Tonight's "coding for fun" task is to figure out why we're running into a bit of a perf problem with MobX-State-Tree and MobX-React-Lite in a specific large data set situation.
I'm first going to try to replicate the conditions in a bare React Native app.
Live-tweet it?
First, I'm spinning up a new RN app.
`npx react-native init MSTPerf`
I could have used the TypeScript template project, but decided to add it myself using the instructions here.
Vanilla app is working on iOS, of course. (But I am the type of programmer who checks anyway.)
tf is going on with Android
Um, so, resizing and rotating the Android emulator apparently doesn't work very well?
ok android emulator stays full size ... fine
Adding MST and co
Going a little slow here because, well, not really in a hurry.
Anyway, starting to put together a root store now. This seems to happen most often with large, complex, nested lists of models, when replaced all at once.
Data showing up in logs now
console.time requires a polyfill (I just grabbed this one:…) but I now have some basic perf times.
I need a large dataset. My favorite one is a list of NBA players and teams, along with their ratings and statistics, located here:…
I'm starting by defining a player model and letting most of these be "frozen" data types (aka treated as if they are immutable, and thus not observed).
I will make them observable next, so we have deep & complex MST objects.
Pretty simple api service
My RootStore now can fetch the players from the API and apply that snapshot. I think. Haven't, you know, actually tried it yet. lol
we got objects for days ... it's loading!
So, I want to be testing in production mode, since MST does a lot of optimizations in prod that it doesn't do in dev.
Rebuilding the app...
One fun thing about MST is that you can just copy real data into its models and it'll figure out the type (both TypeScript as well as runtime type checks).
I'm gradually replacing these `types.frozen` properties with real MST models.
Lots of runtime type errors because this API data is kinda dirty. But I'm getting there.
Now we're going to make the app an observer, to capture changes to the store or models that are used within.
Having some problems with making the app run in prod, for some reason, so I'm just going to force it to load what I want.
Objective-C baby
Oops, ignore the syntax error there ... I fixed it 😅
So logs don't show up in terminal anymore when I'm running in prod mode, but I can find them in Xcode. Fine.
Okay, so it's loading 872 quite complex "players" into the system in 1.18s, which isn't amazing but also isn't too bad, considering they're fully "observable" objects.
So now I'm going to render them on the screen, and then trigger re-hydrations to see what happens. Maybe even rearrange them while I'm at it.
It's hydrating. Noice.
Accessing some sub-objects now, just to do it.
Perf seems decent so far.
Okay, so I think I"m starting to see the hints of the issue we're noticing.
Notice that the first log is 1179ms and the second is 1737ms?
So, the first log is *inside* the second's scope, meaning that ideally they would be the same number.
`applySnapshot` is all that's running in `replacePlayers`. So why is `replacePlayers` taking so much longer? 🤔
Proving it. See?
Getting my kids sent to bed and settling back in for a bit longer.
I need to make this even more complex to see where this issue is really coming from.
I'll make "teams" and assign players to each team, too. With references back and forth maybe?
Okay, so before I even get that far, I'm starting to see the behavior exhibited before.
This is without displaying any data, so no observers are being harmed here.
The initial load is just over 1.1s. But the reload is taking like 5 seconds. 5.4, to be exact.
It also happens when I do `applySnapshot` instead of `.replace()`.
Okay, I'm going to see if I can replicate this in a simple React web app.
I'm impressed with myself at how fast I spun up a new completely bare-bones React app. Not using CRA or anything, just Parcel, index.html, and a few tsx files.
Anyway, self-congrats aside, yes, this happens on web too.
So apparently it's kinda a pain to use @brave with the Chrome Debugger + VS Code.
Downloading Chrome *just* for this purpose. Brave has been entirely fine otherwise as a Chrome replacement.
@mattlanham@imjakechapman At Infinite Red, we used Redux for several years, and it worked fine. We used redux-saga for side effects and made a few helper libraries to make it better.
@mattlanham@imjakechapman One of our devs found MobX and MobX-State-Tree. MobX was a little too free-form for us, but MST fit the bill -- it had little boilerplate and also came with MobX-React which gave superior performance on state changes.
Life is ultimately calmer when one faces their problems head-on instead of avoiding them. You can avoid problems for quite a while, but in my 30s I had to face many of them. They eventually will catch up to you.
But don't do hard things alone.
Get a counselor, therapist, doctor, pastor, or life coach (depending on the situation). Or even just a close friend.* Have someone on your side.
(*Don't expect too much from friends. They're friends, not taking the place of trained pros.)
Build your conflict resolution skills! So many of my problems came about because I didn't know how to resolve conflicts effectively.
I see this in my friends. They suffer for weeks because they don't want to have one hard conversation. Or make commitments they can't keep.
One of the things I’ve noticed about junior-level developers is they tend to optimize for the wrong things.
For example, they will get so nervous about taking too long that they won’t properly test their changes before submitting the PR.
This results in a lot more of the reviewer’s time to be spent testing and providing feedback. Which is fine here and there when you’re starting, but if it becomes a pattern, the reviewer can start to become impatient and lose trust.
Luckily, this isn’t too hard to fix.
Create a “PR checklist” that you use for each PR and check off the various things.
[ ] Works on Edge
[ ] Works in different screen sizes
[ ] Includes tests
[ ] Includes documentation
Last week, I got an email from a new consultancy founder asking some really good questions about running a consultancy. I answered her questions in detail in the email, but I'll also share some of the answers here.
1. How do you manage the drought periods (those periods when no projects come in but you still have to keep the lights on)?
This is one of the toughest parts of having a development shop. Developers are _expensive_. Having them "on the bench" (as we say in this business) is
...super difficult and can set you back months. Missing one week isn't just replaced by one week. If you have a 20% profit, that means every week missed is 4 weeks to make up the 80% cost, using each week's 20% profit.