Let's break the response by Nick Brana of the #PeoplesParty down a bit:
- Nick refuses to go on Franc Analysis claiming he 'said all he has to say' about the petitioners then says he'd be glad to go on the vanguard to talk about it... so he's just dodging Franco
- Nick says everything @MppPetitioners has said has been debunked in their 'statements'. MPP has only called us bad faith actors without any evidence presented, meanwhile the petitioners have an entire website with point by point debunking of MPP: petitionmpp.com
- Nick says it was their membership that called for an end to the discussions and is the reason they've been silent when in fact the membership were encouraging Nick to go on the shows like Franc Analysis and the Vanguard ASAP to respond
It's been 8 months since the 200 'bad faith actors' have been expunged and MPP after 5 years doesn't have bylaws, have never held a significant vote, no elected leadership, and no ballot access in any state. So was it really us holding them back for the 4 months we were there?
Nick Brana is a serial liar simply trying to protect his grift of a party that is really just a PAC. I only wish this had been done sooner when these issues were first coming to light. Nevertheless I'm glad this happened and thank you Franco for putting on the pressure.