Israel is NOT a "settler colonial state" by definition. Anyone making that claim is just historically shortsighted. Israel's patriarchs Abraham, Isaac & Jacob were living in Israel c. 2200 BCE, Israel's period of Kings was from 1350 to 586 BCE...👇 Palestine of the ancient world
2/and the Land of ancient Israel are the same geographic territory. So it's an indisputable historical fact that the Jewish people have been living in the Land of Israel from c. 2200 BCE to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and since 1948. You have to look at the whole timeline.
3/Settler colonialism…
“is a form of colonialism that seeks to replace the original population of the colonized territory with a new society of settlers. As with all forms of colonialism, it is based on exogenous domination, typically organized or supported
4/"by an imperial authority.”
Israel can't be a "settler colonial state" b/c the Land of Israel is and has been the birthplace and homeland of the Jewish people for 2200 years.
5/"There, a significant part of the nation's long history was enacted, of which the first thousand years are recorded in the Bible; there, its cultural, religious, and national identity was formed; and there, its physical presence has been maintained through the centuries, even
6/"after the majority was forced into exile. During the many years of dispersion, the Jewish people never severed nor forgot its bond with the Land. With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, Jewish independence, lost 2,000 years earlier, was renewed.”
7/The formation of the modern state of Israel tho did displace present-day Palestinians. It'd be more accurate to describe Israel as having to act like a neighborhood bully than as a "settler colonial state" for reclaiming its homeland of old👇:
8/Neighborhood Bully (lyrics)…
"Well, the neighborhood bully, he’s just one man
His enemies say he’s on their land
They got him outnumbered about a million to one
He got no place to escape to, no place to run
He’s the neighborhood bully..."
9/Palestinians & their supporters cannot rewrite history, resort to historical revisionism or label Israel as a "settler colonial state". @Israel
There has to be concerted, honest good-faith efforts made on both sides for a two-state solution and/or…
@Israel 10/International recognition for the State of Palestine. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If the people of the Bible, Israel, have gained modern statehood, it's due time that Palestine also gained statehood. Let's work together!…
11/The caption for the peace poster above 👆in link 9:
"A peace movement poster: Israeli and Palestinian flags and the words peace in Arabic and Hebrew. Similar images have been used by several groups supporting a two-state solution to the conflict."
Let's work towards Peace!☮️✌️
Being half-Asian I've seen & realized that North Koreans (particularly those in vid👇) are a really cool people. I get Socialism. Why does everyone malign DPRK? Oh yeah, b/c of its nukes. I'm for DPRKers' dreams being realized.
North Korea Under Sanctions
2/It's easy to see in the video that North Koreans are a people comfortable in their skin, culture & society. Their views of South Koreans must reflect an "Us & Them" perspective, "they" being water, North Koreans being "blood". And "blood is thicker than water".
3/Defectors on the other hand are no longer North Koreans. They've sold their country out & betrayed Socialism to become South Koreans. They were North Koreans, but no longer, so they've forfeited their authority speak on behalf of DPRK. And they don't. NIS trains them to lie.
“Anti-reactionary thought” law. Check.
Develop Juche NK-pop to compete w/ K-pop. Blue checkmark.
Preamble to DPRK’s Constitution:
“The DPRK is a socialist fatherland of Juche which embodies the idea of & guidance by the great leader Comrade Kim II Sung.“…
2/DPRK has transcended ideology by subsuming Blue Korea thru lassoing & hog-tying Western ideology and appropriating the word "Blue" into its own brand of North Korea pop culture.
Blue Sky, Blue Sea, Blue Dream
3/Clearly, "anti-reactionary thought" law is intended not to prevent North Koreans from appreciating Mickey Mouse & Friends, Rocky, Frank Sinatra & Western cultural icons, but to goad them against forsaking Juche & becoming a Judas working for Capitalists.
15 Socialist Countries that Have Succeeded…
“Socialism is an economic theory that stresses the ownership of means of production by society instead of private individuals. The core essence or principle in socialism is to shape
2/"society based on cooperation and welfare rather than on free market capitalist competition and “exploitation”. This is the textbook definition of socialism. In practice however, it is not clearly defined, is subjective and encompasses a whole range of different economic
3/"policies and even exists parallel to capitalism in some countries through what can be described as a pragmatic approach to socialism.
Socialism is thought to impede innovation because it is thought to take away the incentive to innovate as society loses its competitive edge
Preambles to Constitutions are preludes to the political ideologies that follow.
PREAMBLE to the U.S. Constitution: We the People…
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,.”
2/Preamble to DPRK’s Socialist Constitution:
“The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is a socialist fatherland of Juche which embodies the idea of and guidance by the great leader Comrade Kim II Sung. ..“…
3/If the USSR & China had/have Constitutions laying out Marxist or Socialist political ideologies, why is it any different for the DPRK? Seoul doesn't acknowledge DPRK as a sovereign political entity just as Palestine doesn't acknowledge modern Israel as a Jewish state. DPRK is
So - Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Snow White, Winnie the Pooh, the "Theme from Rocky" and Frank Sinatra's "My Way"…
Moranbong Band - Medley of Disney Songs [audio & color enhancement]
2/“The band debuted on July 6, 2012. Their first performance featured Western popular culture imagery and music, including Disney characters Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Snow White, Winnie the Pooh, the "Theme from Rocky" and Frank Sinatra's "My Way". Other Western music included
3/“"Czardas", "Zigeunerweisen", "La Reine de Saba", "Menuet", "Penelope", and "Serenade de l’Étoile", as well as "The Duel", described as "a popular song"; '"Victory", introduced as "a rap song"; and "Dallas": "a country music selection." Twelve cartoon film scores were also
Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly in DPRK passes 4 laws, notably a law “on rejecting reactionary ideology and culture”
[December 6, 2020]…
“According to the official KCNA, the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) convened under its
2/"president, Choe Ryong-hae, to pass four laws unanimously.
Particularly notable was a law “on rejecting reactionary ideology and culture,” which KCNA reported would be “certainly observed by all the institutions, enterprises, organizations and citizens” in the country.
3/"The principles enshrined in the law were aimed at “further cementing our ideological, revolutionary & class positions by thoroughly preventing the inroads & spread of the anti-socialist ideology and culture and firmly maintaining our idea, spirit and culture,” the report said.