1) The Voter is not likely to read why things run backwards. They'll just commit the crime of Treason and move on. Next.
2) To remove superfluous verbiage of section 2 of the 14th Amendment we get "...the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or....
3) ....the members of the Legislature thereof...is DENIED....EXCEPT for participation in REBELLION or other CRIME...."
By voting as a United States citizen — or citizen of the United States — YOU JOIN in the rebellion[s] noted in Section 2 of the 14th Amendment.
4) When you vote as such a person — or do not denounce the fraudulent United States citizenship by proper process — you are joined in rebellion against your “constitutional state government” (republican form), You then give silent and paramount allegiance to the insurgent... .
5) ...reconstructed governmental system over your lawful state government.
The crime referenced is rebellion, hence a form of treason. Treason can be found mentioned in the body of the Constitution under Article III, Section 3. It is defined as follows: #SundayMorning
6) • TREASON. This word imports a betraying, treachery, or breach of allegiance. The constitution of the United States, Article III, Section 3, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against THEM, or in adhering to their enemies, giving...
7) ...them aid or comfort.
All voters participate in rebellion (an act of war against their own lawful nation/state), by voting in a foreign jurisdiction as a fraudulent US citizen. #SundayMorning
8) It is a fact that you have to be a ‘new’ citizen of the United States (federal US citizen) to vote in elections. You may verify that fact by searching your state statutes regarding voting. #SundayMorning
9) Now, although it is hard to see — as the language is intentionally written to confuse people — if you decipher Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment, you will see that the de facto states or governments truly only represent people who are voting, with others...
10) ....being put in a perilous limbo-land.
Understand that you cannot create ‘new’ citizens of the United States (so-called ) without having to violate some constitutional principles and rules of international law.
11) The lawful government(s) of the several states of the America union needed to be usurped. This is done by setting-up voters to unwittingly throw-off their allegiance to their lawful governments. The clause illustrated in Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment...
12) ......accomplishes this. By operations of law under the amendment, the “citizens” of the several states are made into criminals. #SundayMorning
13) Insurrection is a rebellion of citizens or subjects of a country against its government with purpose of turning their county over to another authority. #SundayMorning
14) This alternate governmental system that seated itself after the so-called “Civil War” (via the Reconstruction Act of 1867) can be evidenced in Section 3 of the 14th amendment. This particular section has also been very craftily executed: the insurgent Fourteenth Amendment
15) .. governmental system has to uphold the organic Constitution pursuant to other clauses in Section 3.
READ below Section 3 of the 14th Amendment thread. #SundayMorning
16) This had to be done or the de facto participants — i.e., the government officers — would be considered to be in rebellion also. Wherefore, they are deemed “insurgents” for not following some of the laws.
17) It is the people voting that have turned over the “political power” of their states (or countries) to the federal government. Secretly, the ‘new’ voters are the true rebels in this orchestrated war. #SundayThoughts
18) Voter registration is prima facie evidence of being in rebellion. In theory, two people actually have to see a person vote — or the personal admission of the voter — to fill the requirements for treason. But who is to truly enforce this when the ones who have....
19) ... installed this plot (or bad joke) are the ones in control. Undoubtedly, this is why voting is taught to be confidential, or by as they call it secret ballot: voters are actually traitors to their countries. #SundayMorning
20) As such voters and their cohorts — known as citizens of the United States — have unwittingly tossed their constitutional governmental system aside they are then treated as a public enemy and given privileges as the rebels they are.
21) This whole scenario nullifies natural rights as secured by the Constitution.
The lawful societal law, custom and usage law — the common law — is then discharged. A system of “private law” has been put in its place. The ‘new’ citizens are now controlled by....
22) ...the United States and the state wherein they reside. One could say that these self-inflicted de facto States are actually penal colonies operating under the Color of War.
CLICK the link in my BIO and to learn about 14th Amendment political system. #SundayMotivation
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1) Lawful-Legal Basis for Removing a De Facto Officer-Usurper in Texas.
For Educational Purposes Only.
A de facto officer-usurper unlawfully occupies public office or exercises authority without legitimate appointment or election.
2) The current state government operating under the 14th Amendment and Reconstruction Act of 1867 consists of de facto officers who may violate natural rights through positive law and color of law.
Background and Authority
- Ancient legal remedy from English common law
- Direct challenge to authority of public office
- Questions legitimate right to occupy position
@NationofNY @CulpeperPatriot @PaulOlson17 @3rdangelmessen1 @GuastellaSteven @LibertyMarieEP @shashatheitch22 @Frentabernacle @dawnblas @JoanaBrumley @Spoon84Ghost @skwisch @YodkeC 1)
How many of you are willing to dedicate in exposing the Insurgent system & their never 14th Amendment (i.e, podcast, website, old flyers, blogs)?
@NationofNY @CulpeperPatriot @PaulOlson17 @3rdangelmessen1 @GuastellaSteven @LibertyMarieEP @shashatheitch22 @Frentabernacle @dawnblas @JoanaBrumley @Spoon84Ghost @skwisch @YodkeC 2)
People out there are suffering because they don't know what type of system we have & why they continue to suffer REGARDLESS who’s in office!
I tag you all to share one of the biggest issues we're facing day to day and that is the weather. I have shared this before, but I created this train for you all to research & take action!
Having an alternate political system creates - if not a new, but perhaps - an alternate system of government. Although this has transpired based on a voluntary "political body" as created, the original system of law went untouched.
2) The 'new' national or so-called federal citizenship creates this governmental system installs a "de facto" (vs. de jure) (Footnote: DE FACTO. In fact, as distinguished from "de jure", by right. - Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition Deluxe) government. To create a...
3) ...new system of government, a totally new constitution would have to have been installed. As we know that did not happen, an Amendment was added to create a "new State".
(Footnote: Article IV, Section 3, of the Constitution allows new States to be formed within the....
1) The system today that is held by the Fourteenth Amendment is private law under the Roman model. This system creates a Body Politic Corporate. Again, this is due to the United States of America not being a true nation.
2) (Footnote United States Code Title 28 § 3002 (15)(a) § 3002. Definition (15) "United States" means-(A) a Federal corporation. United States of America are a corporation endowed with the capacity to sue and be sued to convey and receive property - Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856)
The new system is a model of the Roman Civil Law system. The people that are members of this system are deemed person entities, and are referred to as natural persons. (Footnote: CORPORATION. An aggregate corporation is an ideal body, created by law, composed of...
1) The US Government has Attempted to Control Weather for Military Purposes.
Operation Popeye was a confidential government initiative that took place in Vietnam from 1967–1972. The operation was the first weather modification endeavor involving the experimental...
2) ,,,,process of cloud seeding. These efforts were revealed in the Pentagon Papers.
The purpose of Operation Popeye was to induce rain in order to extend the monsoon season in support of military efforts during the Vietnam war. The weather modification project involved...
3) ....the complicated process of cloud seeding, which involved the firing of iodide seed crystals into clouds. During warfare, the precipitation creates mud to slow the enemy’s ability to use roads. The operation resulted in an extension of the monsoon period by an...