, no one can manipulate you.
Once we become self aware, aware of our place in the Universe, and aware of our relationship with the Universe and God, we have achieved Truth.
As always, thank you for reading. This was a tough one, as many sensitive subjects were touched on. I am sure not all will agree with me. I am good with that. I put this out there merely as an aid to those who were seeking deeper meanings. Not all want that.
I will follow back all Patriots. If you enjoyed this thread, please check out my pinned tweet for many more exciting digs and mapping projects.

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13 Jul
New thread inbound. Symbology of Pyramids and Triangles.
Have you ever wondered why certain symbols stand out and seem to last through the ages? The Crescent Moon or Bull horns, The Pentagram or 5 petal rose, The Pyramid and Triangle to name a few. ImageImageImage
We will focus on the Pyramid and Triangle in this thread. I will show its probable origin, and then move forward with its modern day use and meanings. In the middle we will cover many many things as always lol. Image
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11 Jul

Guess some of you have been wondering where I’ve been.

Well after the unceremonious boot was given to me and many like me, I decided I needed a bit of a break.

That break turned into some introspection and deeper thought about all of what we have learned.
That break turned into some introspection and deeper thought about all of what we have learned. Plus, a new job that requires 6 days a week 12 hours a day. With very little downtime to peruse and learn.
So here I am, the same, but different. I’ve decided that a MUCH longer view is needed for events that unfold before us as we were shown. I have no tolerance for the NOW crowd anymore. Begone. You don’t have the fortitude or wherewithal for this long war. Because it IS a war.
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