Some minimalist principles for using @RoamResearch effectively based on the live stream with @wshuyi.
They'll keep your Roam a delight to use by designing it so it works with you (not against you).
1. A meta-point to start: use the tool with a purpose.
For me, Roam was a way to write faster, so everything was focused on that goal. FOMO disappeared as I could easily separate the relevant from the irrelevant.
When getting started, that's a blessing, as it cuts complexity.
2. Metadata tagging is another form of complexity.
Simplify to Not Started, Doing, Done.
That's in contrast to using, Not Read, Reading, Read and Not Written, Writing, Written.
It will cut your cognitive load and make your database more of a delight to use.
3. To avoid more obvious forms of duplication when tagging, I always opt for the singular.
That means I write 'Metric' not 'Metrics'. It's simple to action and keeps things tidier.
4a. But what about tagging your content? The Forest and the Trees principle from Roam Untangled will help.
Forest = book-level tag.
Tree = block-level tag.
That way, you can filter to find trees across all your notes even if the book metadata doesn't have a tag on that topic.
4b. It'll also prevent tagging anxiety: tagging a book with every topic you can think of to not lose ideas.
Instead, just nest your notes under the metadata. Now those block-level tags are children of the book.
They'll resurface easily.
Tip: Forest and Tree tags should be ME.
5. The Up, Down and Across framework will make your tags more creative (leading to more original thinking).
Up = the idea above.
Down = the idea below.
Across = the idea that rhymes.