A lot of people are pointing out the headline is also bad. I agree. Two-fers are a thing, and it's been a bad week for MSM clickbait failing to convey context.
Context: U.S. Senator doesn't understand what censorship is. Johnson uses his platform to endorse the next phase of Alex Berenson's grift (milking a one-week Twitter suspension to go on Tucker, etc.)
As context for Alex's recent tweet, arbeit macht frei (“work sets you free”) was put over the entrance of Auschwitz. Impfung macht frei means “vaccination sets you free.” It's a pander to the “vaccine holocaust” theorists and incredibly gross.
Context: It's been a month after the date Berenson says cases exploded, and two weeks since he repeatedly claimed imminent "vaccine failure." It was a weird flex for him to basically turn into a "wait two weeks" doomer, but I did wait and—nope, the vaccines continue to work well.
Plots created by a sheet @Marco_Piani gave me, who has some good observations about Berenson's related misrepresentations.
Context: One year ago, @nataliexdean asked Rebekah Jones a pointed question, and Jones blasted to her followers she was being “harassed.” One pointed question was all it took for Jones to smear a scientist and a phenomenal communicator during the pandemic.
Jones was just wrong about the science: antibodies indicate *past* infection, and someone with a false negative won't engage in risky behavior like someone with a false *positive* might, but Jones’ smear of Dean is what makes it reprehensible.
Context: First, the life expectancy of someone 78 is not -1. It's almost ten years (although life expectancies dropped significantly last year because of the virus). cdc.gov/nchs/data/vsrr…
I don't know whether of not Tucker knows how life expectancy works, but he's playing into the trope that maybe COVID deaths don't exist at all because those who died are so old. washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/…
Context: This is an old take that’s passed it’s sell-by date. Where exactly are the “lockdowns” in America?
The theory was that since “Emergency Use Authorization” has “emergency” in the title, this requires a lockdown (because hundreds of deaths a day is NBD, apparently).
If there are no lockdowns, the bad take theorizes, no EUAs can issue, and so approval for the vaccines must be revoked!
Here’s corona-grifter Alex Berenson promoting the half-baked, legally-uninformed idea in April.
Context: I looked through the docket. It doesn't seem like anyone argued for or against this claim. It went from being a Facebook meme (or misremembered Fox News segment) to a federal decision with no intermediate steps.
The CDC determined that 3 deaths are "plausibly" linked to the J&J vaccine out of millions of doses administered. Even the recent San Jose VTA shooting is more than that. cdc.gov/coronavirus/20…