1/n Answer to Is the Big Bang theory correct? by Kishor Kochrekar quora.com/Is-the-Big-Ban…
There is logical reasoning too;why BB Theory,is correct! I explained!
But Albert Einstein's BB Theory, formulated by him
Is E=MC^2
But,Question is.Are we Organism's?Or,We are LIFE?
2/n Every nuke&corner of any Indivisual organism?
Similar was the concept conceived by ancient Indian
Wiseman/ऋषी.The didn't believe in GOD,ईश्वर,परमेश्वर,but
(1*)Lack of knowledge of science no one could understand the concept,and was led to wrong till this date.@sudhamurty note
3/n In Indian, languages deads are called मृत,मृत्यु and similar, word derived from
संस्कृत word मृत्तिका means माती,soile,earth that contains
Almost 119 Elements, Carbon, Hydrogen,Nitrogen&Oxigen
Playing important role for construction of Organisms.
When dead,all it's qualities
4/n Mainly byDNA.AndResponses
Depending on NurturingAnd
Circumstances ARE INACTIVE @sudha1787 to note
I will cite an example:As what HumanSpecies organism brain you think;
You have to legs with which you walk at the speed of 5km/hr.When using Bicycle, your speed is 15km/hrs.
5/n Material Bicycle got nothing to do with the speed and the destination you cover.
If you use material CAR you
can travel at 150km/hr
Car has got nothing to do.
Similarly, when your DEAD
Organisms, carried by same car,your bod,if you think YOU gor nothing to do with
The speed
6/n And the destination covered by the body in the CAR.
So,we are together,each portion of life in Indivisual
Organism represent by brain of the organism Illusory, deceptive "I" the nature's creation.So that to take care of the portion of life exists in the Indivisual
7/n Organism
Only Human Brain Of Right
DNA has capacity to understand this
Though "I" is necessary and will persist for ever; It's excesses are of concerns
Leading to Extinction.
OneGenomeOnenessConcept ToSaveLastAndTheBestEver
EarlyExtinction @BillGates
quora.com/What-is-the-bl…Q.by.Leena Nath
1/nWhatever best benefits of science and Technologies, you are taking in present era; Isn't that blessings of science? @Leenanath7 @Leenanath3927
Using benefitsOfScience&
technologies depends upon HumanSpeciesOrganism’s
2/n DNA,Nurturing And Circumstances(These Three Factors,Are Responsible… For Indivisual Organism's Behaviours And Responses in human(?) Society.
This is MESSED-UP, World. And Use Of Science & Technologies are Boon Or Bane depends, how is it used
There isSAYINGinOurLocal languag
3/n माकडांच्या हाती मशालंMeaning Flame In the hands of Monkey.If it is in hands of real human,shall be used to search the path.But if Monkey or human alike
Tail,Horns,SharpCanines&NailClawsLess,Mammal;Will be used set everything on fire/destruction.IfObserve
1/n May,Entire population of HumanSpecies of the cosmopolitan society, of this world start behaving with each others like true friends & not foes for ever.
Irrespective of Casts,Creeds,
Poor.TheWay,Don't Take CognesenceOf;While
TransplanOf,ORGANS !
2/n Friendship goals & best friend goals are very helpful to create lasting friendships.
The truth is that we need to have these strong friendships to have a healthy and happy life.
The longest happiness study was done by Harvard and
the results show that having relationships
3/n belonging to a community was the most important thing that determined our happiness and long life.
We need to nurture all of our relationships and our close friendships since they are worth their weight in gold.
Friendship goals & best friend goals meaning, generally,when we
@SudhaRamenIFS@KamlangTiger 1/n.Do we need to protect
Tigers Or,Our (Human Society's Back-Bone, Life-Line) Labouring Men,
Farmers ? Because of their labouring activities;We get
From Food,Shelter, Water,
Imagine!If all of them COMMITT SUISIDES will any of you be able to survive?
Understand Human
2/nRoutes,Reservations, Destinations.So,Trust Him&
TheOceanIsHomeToAn Estimated2.9×10^29UnicellularOrganisms About20,000Species
ThenCameInMulticellular, organisms.All
3/n These Don't & Didn't
have brain so no destiny as such thing for them.
As the evolution of multicellular organisms proceeded, complexity grew demanding necessity of brain for all round control.
NoBrainOtherThan HumanSpeciesOrganisms BrainThinksOfDestiny.
1/n @PoliceBilaspur
मोबाईलवर क्रिकेटगेमखेळून चार तासांत करोडपतीझाला‘हा’पोलीस कॉन्स्टेबल!पहा गेमखेळताखेळता क्रिकेटम्हटलेकी भारतामध्ये सर्व जातधर्म एकत्रयेताना पाहायला मिळतात{जसे,दारु,वेश्श्या,नश्या}
क्रिकेटअसाचएकखेळआहेकी भारतामध्येसमाजातीलसर्वघटकांना एकत्रकरतअसतो.क्रिकेटपाहण्याचे
2/n प्रकार देखील बदललेले आहेत. आता मोबाईलवर देखील क्रिकेट फार सहजतेने पाहता येते.गेल्या दीड ते पावणेदोनवर्षांपासून क्रिकेटचे सामने हे फार कमीप्रमाणात खेळवण्या आलेलेआहेत. मात्र, नुकताच भारतआणिश्रीलंका यांच्यादरम्यान काहीसामनेझाले आहेत.यासामन्यांमध्ये भारताने चांगली कामगिरीकेलीआहे.
3/n गेल्याकाहीवर्षापासून मोबाईलमध्ये चांगलीचक्रांतीझाल्याचेपाहायला मिळते.त्यामुळेआता मोबाईलमध्ये देखीलअनेकगेम सहजतेनेउपलब्ध होतात.मोबाईलमध्येफुटबॉलया सोबतच इतरलहानमुलांसाठी खेळ देखीलअसतात.यासर्वांनी मोबाईल मध्ये पत्तेहागेम खूपमोठ्याप्रमाणात असतो.आताऑनलाइनगेम खेळण्याचाट्रेण्ड
Answer to What made you angry today? by Flash didyouknowknowledge.quora.com/What-made-you-…
1/n.LastEvolvedMammal Is Still,A-Tail, Horns,SharpCanines&Nail Less
NoReligionCouldConvertHimInto human.TheMainReasonIsReligionsAre AlsoBusinessesToEarnEasy,Luxurious, Livelihood.The