Why is anyone surprised that so many Americans believe corruption is pervasive, every system is rigged, and the powerful are conspiring against them? They've been told all their lives that every system MUST be rigged, in order to achieve "social justice."
We middle-aged folks might dimly remember a time when prejudice was considered universally wrong and equal treatment was the highest virtue, but the younger generations are taught every day that "equality" is a scam by the privileged to retain their ill-gotten power.
Today Americans are explicitly taught that every scale must have thumbs on it, every test must be rigged and slanted, and every decision must be prejudiced in order to redistribute power and wealth, correct past injustices, and achieve "equity."
The message of the "equity" movement is that unbiased treatment is actually biased. Only the wise masters of the State can engineer true fairness by redistributing opportunity and predetermining outcomes. It's the point of that idiotic cartoon with people standing on boxes.
And of course, on the other hand, the clients of the Left's deranged redistribution movements have been taught their entire lives that everything was historically rigged against THEM, so now everything must be rigged in their favor to correct centuries of "systemic racism."
The thing about teaching people that everything has to be rigged for their benefit to achieve cosmic "fairness" is that they learn EVERYTHING IS RIGGED. They're taught corruption is virtuous when the "right people" do it. It makes them deeply cynical, not idealistic.
That's why it's so strange when studies revealing widespread cynicism and paranoia are treated like shocking news - as if the respondents have some deep misunderstanding that must be fixed with better messaging. No, they're CORRECT, and you elites taught them to be cynical.
Almost every system surrounding Americans today - increasingly including politicized corporations in the nominally private sector - is rigged, fixed, slanted, and biased. Everything is programmed to achieve predetermined "virtuous" group outcomes by treating individuals unfairly.
And that supposedly high-minded systemic corruption creates plenty of opportunities for good old-fashioned pocket-lining corruption. The funny thing about a system that no longer idealizes equal treatment is that it normalizes all sorts of cheating, including grubby theft.
Notice how the Left is increasingly hostile toward the concept of presumed innocence. It is entirely rational to believe systems that presume guilt - the core concept driving left-wing "systemic racism" policies - are actively hostile toward individuals. They ARE out to get you.
If our "guilt" is not determined by our own actions - if we're not judged by what we do as individuals, but by what the groups we belong to did before we were born - then it's reasonable to wonder what new "crimes" we'll be deemed guilty of tomorrow. It will never be over.
Today we're being told that even speech itself must be rigged and fixed - the opportunities to speak must be controlled and redistributed by State-industry cabals to promote correct thinking and combat "disinformation." Even the dice of free speech must be loaded.
You can't tell people that everything must be fixed to achieve "justice" - capitalism itself must go because its outcomes can't be properly controlled by our betters - and be surprised when they come away with the message "everything is rigged." /end
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The variables have changed, but this still is - and always has been - about rationally balancing risks and rewards, costs and benefits. Our society's inability to do so, crippled by hysterical media and opportunistic politicians, has cost us dearly.
It's no surprise that we've come to this state. The great project of the political class across most of my lifetime has been aggressively destroying the ability of the American people to measure costs against benefits and make rational decisions. It's been a cultural lobotomy.
In a way, politics has always been an extreme form of salesmanship, which always seems to minimize a customer's perception of cost and maximize perceived value. Politics takes salesmanship to another level, utterly divorced from reality.
The 1/6 rioters should be treated with the same severity as Black Lives Matter rioters. Since that is not remotely possible, all else is political theater and raw exercises of power, and I am weary of pretenses to the contrary.
I'm weary of our ruling class sending the message that your home, business, and personal safety are at the mercy of violent Demcorat-approved grievance groups, but don't you DARE do anything that makes the aristocracy in D.C. uncomfortable.
I'm tired of hearing the Abolish the Police Party demand limitless scrutiny and aggressive defunding of the police who protect the rest of us, but unquestioning support and increased funding for the police who protect THEM. Why not protect the Capitol with social workers, huh?
I can't help thinking that if "The Exorcist" happened today, the demon Pazuzu would spend less time spitting pea soup vomit and more time setting up a TikTok account.
The demon's every foul utterance to the possessed girl's mother and the exorcists would be followed by it triumphantly holding up its iPad to show how many likes and upvotes it got.
Father Karras: The power of Christ compels you!
Demon: (shrugs) Hey, that thing I said about what your mom is doing in Hell got 32,000 likes already. You should see the emojis people are sending me!
People argue about what the Founders envisioned for America, but one thing they definitely did not see coming was a titanic political-media Ruling Class that would become completely insulated from the effects of the policies it imposes on the rest of us.
A few bubbled leaders at the top are bad enough, but we ended up with a Ruling Class far larger, richer, and more removed from daily life than the monarchy and aristocracy of old. They just don't live on the same planet as the people they rule over.
If the Ruling Class gets its way, soon only members in good standing will have access to air travel and reliable personal ground transportation. They have no trouble imposing diktats that are literally IMPOSSIBLE for the rest of us to meet, while exempting themselves completely.
One of the core problems with American governance is overfunding. The government has FAR too much money, by an order of magnitude. It uses that excess cash to make itself bigger. It is insulated from every force that would compel greater honesty or efficiency.
The government is so flabby that it can barely move. Its nerve endings are deadened from the layers of fat that protect it from all consequences. It can't actually *do* anything useful, and it collapses in a quivering heap at the first touch of genuine crisis, as in the pandemic.
Overfunded government agencies constantly seek new "missions" so they can demand even more funding, while neglecting their core missions. The sums flowing through these agencies are so immense that corruption has become all but undetectable.
How can anyone think a State-sanctioned cartel of corporations, acting in unison to suppress speech that threatens the ruling Party, is consistent with the First Amendment? What inalienable right could not be easily stripped from the American people with such tactics?
Democrats are asserting that our Constitution provides absolutely no protection against State-directed mega-corporations acting as instruments of ruling Party orthodoxy.
The correct term for a system where capital is privately owned, but controlled by the State, is fascism.
So the Left is telling us: Surprise! After hundreds of years, we've just discovered the U.S. Constitution offers no protection whatsoever against fascist tyranny! As long as the State uses politically-controlled corporations as its agents, your silly little "rights" mean nothing!