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Jul 21, 2021 68 tweets 38 min read Read on X
#SeditionHunters - events in DC required planning. Cindy Chafian organized the fiery Jan 5 rally where Ali Alexander led the crowd in “Victory or Death!” On Jan 6 she marched up the West Capitol steps with bullhorn & entourage and cheered during the assault on Officer Fanone. 1/
Cindy’s been organizing rightwing rallies since the Nov. 2020 election, with speaker lists full of extremist voices: Alex Jones (InfoWars), Michael Flynn, Roger Stone. Security always provided by the shadowy Flynn-connected 1st Amendment Praetorian group. 2/ ImageImage
Husband Scott Chafian, USN Surface Warfare & Anti-Terrorism Officer, held commands providing combat readiness training to foreign countries. Ret. at Lt. Cmdr. 2012 & launched a private firm (ETC Intl) offering similar “training engagements in support of security assistance.’’ 3/ ImageImage
On insurrection weekend, Cindy’s 1/5 rally had the fieriest speakers. She’d feuded with Amy Kremer (Women for America First), but on 1/6 morning still sat in the VIP section at Kremer’s Ellipse rally with Alex Jones & wife, Mike Flynn Jr., Nick Fuentes of America First... 4/
As soon as Trump’s speech ended, Alex & his entourage marched to the Capitol. Cindy & the women (including Jones’ wife) started later & took golf carts instead, with Scott joining in a 2nd cart. They drove like important people in a hurry, using their bullhorns. 5/
Cindy and Scott Chafian were still in a hurry after reaching the Capitol grounds, pushing through the crowd to reach the Lower W. Terrace where the brutal tunnel fight was underway. 6/ Image
The important Chafians expected a path to be cleared: “I need to get through, I’m sorry, I gotta get through.” People in the crowd commented as they were pushed aside: “Where are you guys going? Where are they going?" "Guys - oh my god, I’m seriously getting smushed here”. 7/
The drawn-out tunnel fight was likely not to plan. The precision-directed mob reached the tunnel within minutes of the E. Capitol door breach & tried to walk in -- but DC MPD officers had retreated there & made a decisive stand: “We’re not letting them in the building!” 8/
As the battle intensified, Cindy’s group watched from the NW risers. By 3:19 PM, police had pushed back out to the tunnel entrance, exposing officers at the front. Officer Fanone was dragged into the mob while Cindy cheered and chanted. 9/
Cindy’s cheer at 3:21 PM is timed from sync’ed video. 2 officers in yellow push out to rescue Fanone, deep in the mob out of frame to R. While some yell “don’t hurt the cop!”, those with raised hands are chanting “police stand down!” See video at link. 10/
After Fanone's beating, organizers tried to regain control over the mob. Scott Chafian left his group and headed down towards the tunnel just as leaders were negotiating with police and 3%er Anthony Antonio (#BlackGlove805) used the bullhorn to ask the crowd for calm. 11/
The timing of Scott Chafian’s movement is solid: the photographer on the ledge (credentialed media) was up there for only a minute, after Fanone was returned to the police line & while Antonio gave his speech. (Video at link)
12/ ImageImage
The Chafian group stayed throughout the tunnel fight, even as the level of violence escalated over time. They are re-gathered in the risers by 3:47 PM, and Cindy is still watching at 4:06 PM when rioters attack police with a giant ladder. (Photo Shannon Stapleton, Reuters) 13/ Image
Scott Chafian departed down the NW steps around 4:30 PM (L), after Trump’s “go home” statement. We know the time because Scott is seen right behind tunnel fighter #RaybanTerrorist, sunglasses off after being pepper-sprayed; he gets his eyes washed at 4:33 PM (R). 14/ ImageImage
On Jan 6 evening, after the Capitol was cleared, Cindy showed that her goal had been to disrupt the presidential vote certification. Millie Weaver of Infowars was also at the Capitol; she tweeted that the count would restart at 8 PM. “Time to go back out,” Cindy replied. 15/ Image
What does it mean that the Chafians were on the Lower W Terrace all afternoon? Many right-wing figures were seen on Capitol grounds, including much of the Ellipse rally VIP section & at least 11 speakers listed on Cindy’s Jan 5 rally permit (marked in yellow)... 16/ ImageImage
... but the Chafians were not at a distance; they were face to face with horrific violence, and both moved toward it. Why was an organizer of the rallies not only witnessing violence but seeming to supervise at the attack? It’s time to ask those questions. 17/ Image
Cindy’s many activities and events from November 2020 leading up to January 6 have been extensively documented by @visionsurreal. 18/
Many analysts consider the Dec 12 rally, that Cindy helped organize, a kind of ‘dress rehearsal’ for Jan 6, to practice gathering & moving a crowd in DC (photo). On Jan 6, the rally permit said “Women for America First will not conduct an organized march from the Ellipse…” 19/ Image
... but the rally crowd was led down Pennsylvania and Constitution Aves. to the Capitol, where inciters with bullhorns steered their movements for hours. It’s also time to acknowledge that on Jan 6, the crowd was an instrument being used. 20/ Image
The rally organization that pulled in crowds was rapid and efficient. Cindy created the “Eighty Percent Coalition” on Dec. 27 & held a smoothly-run event 9 days later on Jan 5th, with Scott helping with security. 21/… ImageImage
Scott Chafian’s tie to a private defense or “security” company is not unusual. The figures surrounding Jan 6 include others with military + security, intelligence, or counterterrorism backgrounds. These people aren’t against the establishment - they ARE the establishment. 22/ ImageImage
Both Cindy and Scott Chafian show their extreme views on social media. On Jan 8 Cindy sent a series of menacing Tweets including “#NightoftheGreatPurge” and “It has begun” On Jan 9 she tweeted “War”. 23/ Image
Cindy's not done yet - on July 15, 2021 she Tweeted "No one can stop what's coming" 24/ Image
Scott Chafian keeps a lower social media profile, but has made some telling comments on his boss Chris Just's Facebook: "That gun needs a chainsaw bayonet". 25/ Image
Did we mention that Scott Chafian wrote a master's thesis on the Nazi response to Russian tanks during WWII? You can read it for yourself. He makes the odd choice in his acknowledgements to honor the Nazis who "stood up for what they believed in" 26/… Image
The defense contractor set that Scott Chafian moves in isn't only ideological though. In his boss Chris Just's Facebook, a buddy jokes about whether declassifying material would be "good for your mercenary world"... 27/ ImageImage
Ambition, hatred, and financial interests can all be fuel for insurrection; organizational skills help pull it off. Given their actions on Jan 6, the Chafians have some explaining to do. 28/
This research is the sum of contributions by many #SeditionHunters, often anonymous. Special h/t to the #Bluehatz group, @visionsurreal, @BetoAngelMommas, & @StevieG54099097 for video. For now you can watch the full Chafian 'reel' on Rumble... 29/…
..since YouTube cancelled our main channel last week. Being canceled means these videos must be hitting a nerve!

Several good media articles have covered the lead-up to Jan 6, including the money trail, rally organization, & the Chafians’ role. 30/
More articles related to the Chafians from
And while we work on a hosting solution, sync'd Capitol videos and perp 'reels' are up on Rumble:

To new folks: joining the #SeditionHunters is easy, just pitch in! It's not just hunting IDs, but graphics, video, data entry, analysis - many options. 32/ Image
#SeditionHunters - On Jan 6, rally organizer Cindy Chafian & husband Scott rushed to the Capitol in golf carts. (Overheard: ‘We’re inside. They need help, let’s go!’) Turns out, the “help” was...Nathan Hughes, who ran into the tunnel & helped drag Officer Fanone into the mob. 33/
This finding ties VIPs Cindy and Scott Chafian DIRECTLY to the violence at the Capitol. They knew the Capitol was under attack, raced to get there, forced their way through the crowd, watched the mob attack police --- and brought someone to participate in that attack. 34/ ImageImageImage
Hughes foresaw & predicted violence against police. At 2:10 PM on Jan 6, 1 minute before the first Capitol breach, he posted: “I will always back the blue until the blue doesn't back us.” At 3:19 PM he helped drag MPD officers into the violent mob that beat them. 35/ ImageImage
Background: Hughes is tied to the Chafians through buddy Matt Couch, head of the America First media group, an MC at Cindy’s Jan 5 DC rally. Both Hughes & Couch are from Bentonville, AR. Here they are at a 2020 Trump rally in Georgia; both were in DC for Nov, Dec. rallies too 36/ Image
On Jan 4 AM in DC, Hughes & Couch met up with other rightwing figures. Couch then got a call from Proud Boy leader Joe Biggs about the arrest of Enrique Tarrio, meant to have had ‘war powers’ on Jan 6. By evening, Couch & Hughes were in a hotel room working on damage control 37/ ImageImageImage
On Jan 6, Hughes was up past 2 AM, then tweeted by 7:36 AM from the Ellipse. Though he was in Cindy Chafian’s VIP tent on the 5th, seems he didn’t make the cut on Jan 6 - instead lined up for the 1st row behind the VIPs. Note his own-merch T-shirt & striking ‘Mechanix’ gloves 38/ ImageImage
After Trump’s speech, Hughes changed Tshirt & hat & added a bandana (he’s an anti-masker), then rode in Scott Chafian’s golf cart to the besieged Capitol. Time is after 2:11 PM since bystanders heard: “We’re inside. They need help, let’s go” “We’re already in. Don’t stop now” 39/
Some of these quotes were reported in charging docs for Anthony Puma. Those coming to the Capitol knew of the breaches, came for a purpose. (The man on the back of the cart is J.T. Mott, from AR like Hughes and Couch. He entered the Capitol, now arrested.) 40/ ImageImageImage
When the group reached Capitol grounds, Hughes brought up the rear of the Chafian ‘stack’ that pushed through crowds to the W. Plaza, headed for the stairs to the Lower W. Terrace. 41/ Image
At the stairs, Hughes left the group, rushed ahead and climbed the wall to get to his destination faster... 42/ Image
. .. then RAN into the tunnel to join the fight. Sync’d video puts this at 3:15 PM, when officers defending the tunnel had begun pushing the mob back, regaining ground. 43/
Hughes pushed to the front of the tunnel mob and can be seen reaching out to grab officers. He's clearly identifiable from his red bandana and Mechanix gloves. Fanone is identifiable by his nametag, helmet number, and tattoos. 44/
Hughes stayed for a full hour of brutal fighting at the tunnel, though he never again entered - instead hung around outside near likely organizers. At the end of the day he climbed up to confront officers as they cleared the Upper W. Terrace. 45/ ImageImageImage
The Chafians stayed the whole hour too, watching the tunnel fight from the risers. This picture is timestamped 4:17 PM, the same time that Trump finally Tweeted his “Go home” video. (Lev Radin, Pacific Press). 46/ Image
At 5:12 PM on Jan 6, when the Capitol attack was effectively over, Hughes tweeted "'Mostly Peaceful' protest". Then a bit later: “We ain’t done”.

By Jan 7 he's agreeing with Robert Patrick Lewis of 1AP, calling "Patriots" to the next "part of the mission". 47/ ImageImageImage
#SeditionHunters - new update & correction on the Nathan Hughes story, as we work on sync'd multicam video of the assault on Officer Fanone on Jan 6. Soon after Fanone was dragged out, a SECOND officer (“Officer X”) was also ejected from the tunnel into the crowd. 48/
Inside the tunnel just before, Hughes & three others swarmed an officer. We now believe this is Officer X, & the group was reaching to wrest their shield away. While this group obstructed, Fanone was pulled by #Unlucky13 along the N edge of the tunnel and out into the mob. 49/
We’ll show more soon in a 34-minute sync’d video (months of work by editors @RiversideKitty and @StevieG54099097). Note that Officer X is Capitol Police, but is wearing an MPD helmet, maybe scavenged. We’ll blur their face since they’ve kept out of the public eye so far. 50/ Image
The complexity of these mob assaults means that multi-cam analysis is key to understanding how they unfold. There’s no doubt about Nate Hughes’ identity, though; he stayed near the tunnel in plain view afterwards. Here he is joining the crowd in chanting “drag them out”. 51/
And, a day after this thread and a separate Raw Story article appeared, Hughes deleted his Twitter account. (h/t @BitsButterfly for noting it). 52/ Image
Hughes & buddy Matt Couch are part of a large rightwing network. On Nov. 14th, in DC for the ‘rehearsal’ rally, they had dinner with Anna Khait, the Russian poker player & Survivor contestant who worked as a ‘honeypot’ for Erik Prince’s Project Veritas 53/… Image
Khait’s targets included union activists, a State Dept. employee, even Trump’s security advisor H.R. McMaster. Besides Hughes & Couch, her Nov 14 dinner included Chad Prather, talk show host & anti-masker now challenging Greg Abbot in the Republican primary for TX governor. 54/ Image
On Dec. 6, Hughes & Couch were in Georgia for an “election results protest prayer rally”. Here they are with Ali Alexander, Michael Coudrey, Scott Presler (all seen on Capitol ground on Jan 6) and again Anna Khait. 55/ Image
On Dec. 29, Nate posted about Baofeng radios, the same model used by Proud Boys and many others on January 6. On Jan 1, Matt Couch posted “I’ll see you all in Washington DC!”, tagging his group from Dec. 6 (Ali Alexander, Michael Coudrey, Scott Presler). 56/ ImageImage
On Jan 4 morning, Couch tweeted he was with Hughes & a big group, including #SeditionVIPs Pastor Greg Locke, Tina Forte, Michael Coudrey, and Mindy Williams, also Anna Khait, Dustin Stockton, & Cordie Williams. 57/ ImageImage
On Jan 5, Hughes and Couch walked to the Freedom Plaza rally in a group including Ali Alexander, Michael Coudrey, and the Oath Keeper tagged as #ThumbOK. (1:01 in link below). 58/…
Couch and Hughes were fixtures in the Jan 5 rally VIP tent. Here they're just behind the now-arrested #IamJohnStrand and #IamSimoneGold, and the likely soon-to-be-arrested #IamTaylerHansen. 59/ Image
In the evening, at the concert by #SeditionVIP #IamBrysonGray, Hughes was still in the VIP tent, along with rally speakers Pastor Mark Burns and Robert Patrick Lewis of 1st Amendment Praetorian. 60/ ImageImage
Why did Hughes get a prime spot in the Chafians’ golf carts? It’s worth comparing him to some of the #SeditionVIP’s who rode behind. Scott’s cart stopped to pick up hitchhikers, including LA-based agitator #IamKennedyLindsey and her finance-industry friend #IamDianelleLacy. 61/ ImageImage
Lacy and Lindsey were together all day 1/6 at the Capitol but make an odd-couple pair: Lacy’s much older; her LinkedIn now says she's a VP at BlackRock Capital. On Jan 5th evening she hung out with LA right-wing figures Genevieve Peters (#IamGenevievePeters) and Elsa Aldeguer 62/ Image
Cindy (Pfingston) Chafian’s cart held friends-and-family: Alex Jones’ wife Erika & Kaitlyn (Pfingston) Carwin. Carwin calls herself a writer; we found 1 byline, a review of Andy Ngo’s bio “Unmasked: inside antifa’s radical plan to destroy democracy.” 63/… Image
Carwin otherwise seems establishment: Pepperdine MPP (alum profile: “My morning runs in Santa Monica were always accompanied by Milton Friedmann lectures”), internship at Hoover Instit., husband a Chicago lawyer, uses words like “jejeune” and “myriad” 64/… Image
The Carwin group offers 2 lessons. First, the Capitol attack was not driven by economic anxiety: funders, organizers, leaders were well off. (Hughes’ companies’ 2020 FB ad spending was over $280K.) And second, the actual attack was not a surprise to this class. Everyone knew. 65/ ImageImage
This crowdsourced research is a group effort by #SeditionHunters; it is not possible without many contributors. Video by @StevieG54099097 and @OnTheHudsonNYC. @chadloder ID'd the LA folks & found the shot of Lindsey & pals hitching a ride. 66/ Image
Epilogue: Raw Story called Cindy for follow-up articles on her & Hughes. Besides complaining about video, Cindy says "I mean, it was pretty obvious what the experience was...I really don't have anything else to say about it". 67/ Image
Finally, to clarify: the general norm is that results go to FBI first, so anything reported here is typically 1-2 months behind findings, to not compromise investigations. Hughes was noted as a person of interest in February, and reported in the tunnel in July. 68/

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Feb 28
Many people are talking about the WSJ's new reporting that Kash Patel wants to live part-time in Las Vegas and run the FBI remotely. Seems like people missed some key context provided earlier by the Nevada Independent: Kash lives there with timeshare scammer Michael Muldoon. 1/ Image
The Nevada Independent reports that Patel, who's known Muldoon since at least 2019, has been registered to vote at Muldoon's Las Vegas home since January 2022. Muldoon states in FEC filings he lives there too. But he won't answer questions about Patel. 2/…
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In a tally of influencers who brought the crowds to the Capitol on Jan 6, nearly 20% have a deep Russian tie - Russian residency or family, Russian-speaking spouse, hired by Russian media. It is not random. Russia has waging information war on the US, especially since 2014. 2/ Image
Here are the names behind that chart, with color codes. Russia is all over the US far right. The names in red here don't even include those just boosted by Russia (e.g. Brandon Straka). These are direct payments or family ties - likely people on a list, then cultivated. 2/ Image
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Feb 23
Newsflash: Deputy DoD Press Sec. Kingsley Wilson, whose Twitter profile shows her wearing a "MAGA" T-shirt, is violating the Hatch Act, which says employees may not "wear or display partisan political buttons, T-shirts, signs, or other items". See next Tweet to report it. 1/ Image
It's undoubted that Wilson is using this Twitter account for official DoD business, since she uses it to respond to a WaPo reporter. Hatch Act guidance on this is very clear. This OSC page tells you how to file a complaint about a Hatch Act violation. 2/…Image
Strangely Deputy DoD spokeswoman Kingsley Wilson's Twitter account seems not saveable on - someone has blocked it? - but it is saved on other platforms. Plenty of other Hatch Act violations here, including her pinned Tweet, for those who want to dig. 3/ archive.orgImage
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It does look bad if the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs is taking a paycheck from relatives of the president. But since Trump also fired the Judge Advocates General from all four military branches tonight, we might have to wait for an ethics ruling. 2/…
The New York Times article tonight calls Lt Gen Caine a "serial entrepreneur and investor", but doesn't mention his role in Joshua Kushner's company. It's not a secret - it's on his LinkedIn. And it's very relevant - the public deserves to understand. 3/
Read 9 tweets
Feb 20
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The "1950-2019" historical tab has 5 entries, starting with Kash's attempts to subpoena the FBI and DOJ for investigating Trump's Russia ties. This is pushback even before Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel. Just ctrl-F search on "Patel". 2/…Image
The "2020-Jan 6" tab has 6 entries. (More on that later). Kash was installed as part of Trump's maneuvers AFTER he lost the election. Chris Miller was made Acting SecDef and Kash his Chief of Staff. Kash delivered the order to withdraw from Afghanistan. 3/…Image
Read 9 tweets

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