Have you noticed that not ONE of these Dems are concerned about getting re-elected?
They pull stupid stunts, spread blatant, provable lies, call for big tech to spy on you and erasing any dissenting thoughts...
They are threatening American citizens with more lockdowns if we don't allow them to make medical decisions for us.
They have designated "Patriots" as potential terrorists, weaponized the Post Office, encouraged us to snitch on family and friends...
Refused to do their jobs...
Taken your livelihoods, told you they WILL indoctrinate your children, let your cities burn, restricted your ability to practice your religion...
Ask yourself this...
Do these sound like people who are worried about getting re-elected?
Seriously, Democrats live in L.A. and Chicago and San Francisco.
They have business and kids and QUESTIONS.
They see and FEEL the effects of their party, too.
So why aren't Dems and RINOS worried they may be alienating their base or jeopardizing their reelection?
Why are they comfortable with acting like unhinged Communists?
Because the average Democrat in America didn't sign up for this shit.
Don't let Twitter or Don Lemon tell you differently.
The average Dem has to wade through the homeless to get through Los Angeles, too.
The average Dem will feel inflation in all the same places we do.
Fact is, the average Dem didn't sign up for this shit.
Yet the Dems facing re-election have no fear that they will lose their votes, in an election that will either allow them to continue with their Great Reset or bring it to a screeching halt.
The "If I Call It 'Sustainable Devolpment,' Will You Stop Calling Me A Conspiracy Theorist?" Edition
In Part 1 of "How the F%*K Did We Get Here?," I explained how the formation of the ICLEI in 1990 was tantamount to having UN boots on the ground, meddling in local politics.
Well, just two years later, those boots—now firmly imbedded within local governments around the world—received their marching orders...
In my opinion, these are two of the most dangerous phrases I hear *constantly* repeated, both by Patriots and Conservative media and politicians.
Why "dangerous"?
Because both statements encourage us to underestimate our enemy.
They ask us to ignore the more than three decades of carefully executed plans, programs and propaganda that has intentionally brought us to the brink of The Great Reset.
In this series of threads, I will be making the case that EVERYTHING we are currently witnessing is the culmination of a Global plan, conceived in the United Nations, that began in earnest to be executed more than thirty years ago.