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Jun 21st 2023
На цьому фото я щасливий що живий після чергового виїзду хоч і з черговою контузією 🥲
А вижив, я і мої побратими, в тому числі завдяки допомозі, яку ви надаєте для мене та моїх друзів 🫡
Дякую ВАМ! 👇 Image
Величезна вдячність @kvitkatwitka і її подружкам з @lopata_zubata за допомогу із саперними лопатами для мого взводу.
Що дівчата, що лопати - неймовірні 🔥
Лопати гострі/міцні, ними було викопано багато укриттів, які врятували від мін 💪
Допомагайте їм, лопати - це дуже важливо! ImageImageImageImage
@dim0kq та його @dzygaspaw допомогли моїй роті без вагань та роздумів, надіславши два таких необхідних дрона Mavic 3!
Як рятують життя ці пташки, ви мабуть знаєте, тому ще раз дякую!
ПС. І вдячність за солодощі! Було смачно 😉🍫

Дзига приймає донати тут…
Read 7 tweets
Jun 17th 2023
For the history
PS: I never knew we were friends (??)
All my dms to her were about her stolen personalities and weird “transitions” from one girl to another while inventing weird stories like “not to hurt her followers who trust her”.
I cared because I though she undermines
1/4 ImageImage
the work of many Ukrainians on twitter; that people may start to doubt if Ukrainians on twitter (at that time many signed up on twitter due to the full-scale invasion) are real and reliable sources of information about Ukraine.
Now I don’t care, after yesterday,
that she didn’t join the spaces.
I send her link to spaces before she said “she goes to deliver supplies to the frontlines” she had time to join and say hi. She didn’t. This is enough for me.
Read 7 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
Once more, from the top, as an unbroken thread.

"NAFO: The Saga"
#NAFO #NAFOfellas Image
Read 18 tweets
Jun 7th 2023
It is difficult to write this tweet because at this moment water is taking lives and homes of my friends, and relatives in Oleshky city.

Мені складно писати цей твіт бо в цей час вода забирає життя моїх рідних, друзів в м. Олешки, #Kherson

!ретвіт вітається
Perhaps the least but not last that we can do remotely is to talk about ALL the people on the left bank, spread information in foreign media, and keep attention to the amount of the catastrophe caused by the russians after they made an explosion on the Kakhovka Hydroelectric dam. Image
Currently (as of 07.06.2023), the city of Oleshky looks like an island where survivors are huddled together, while all surrounding villages are completely flooded.
In the areas that were flooded first yesterday, there are floating corpses (plural!) ... ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
🧵1/7 #NAFOfellas here is a short thread on how to help cut off the funding for 🇷🇺 shills who use @buymeacoffee to fund Russian disinformation and hatred towards 🇺🇦 #bonkemwhereithurts
🧵2/7 Many Z zombies will have a link in their Twitter profile with their link. See examples below. Click on that link ImageImageImageImage
🧵3/7 Once you have clicked on the link you will be taken to their @buymeacoffee donation page via Twitter. It’s easier to work with the page in your internet browser so click on that. You will need to copy the link later. See below ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Jun 6th 2023
russians have blown up Kakhovska hydroelectric power station.…


Evacuation has started
Critical level of water will be in 5-6 hours.

This is an ecological catastrophe for the whole world.
18 million cubic meters of water
@UN it could be the biggest ecoside as Zaporizhya nuclear power plant’s uses the water reserves to cool down the nuclear reactors Image
#twitter is blocking my tweets on the topic

#NAFOfellas does someone experience the same? Image
Read 9 tweets
Jun 5th 2023
#NAFOfellas successfully took down @ Sprinter99880’s @ buymeacoffee funding source. We now need to take down his PayPal and Ko-Fi accounts. See his profile for details

There are other accounts to report such as @ vicktop55 - his profiles are there.

Bonk ‘em where it hurts 💪 Image
Others to consider include @ NinaByzantina Image
@ colonelhomsi also has a @ buymeacoffee account. Seek and destroy 🚀💥
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
ALERT: If you see videos of 🇺🇦 de-mining in Ukraine DO NOT under any circumstances post the images on social media.

It will help the enemy.

Spread widely, please.
In order for Ukraine to conduct the counteroffensive it must secretly de-mine areas before advancing
Guten abend @threadreaderapp UNROLL merci.

national security alert
Read 3 tweets
May 27th 2023
- Ongoing #NAFOIntel thread -

In both kinetic and information warfare as conflict progresses both the tactics involved and the terrain of the battlefield changes.

We hope this thread helps the #NAFO community along on their journey to assist #Ukraine to victory. #SlavaUkraine
To begin the thread we would like to focus on the issue of #NAFOfellas now getting put in time out or getting the big bonk themselves permanently.

We have people and groups that hunt trolls and report TOS violations..

They have Pro-Putin trolls that hunt Fellas & do the same.
One of their tactics, adopted from our own.. To trigger you, and bait you into your own #TangoDown ..

Never play chess with a pigeon. Even when you win.
The pigeon just knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board, then struts around like it won. Image
Read 15 tweets
May 24th 2023
On #NAFOday, we present a special big #SquaDrone thread, featuring all the team drones. We'll start with a jab from one of Ukraine's greatest boxers, bought by The Drone Team 2 (we're not sure who fellas had in mind — @Vitaliy_Klychko, @Klitschko, or both)
Big bada boom is so 1997.
Badda jagga bonk is much trendier, although the point is pretty much the same.
"Anybody Else Want To Negotiate?"
#NAFO #SquaDrone
This amazing Millenium Falcon comes courtesy of Flight Lieutenant @AurelliaStrass and #NAFOJediforces. Unlike the original, the only things this ship smuggles are explosives for russian invaders. Much like the original one, however, it will serve the light side.
Read 11 tweets
May 22nd 2023
biolabs and nuclear facilities have also been found inside RU occupied Bilhorod. Placing these sites in civilian areas causes unbeknownst harm to civilians and also is a radical escalation in the special military operation against Ukraine.… we welcome temporarily occupied russian territory commencing a slow withdrawal from the area and an IAEA investigation and seizure of these nuclear weapons will calm the situation greatly. We need non partisan UN troops on the ground in Bilhorod.
The Moscow regime's dangerous rhetoric to the independent sovereign people of Bilhorod demonstrate a chaotic regime losing control of a newly formed independent region and desperately trying to cling onto power where the people no longer want to submit.
Read 11 tweets
May 22nd 2023






Legend Included/NOTES FOLLOW Image
ALSO : I AM WILLING TO FORWARD a .pdf of this file if notified within next few hours - then 'POOF' - gone again Image
Read 55 tweets
May 18th 2023
______FINAL THREAD_____

Gift for #NAFOFELLAS 💝

Copy/Save for 'IT' please


--> This Account WILL BE DELETED within 10 Hours

#SlavaUkrainii🌻 Image
WHAT's going on at the CASINO SITE



In The Course of DISCOVERING and DOCUMENTING the RUSSIAN-Developed #NETWAR Network, part of my investigation UNCOVERED an #ArtificialIntelligence 'HUB' Built-in

A #MarkovChain - though I did not know it was anything other than '8 SYNCHRONIZED DOMAINS'

a 'MANIFOLD' Image
Read 8 tweets
May 15th 2023
Attention #NAFO It is with great pleasure that I announce our counter offensive against Russian propagandists.

𝙾𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙴𝚌𝚕𝚒𝚙𝚜𝚎

Thread 👇 Please like & RT so others know.

@exileoftza @Chairman_Meowed @1JessicaEliza @MindyNL79 @Central1Snipe @mexic0la_ Image
In this thread I will reveal some methods russian propagandists use against us and how to counter them effectively.
So if you read my previous thread you'd know that russian propagandists are reporting NAFO accounts and trying to silence Ukranian voices by reporting these accounts for TOS violations.

While they themselves have pretty much blocked all of NAFO to prevent us from doing the same
Read 14 tweets
May 15th 2023
Hello :)) I will do this for the first time now, but I would like to thank all these people on Twitter for supporting Ukraine. I'm sure you already know about most of them, but now there's a reason to subscribe as well 🤗😉

WarMonitor🇺🇦 - @WarMonitor3
NOELREPORTS 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 - @NOELreports
Def Mon - @DefMon3
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 - @bayraktar_1love
Dmitri - @wartranslated
Thomas C. Theiner - @noclador
Maria Drutska - @maria_drutska
Anonymous Operations - @AnonOpsSE
Visegrád 24 - @visegrad24
Saint Javelin - @saintjavelin
Анатолій Штефан (Штірліц) - @Shtirlitz53
Tatarigami_UA - @Tatarigami_UA
🇺🇦Ukrainian Front - @front_ukrainian
Jay in Kyiv - @JayinKyiv
Dárek pro Putina - @DarPutinovi
Mira of Kyiv 🇺🇦 - @reshetz
Polina Shumakova - @SumakovaPolina
Read 7 tweets
May 12th 2023
Attention #NAFO We are being attacked. Kremlin stooges, FSB agents and vatniks are reporting Ukranian accounts in an organized and systematic way. THREAD: 👇 Pls like and retweet so people know

@exileoftza @Chairman_Meowed @1JessicaEliza @MindyNL79 @Central1Snipe @mexic0la_ ImageImageImageImage
First of all, make sure you block all the accounts mentioned above in the photos. Do it right now.

Second of all, make sure your tweets don't violate Twitter'a rules.

Don't say anything that can potentially get your account suspended or banned. This is the best defense. Cont.
Refrain from calling violence upon certain countries, calling them names, calling for the suffering of its citizens, calling them names etc.

It is better that you are still here and provide a voice for Ukraine.

Make sure your tweets comply with twitters rules before posting!!!
Read 12 tweets
May 11th 2023
Why I Joined #NAFO and became a #Fella


Thread: 1/8 Image
So, first, what is #NAFOfellas? The Fellas are an online army of brain damaged cartoon dogs (sic). Their mission? Fighting russian disinformation. It's a grass roots movement founded by @Kama_Kamilia during the early months of the war. NAFO has been growing eversince. 2/8 Image
So why did I join #NAFO?

I'm a disabled person confined to my bedroom so, in real life, there's no much I can do. As you can imagine, this is quite depressing. Joining @Official_NAFO has changed that profoundly. 3/8 Image
Read 9 tweets
May 4th 2023
1/15 #NAFO #Fellas, I can't get past.
Ukrainian volunteer Yuri Chornomorets is ready to kneel down to raise money for his friend, a brilliant sniper who is left without a rifle before the counteroffensive. The deadlines are very tight, we can't cope without #NAFOFellas.⬇️ Image
2/15 Below I will translate Yuri's post on FB. The link to his post will be in the comment. ⬇️
"Consider that I am standing before you on my knees - help ‼️
Please read carefully, understand, donate and repost, tell your friends and colleagues!
3/15 I have a Friend that appeared in this war.
In ordinary life, he is a bit like a small child.
And at the same time, he calculates corrections faster than a supercomputer can do and about a hundred times faster than other snipers.
Read 17 tweets
May 2nd 2023
1/4 I was recently accused of not engaging in a #counteroffensive, but correcting the letters in the word Kyiv.
Well, now it will be about the #counteroffensive and #ragedonate ‼️
This will be a cry from the heart of Yuri Chornomorets, theologian, philosopher, volunteer, Image
2/4 who sold everything he could sell in his house to help snipers. He addresses it Ukrainians in Ukrainian. But I am sure that #NAFOfellas #NAFO #NAFOCatsDivision and all who support Ukraine can help him.… ImageImage
3/4 Yuri Chornomorets is collecting much-needed sniper equipment and ammo for the front line that could save the lives of the Ukrainian military during the #counteroffensive
Please, help‼️ #ragedonate #SupportUkraine
Read 4 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
Thinking of creating a thread for #NAFOfellas and foreign 🇺🇦supporters with trusted Ukrainian volunteers and fundraisings that will be updated upon the new activities.
This should have been done much earlier, though previously most of the fundraisers were closing a bit easier than now.

Reasons: most fundraisers were closed by Ukrainians themselves, but rn economics are stagnating due to the war. And it’s much worse than what it is abroad.
Also: most fundraisers still are created by Ukrainians for Ukrainians. Most foreigners don’t know about these needs as they are not in their bubble.

Last but not least: Twitter algorithms: 🇺🇦news are ranked worse than everything else, it is hard to boost just via retweets
Read 5 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
⚡️Fundraiser for the Special unit Krym 🇺🇦(Crimea) for car repair

Previous report quoted, will also get video from them:)

Goal: 40000₴ / 1000€

Thank you for all retweets and donations🫶


Revolut (International), etc:…
Read 6 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023

Likes and subscriptions to everyone who writes a COMMENT, RT or LIKES 🤠 Let's do mutual aid to everyone who will participate in this tweet! Let's go 😏

#Ukraine️ #Україна #NAFO #NAFOfellas
#NAFOmemes, please :) ⬇️⬇️⬇️
What are you doing rn? :)
Read 6 tweets
Apr 22nd 2023
#WarTopic ⚔️🛡️
🔵 "Should the West enter the war?"

#1 🔹 So, in my opinion, the "West" needs to make more specific and important decisions to help those people who want to go to Ukraine and help us in this war.
#2 🔹 Create a global program for training such people, not only servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The prospect of full #NATO entry into the war is unrealistic at this stage, I think you all understand this very well.
#3 🔹 But, NATO can help Ukraine in defense operations, provide a military escort of ships in the grain agreement, and, of course, resolve the issue with Transnistria (part of #Moldova 🇲🇩) , I believe that #Romania 🇷🇴 will also be interested in such a "special operation".
Read 5 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
U.S. Citizens / Russian Intelligence Officers Charged with Conspiring to Use U.S. Citizens as Illegal Agents of the Russian Government

DisInformation and CHAOS Agents BUSTED…
Hmmmm.... lemme see if I got some of dat...

1st L👀k Image
Read 15 tweets

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