3/ For those not familiar with full details of UsForThem, see this part of a thread of mine and the links, I will be returning to the rest of the thread shortly
The article at the top is a good starting point for HART and the network, however there's more
4/ HART are useful idiots for the GBD, they develop disinformation and provide an "independent" voice for MPs and journalists. There are loads of these interlinked groups all aimed at targeting diff ppl with diff specific messaging, like Vote Leave did with Facebook ads
5/ For instance @LogicallyAI mention HART members are also involved in World Freedom Alliance, there is also the World Doctors Alliance
6/ These groups are dangerous and deeply unpleasant, been researching the network for more than a year now, its meant a lot of abuse, false accusations and the occasional death threat.
They produce terrible disinformation and have inspired some really dangerous ppl
7/ I was sent a copy of this leaflet, it was being put through letter boxes in a predominantly Muslim neighbourhood, I have seen considerably more disinformation shared in the non-white activist groups I'm in.I think its malicious, look who they recommend, created by or inspired?
8/ We know there are genuine historic reasons for higher rates of vaccine hesitancy in certain groups, I've seen many more examples of disinformation targeting specific groups, most are short vids, unfortunately I do know ppl who refuse vaccine because of this.
9/ We can see the repercussions of this networks disinformation on the streets of the UK
A struck off nurse calling for nurses and doctors to be hung after a Nuremberg style rally, where did she get this idea from?
World Doctors Alliance and WFA, from WDA website⬇️
10/ Right, let's start cracking this nut
1. World Freedom Alliance website 2. Screenshot from one of my reliable sources showing HART members organising talks with WFA in knowledge that they are involved in calling for Nuremberg 2.0
11/ I believe the network has influenced policy, certainly influenced the national debate.
The issue is the way these opaque groups interact with MPs and Journalists behind closed doors.
Here an Express journalists is said to be organising a GBD meeting with MPs
12/ Here is the same journalist tagging in anti school safety UsForThem and T4Recovery the group which has donated to the CRG.
13/ We have been let down by most the media, some are stenographers, some biased, some just chase easy stories and public opinion, most have failed to attack the disinformation networks while spending lots of time attacking gov critics calling for better mitigation.
14/ HART, GBD, UsForThem etc, wouldn't have gotten anywhere without ppl willing to platform them, some journalists will be ignorant of the network, others appear to be actively facilitating.
You can decide which is which 2. The GBD meeting 3. On promoting their launch
15/ Tominey said to attend a meeting with ppl from GBD, HART and MPs?
Recently started on LBC
1st weekend - Henegan - GBD
2nd weekend - Brookes - GBD
16/ I wonder if Graham Brady throwing his lot in with the CRG helped with his recent 1922 chair reelection
I wonder which MPs realise they are basically meeting multiple subsidiaries of the same network being coordinated by a smaller group?
17/ A sources thoughts on HART as part of the wider network
19/ I believe the previous comment about an inner core of 10 is an approximation.
20/ Its interesting how the media have attacked iSAGE when they've only operated in public. The network is all about secrecy, its anti democratic, at times it almost sounds like those supporting the conspiracy theorists are engaged in a conspiracy
21/ What was the starting strategy of HART?
Meet with Govs internal and high profile critics (sounds like CRG considered leadership challenge at start of the year) to get a meeting with top of gov. Part of a larger effort.
How many and who have they met with?
22/ Remember reference to the network supporting HART and others being almost like setting up resistance cells..
When Javid and others say "lots of scientists agree" do they mean lots of groups run by a central well resourced and connected core?
"None of this will be public"
23/ Oh what a shame, it is now public, because there are leakers amongst them
Well not all of it is public, there's a lot more on HART and their interactions with other groups, and theres plenty more still to uncover.
How have they influenced policy?
Democracy deserves to know
24/ "Operation Lumen" The exit strategy developed by an inner core while the other groups engage MPs and the media, seemingly facilitated by ppl who have been political advisers and journalists.
So secrete their general members cant know about it, never alone the general public
25/ Anyone remember any questionable BMJ opinion pieces?
Perhaps around child vaccination for instance?
26/ Thinking back to that list of target journalists, who in the BBC, Telegraph and Mail are working with Ros Jones (who produces a lot of UfTs official material including letters to @GavinWilliamson) on challenging the idea that children shouldn't be vaccinated?
27/ should be vaccinated*🤦🏽♂️
Notice also there were plans in February to use the network to discredit Zero Covid, shortly after this I started hearing the phrase "Zerod covid fanatic"
Some members have some pretty confused thinking. This statement wasn't challenged.
28/ As I said they are like the undercover antivax resistance cell, some don't like it that others in the network like Sikora endorsed adult vaccination but they are all working together for roughly the same aim
29/ All sorts of ppl pop in to offer support
Here is a former Cambridge Analytica psychologist, explaining how he will explain vaccine passports are psychologically manipulative and which media outlets will put it out
30/ Here the former CA guy digs through data on ppl who want mask wearing as they discuss how to manipulating them into changing their mind on masks
31/ Here they are smirking about the big project he did in the US, he then drops a data file for them 😉
Still smirking now?
32/ Dont know much about data collection, but it seems like almost any tactic is acceptable to achieve their aims, this way of getting out an anti child vax message certainly seems questionable
33/ I'm sure this is all legal, the network does afterall have its own legal organisations, here Lawyers 4 Liberty are organising liability letters to vaccinators
34/ Paul has done amazing work at showing who is in various groups in the network and how they work together
Here is the bit on lawyers 4 liberty including this one, so we can guess who the lawyers she mentioned are, are they serious or egging her on?
36/ UfT seem to have been a major route into getting MPs to engage. 1. How to remove mitigations - HART produce anti mask doc/ meeting with IDS 2. Then refer the MPs to "independent" HART
37/ 1.Also looks like the the anti mask letter was put out via UK Medical Freedom Alliance 2. MPs suggesting ways of moving forward, and suggesting the weekly MP bulletin
38/ Worth bearing in mind that @halfon4harlowMP as Chair of the education select committee invited UfT to provide evidence to parliamentary committees
Would love to know @defenddigitalme's thoughts on this, everyone should follow and learn about the huge data issues in education, I got a motion passed at NEU exec a while ago to support them
40/ 1. PF of CA advises calm neutrality and not getting into squabbles in public 2. Contacting associate editor of Telegraph who seems keen on starting an attack on a member of Independent SAGE and Gov adviser
Dismissing Long Covid, remember the "Muchausen by Proxy story"?
Idea its mainly all psychological
42/ You can see how so much of the UK media agenda has been influenced, particularly around schools and children, as I've always said, they are key in a strategy of reaching herd immunity by infection (if possible?)
43/ I wonder if some people are now sweating, some members have kept their involvement private.
An early membership list so not definitive
44/ HART is just a cog, only a few members fully know whats going on
I think Panda is a bigger cog
Collateral Global is Gupta
45/ Enough from me, for now, as you can see we have a serious fucking problem with the state of our democracy
Most journalists are ignorant to this and those who have been digging appear vastly outnumbered by those facilitating this
54/ There is currently a push to remove testing, to start with the aim is to get rid of asymptomatic testing.
So is this the Tory Covid Recovery group or T4Recovery that donated to CRG "requesting help".
55/ There are issues with LFT, particularly when used as a green light, but notice their main attack is on specificity, its about making the case of too many false positives adding to the "pingdemic" so that they are scrapped
56/ A Reverend gets a consigned letter about passports published by the Spectator
Turns out he's in HART, and look who he is getting advice from
61/ New article here on Fagan from Cambridge Analyticas involvement, good to see more reports on this appearing. Will start seeing a some momentum building on this
67/ Anyone else see organisation advised by former Cambridge Analytica head psychologist calling for followers to hand over all their data with just a bit of suspicion?
73/ CHA have an interview with an expert from the UK, guess who?
Ros Jones from HART and UsForThem who also coordinates with the UK "alliance"
So trying to stop children being vaccinated as paediatric ICUs in areas of Canada are struggling
74/ Of course they are promoting the GBD, how a small but well organised and funded group managed to have such a global impact is one of the main questions that needs answering when we look back at the pandemic.
75/ Here we have Lord Attlee and Kate Silverton getting on well with Bernard
Also mention of the German/American lawyer Reiner Feullmich being in another legal group in the network
78/ A selection of ways to sabotage public health campaigns in a pandemic, and also the group discussing how to get parents to start refusing the flu shot this year
Children should enjoy the benefits of catching covid
Why can't we allow children to catch covid?
82/ Got to say that
Rather than vaccination, the best way of protecting your child from catching covid is to allow them to catch covid
As a serious statement deserves some kind of special award.
83/ Here is Lucy Johnson saying she agrees with these people about vaccines and how HART support her in getting an anti child vax message past her editor
1/ So Toby Young, now a member of the house of Lords is directly receiving support from Musk, a member of a foreign government
2/ This is after the FSU jumped onto a case of a teacher appealing against a school for being dismissed for their online posts, the case was being backed by Christian Concern and FDU piggybacked as an intervener
3/ Worth noting the case centred around a petition from CitizenGo, an organisation identified as being part of a US/Russian network designed to undermine sexuality and reproductive rights
While much of the UK media has focused on DEI, tariffs and confirmation hearings there's been less focus on what appears to be an attack on the US constitution, purges of people and scientific information, and efforts to supress opposition and scrutiny
2/ First a quick look at the pardoned Jan 6 rioters as an example
Toby Young to join House of Lords
Ridiculous, consider the content of his Daily Sceptic which produces a daily diet of climate change denial and antivax stories
I bet he continues to complain about elites and the establishment whilst wearing his ermine
Consider how he set up Free Speech Union after Jordan Peterson and James Or (Edmund Burke Foundation/NatCon) went to Peter Thiel for support who then sent his chief of staff to help set up FSU
And then there is Toby Young’s support for "progressive eugenics" the belief that the rich are rich because they rich are genetically superior while poverty is a result of being genetically inferior
🧵The latest Republican Covid Oversight Committe provides a clear picture of the alternative reality that will soon be taking charge of US health institutions
It's worth considering the implications for the FDA when the grifters become gamekeepers
2/ It's hard to know which came first, claiming a cure for covid as a reason for removing all measures, or the grift, likely it depends on the individuals.
Lets look at a timeline of the promotion of alternative treatments that continued to be promoted once proven ineffective
3/ The first example of people producing an alternative treatment protocol that I know of is from the AAPS linked organisation that rebranded as Truth for Health Foundation
There has been ongoing attacks on the CCDH since they published their disinformation dozen report years ago on the biggest antivax promoters online, this named RFK Jr and others who have been embraced by MAGA appearing at a conveyor belt of conferences
3/ Despite their claims they aren't political this crowd and their ecosystem of overlapping groups is very close to the centres of power like Thiel who are driving the modern day Republican Party
🧵 Amazing when RW media decide to care about SEND students
When it comes to VAT on private schools they are suddenly worried about SEND pupils, but they backed austerity, the dismantling of CAHMs real terms cuts to school budgets, and loss of 20,000 support staff mainly TAs
2/ I think it was autumn 2017 we had a protest regarding SEND students being let down over 80,000 educators and SEND parents gathered outside Westminster, it didn't get a single mention in the media from any outlet
3/ 2016 ATL conference motions booklet
Look at the issues we were trying to raise, issues largely ignored, and only raised when suits a narrative