University of #Chichester#Psychology and #Criminology#Research#News . A🧵
Dr Roy Spina has published with Emma Fontes-Perryman. Fontes-Perryman, E., & Spina, R (2021) Fear of missing out and compulsive social media use as mediators between OCD symptoms and social media fatigue
'Throughout the BSc (Hons) Psychology course, we were made aware of opportunities to be able to contribute to the field. The staff at the University of Chichester believed in encouraging us all to push the boundaries and gave us the confidence to realise our own potential.' Emma
'In my final year, coming up with the idea for my Independent Project was probably the most challenging part, as I wanted it to be innovative. My supervisor, Roy Spina, was key in refining my ideas. He offered me continuous guidance and support, helping me achieve a first.' Emma
I am now ecstatic to have received the news that my paper has been accepted for publication and will be making a meaningful contribution. I couldn’t have done it without the help and support from the University of Chichester. Hard work and determination really do pay off!’ Emma
Dr Sue Churchill has published a paper with collaborators from @SussexUni
Pavey, L., Churchill, S., & Sparks, P. (2021). Proscriptive Injunctions Can Elicit Greater Reactance and Lower Legitimacy Perceptions Than Prescriptive Injunctions.…
Pavey et al (2021) has recently been highlighted on behavioural scientist: we come under Advice framing: Encouraging people to do or not to do?
Dr Sue Churchill has also published a paper with her PhD student Matthew Reaney. Reaney, M., Gladwin, T., Chmiel, N., & Churchill, S. (2021). Encouraging foot care in people with and without diabetes through narrative communication.…
@ITyndall has a new paper with Ruth Anne Rehfeldt published: Rehfeldt, R.A., Tyndall, I. Why We Are Not Acting to Save Ourselves: ACT, Health, and Culture. Behav Analysis Practice (2021).…
@ITyndall has also a new paper accepted for publication with publication with Emily Sandoz, Mike Bordieri, & Gina Boullion, on a Relational Frame Theory experimental study on how values clarification/writing exercises might work to change behaviour.…
@ITyndall has also has published this paper: Buckley, C., Farrell, L., & Tyndall, I. (2021) Brief stories of successful female role models in science help counter gender stereotypes regarding intellectual ability among young girls:…
@SJBennett_Psych presented at an Open University event on the 6th July with Professor @PaylerJane which describes work in progress on the Families First Project (support for children and families with a parent in prison. @OfficialYSS