Corporate progress relies on self-promotion, being recognizable, having a sponsor & making sure people know EXACTLY how much you contribute to the firm
"my hard work will speak for itself" doesn't always work
while you're soaking up hours every day behind your screen, John is hitting forward on your mails and taking credit for your grind - every company has a John
when it's bonus SZN and senior management is sitting in a boardroom deciding how much you get paid, the WORST place to be when your name comes up....
Contemplating quitting your corporate job to become your own boss? [Thread]
Making money is much easier when you have money. More importantly, having dry powder buys you time.
Starting with anything less than 6 months salary can be suicide. Bonus if you can get to a year saved up.
Flicking the switch on monetizing a new business isn't instant.
The fine print
Scrape through your employment contract to check for non-compete clauses, lock-in periods for approaching competitors, policy on recruiting existing employees.
Check what the notice period is, number of leave days you have to cash & how to transfer your pension.