-“Index funds exist because security prices are nearly impossible to predict. So if expert computer modelers can’t yet predict temperatures in a single complex realm—climate—how can we take seriously BlackRock’s triple extrapolations of the climate, the economy and finance?”
“Who wants to bet BlackRock, which just won a first-of-its-kind approval to operate in China, won’t force every Chinese firm to submit to Mr. Fink’s climate vanities in the name of fiduciary risk management, or even saving the planet?”…
1/We started Coney Island Prep public charter school >12yrs ago to give kids
the right heroes
deep desire to learn
high expectation
to get into college & career of their choice
From 90 5th graders in a room in the projects to > 1100 scholars + 200 staff + 💯college acceptance
1/ Either we believe in the VIRTUE that people can (+ wish to) improve & be just a bit better than they were yesterday or we believe they are set in stone + unredeemable.
This was a chilling moment for me thinking of the "corrections" society seeks + the lives in this bus...
2/ Whether a serious crime or a thought crime
a transgression where someone did something considered WRONG today
But either
a) didn't know it was WRONG
(and error corrected on learning)
b) it wasn't considered WRONG
at the time they did it
3/ JUSTICE ought time travel JUSTLY
Standards change—We ought hold others to standard now + hence not past
-a past crime,newly discovered,gone unpunished but for evasion OUGHT BE punished
-a past act,deemed present offense,newly discovered,not previously punishable OUGHT NOT
3 big NEW products revealed from Lux family co @latchaccess
-LatchOS for commercial offices 🏢
-Latch Visitor Express 🎡🏟
-Latch ID 🆔💳
Here’s genius founder/CEO @LASchoenfelder explaining the news...
2/ LatchOS for commercial offices enables them to serve...
more than 50 million new potential users in powerful ways through their existing, product platform
3/ Latch Visitor Express—
changes how people experience new spaces for the 1st time, including some of the world’s most iconic properties
-Rockefeller Center ⛸
-Empire State Building 🗽
-Brookfield Place 🍎
by cynical "leaders" of political parties + well-intentioned others + foreign enemies fanning 🔥 NOT as nationalists but as populists seeking to destroy nation by dividing us into TRIBES + fueling US to hate EACH OTHER more than 'them'..
This doesn't mean disavowing disagreement—but rather finding nuance to see + criticize "others" as ERRED protagonists + not EVIL antagonists
3/ Were I foreign enemy set to weaken the US i 'd not attack it kinetically from OUTSIDE, but do it from INSIDE.
Create constant low-simmer civil war, deepen rifts, provoke tribal Us vs Them alliances recasting identity, rewrite history, dissolve MYTH of "United States" so that-