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Feb 3rd 2023
The Bishops who have signed the (letter? document?) unnamed (unless it is: "The Church of England's Doctrine of Marriage" full stop), undated document 📄 on Straight Supremist Marriage
On one level, it is nice (?) to FINALLY have CLARITY which is one of the central demands of LGBTQI+ people in the #churchofengland. Tell us where we are Safe. Tell us where we are not. Step out. Be brave. They have been. (congrats, finally)

Read 36 tweets
Jan 9th 2022
Week 1
14.3 miles 🚵‍♀️🚶‍♀️
985.7 left to go!! ImageImage
Very belated week 3
A mere 2.2 miles 🚶‍♀️
Plus some yoga🧘‍♀️
960 miles to go
Read 55 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
University of #Chichester #Psychology and #Criminology #Research #News . A🧵
Dr Roy Spina has published with Emma Fontes-Perryman. Fontes-Perryman, E., & Spina, R (2021) Fear of missing out and compulsive social media use as mediators between OCD symptoms and social media fatigue
'Throughout the BSc (Hons) Psychology course, we were made aware of opportunities to be able to contribute to the field. The staff at the University of Chichester believed in encouraging us all to push the boundaries and gave us the confidence to realise our own potential.' Emma
'In my final year, coming up with the idea for my Independent Project was probably the most challenging part, as I wanted it to be innovative. My supervisor, Roy Spina, was key in refining my ideas. He offered me continuous guidance and support, helping me achieve a first.' Emma
Read 13 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
It’s #HillfortsWednesday and we wonder if the Iron Age univallate Trundle has ever looked more gorgeous than in this incredible pic by @DavidRAbram here, looking N towards the mist swathed #WestSussex Weald 🤩

For more of David’s stunning photos see:
The Iron Age ramparts of the Trundle #WestSussex partially enclose the spiral circuit of an earlier causewayed enclosure, the remains of which can be seen in this epic photo by @DavidRAbram

For more of David’s stunning photos see:

The distinctive imprint of a Neolithic causewayed enclosure is evident within the polygonal circuit of the Iron Age Trundle #WestSussex as slight earthworks and as dark lines to the SW in this early air photo from the 1930s in @SAS_Library @sussex_society

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