United Nations Office of ( @UNOSAT ) Oversight @POGOwatchdog
Services ( @unoios ) 16 Nov 2005 report titled "Audit of Operations in @CanadaEcuador [ AR2005-151-01]" relating to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The report runs to 13 printed pages.
III. #AUDIT SCOPE & METHODOLOGY 6. The audit focused on 2004 and 2005 programme activities under projects 04 & 05/AB/ECU/LS/401with expenditure of US$ 1.8 million for 2004. Our review concentrated on the activities implemented by Comit� Pro- Refugiados in Ecuador
@cpriceglobe implementing legal protection activities in Quito & providing community service and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers with expenditure of US$
Other Programme Issue 24. @UNOCHA
assessed that project financial monitoring was competently performed. @UNOPS
Financial monitoring exercises have been carried out regularly since mid-2003. A- 6 mission report detailing findings and recommendations was issued for each mission.
= @e2978#E2 =97=8FTodd @SenToddYoung The @SenateGOP congressman from #Indiana just launched his Senate campaign,and he did so with a splash, pulling in $1 million in the second quarter despite not being an official candidate yet. The even better news for
David Leigh and the @guardian have subsequently and repeatedly violated @wikileaks security conditions @iankatz admitted in December 2010 meeting that this condition was not being followed by the Guardian.
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