In a classic lefty inversion, Seth proposes using and brandishing force to enact political change through scaring the civilians.
Pretty sure that's *quite* close to normal understanding of terrorism - of which Seth accuses his target.
Note that Seth riles against Trump's petition of redress of grievances to courts and to legislatives. Note that Seth proposes government use force to prevent Trump from petitioning, and from speaking to his supporters. That doesn't square well with the Constitution.
Guess Seth will try to delete the thread at a later date, so - #AlwaysArchive :-)
Power corrupts, and this is ultimate power, if in small doses.
2/ I love Upper Echelon Gamers' content - it's varied, intense, well researched and presented. He even earned a complimentary twitter ban to emphasize speaking truth to the power. RIP.
Saw him as "by the people, for the people" kind of journalism.
But is that the case anymore?
3/ What is a journalist to do, when given an easy, unquestionable angle?
Meta-question it. Always. Be the unpopular guy asking, "but are we seeing all that there is to it?" when people make teary eyes and the state sends legal cavalry for the - predictably always same - victims.
2/ Trump won by arbitraging the landed gentry of US.
a wind of his kind is not merely one-time; he showed a path that people are willing to follow. also sowed a lot of messages that simply did not exist in popular consciousness on the neutral/not-far-left side.
need a repeat.
3/ "the landed gentry?"
historically in UK they were known as "lord of this, lord of that".
currently in US they are known as "editor of this, editor of that". (there is some more but that's besides the point rn).
3/ one of the accuser is now suing her employer, the Washington Post & its officers, for being barred from covering me-too style accusations, in particular the Christine Blasey Ford accusations.
The short & incomplete list of alliances forged by feminists:
- large businesses: promise of doubling workforce = cheaper labor
- education: promise of activist block
- trans lobby: promise of "sisters in oppression"
- any activist group: promise of access to 70% spending power
- entertainment: promise of doubling audience for the same product
- political parties: promise of votes easily managed by media
- governments: promise of lowering domestic fecundity
- globalists: promise of lowering foreign fecundity
- religion: promise of palatable messaging