1/6 Social and economic #wellbeing influences how humans interact with #nature. At the @defaunation Hub @DICE_Kent we study how human wellbeing (e.g. access to healthcare, education, infrastructure) affects environmental change in Indonesia 🇮🇩 #HWBout#DICECON21
2/6 We track changes in poverty/wellbeing over space & time using Indonesia’s PODES census data - issued by @bps_statistics every 3–5 years to document demographic, economic & social characteristics of ~50,000 villages. A cool e.g. here rdcu.be/b9Bzy#HWBout#DICECON21
3/6 We transformed PODES into a Multidimensional Poverty Index (#MPI) of 18 indicators & 6 dimensions, helping to explore synergies & trade-offs between different aspects of wellbeing & score overall poverty for each village #HWBout#DICECON21
4/6 Our MPI framework reveals interesting changes in poverty and wellbeing over the last 10 years in Indonesia. Living standards improved across Indonesia since 2008, but rate of improvement is unequal across Islands #HWBout#DICECON21
5/6 Different aspects of social and economic wellbeing potentially drive biodiversity loss in Indonesia and will allow us to identify areas where conservation efforts should be prioritised to benefit both wildlife & people. #HWBout#DICECON21