Let me introduce pixelstitch: simple correspondence annotator based on @matplotlib + jupyter notebook.
Just propvide list of image_fnames and
import CorrespondenceAnnotator.
You can add and erase points, zoom, move, and visualize epipolar geometry, induced by correspondences. 1/
You can install it by
pip install pixelstitch
and the documentation is here: ducha-aiki.github.io/pixelstitch/
Ofc, powered by nbdev.
All suggestions are welcomed
Why did I do this? Well, the built-in labelling tools in SfM apps like RealityCapture are nice, but one cannot quickly go through unrelated image pairs.
New artisan datasets for WxBS from me are coming soon,
specifically WxBS-relabeled and EVD 2.0.
For example, you can detect ORB features is OpenCV and convert them to kornia lafs with
lafs = laf_from_opencv_ORB_kpts(kps)
Or you can match descriptors on GPU with kornia.feature.match_snn() and transfer to OpenCV with cv2_matches_from_kornia 2/3
The repo is not @kornia_foss "official" in the terms that we don't promise to maintain everything in a timely manner. However, it should work for most of the times :) 3/3