Following the horrors of the WWII, a and the Nürnberg Trials, since 1964 to the very date The Declaration of Helsinki has been a comprehensive golden standard of ethics for medical research but also medical practice.
I trust we remain commited to fully object totalitarianism. /3
My concern about the violation of The Declaration of Helsinki, in Helsinki, is where I would hope to get insight from the members of the WMA including - but not limited to - colleagues, as well as others, tagged in this Tweet.
The issue about to the Constitution is optional. /4
For the Finns who might follow the Tweet there is a link to The Declaration of Helsinki in Finnish below. It has been released under the pages of the Finnish Medical Association. /5
Unfortunately I cannot tag the FMA to this thread because my freedom of speech has been - moderated - by the Editor of the Finnish Medical Journal, @PekkaNykanen.
He also purged me from discussing on the FMA's internal web pages. My money is good for the FMA. Heterodoxy - not./6
The Constitution has been quite solid but it is facing threats from left wing totalitarians, and their supporters, such as @anna_maja, @MarinSanna, @liandersson etc. In short, people with unfounded fears. /7
Finland has a good reputation in many regards. Not all of them are deserved.
One such thing is @anticorruption. @TransparencyFI, @Corruption_SA@OCCRP do not consider Finland a corrupt country. The sole reason for that is people do not get convicted of corruption - good stats!/9
Also, save for organizations such as @THLorg, #FMA, @vihreat, @Demarit and so forth, not huge amounts of money typically changes hands.
Country with the population of 5.5M, with Helsinki (~1M) in particular, most of the corruption is "social currency."/10 @jonrappoport@jliski
We did have a major financial corruption scandal in 2018 where @THLorg and @GSK used an obsolete vaccine for vaccinating children against Pneumococcus and chose NOT to vaccinate the elderly who are the very patients at risk./11
This unauthorized experiment on Finnish children and elderly was run by @T_Puumalainen, a former employee of @GSK who wanted a juicy @THLorg career./13
The current Covid trial with experimental drugs, and which violates probably most of the items in the Declaration of Helsinki, is run by his close colleagues @OHelve and @HNohynek.
The inventor of mRNA technology @RWMaloneMD warns people of it.
In vain./14
But the thing about the previous corruption scandal did not sound quite kosher to me.
A number of doctors warned thousands of people will die as a results of the unauthorized experiment.
Only one spoke using his own name. The head of the @OYS_sairaala, Hannu Syrjälä.
One? /15
If but one individual dares speak with his own name - being the chief of one of the five university hospitals in Finland...
Who are the other doctors afraid of? @GSK? I don't think so.
The FMA is a powerful union. It would protect whistleblowers!
So while this all is, and has been in public, what is it - now?
It's this.
Kati Myllymäki accompanied by a goon from Valvira, Kirsi Liukkonen, appeared in media for doctors, namely @Laakariportaali. You need to have medical credentials to access it.
They didn't go public. /25
The reason they chose not to go public, just target doctors, is because they dictate doctors.
I would also argue that what they said would have been much too much to say in public.
A piece written by very talented @SannaTarvainen included text - which was but noise./26
"If you - speak - against scientific consensus (?), that constitute medical practice, and if perceived potentially harmful to individuals, it may lead to consequences."
That is just an euphemism to: "Shut up or your career is gone, you're dead meat."/27
Of course, by proxy, family etc. They will finish you. Public shaming goes with the protocol. The works.
@MaKriKaLi@TommiHNieminen Mietin, että pyydän joltakin pdf-kopion artikkelista, mutta johdanto kertoo jo koko tarinan. Tämä on @keijomedia-tasoista aktivismia.
- Päivi Räsänen sai syytteet homopuheista.
Niin sai, ja normaali artikkeli nostaisi tästä haloon, sanoisi sananvapauden olevan uhattu. Ei sano.
Tein itselleni kanavan @OdyseeTeam'n jos sinne saa siirrettyä roinaa @YouTube'sta ja muualta missä sensuuri koko ajan siivoaa nettiä heterodiksiasta. Odysee ja @LBRYcom ovat sisarkanavia. Ne toiminevat desentralisoidulla blockchainteknologialla, joten niitä on vaikeaa sensuroida.
Anyways, haastattelu on tuore. Rokotekuolemia USA:ssa nyt noin 12 000.
Sikainfluenssarokotteen kehitys lopetettiin 25 kuolemaan. @THLorg ja @mika_salminen haluaa tappaa lapsetkin. Ja raflat.
Rokotekuolemia on nyt jo lähes neljä kertaa kuin mikä oli 9/11:n uhriluku.
Hoffe kertoo, että, no, 25% rokotteesta jää lihakseen. Luku voi olla oikeakin, mutta idea oli että sinne jää 100% rokotteesta, ja silkka ajatus on naurettava.
Se kulkeutuu verenkiertoon, koko elimistöön, kertyy eniten luuytimeen ja munasarjoihin.
Hoffe puhuu hiussuonistosta ja D-dimeeristä. Tiedetään jo, tai ainakin minä tiedän, en tiedä Käypä hoito-lääkäreistä, että jo jokseenkin varhain Covid-1984 -plandemian alussa, ruumiinavauslöydöksissä Covid-potilailla kuolinsyy usein oli mikroembolia, hyytymä, usein keuhkoissa.