Soledad Ursua of Venice Neighborhood Council covers why the situation is getting worse. The TLDR is that the TAX dollars from H & HHH is being misused. You can see that interview here:
LAHSA (Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority) is supposed to be the joint powers of City & County to solve the homelessness. Heidi Marston, Executive Director of LAHSA has been too busy meeting with celebrities. As covered here in this news report:…
If the Audit isn't bad enough, The City is trying to dissolve LAHSA. Mitch O'Farrell that is part of L.A. City Council was asked: (1/2)
(2/2) how can people be placed in permanent homes if you don't know where there are. "That's a great point," he says. "That's LAHSA's job and they are not doing their job." Source:
Also PATH (People Assisting The Homeless) is a nonprofit whom at their HQ have homeless camping outside trying to get help. This measure that the City wants to pass would create unnecessary difficulty in that process and
the fact that want to include no encampments outside of Shelters also tells you how packed & the lack of shelters are.
So before jumping the gun and saying the homeless don't want the help is only a partial truth while those with no addiction of any kind & want off the streets suffer because individual homeless people doesn't get resources. DPSS (Department of Social Services) only helps families
or single parent with kid(s) with a moving voucher & four months of rental help. While the rest of us have to grind away. Source for DPSS:…
I have also gone hard on LAHSA and been publicly open about it. Recently more so in this thread here:
I have gone as far as emailing Helene Schneider regarding many problems going on. I have yet to get a response. she is the Regional Coordinator for U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness. My next step most likely Washington.
EVEN L.A. City Council wants out of the deal with the County because LAHSA was supposed to be a joint power between City & County. #SeizeTheHotels#HomelessLivesMatter