@mentions@imranirampal@Naveen_Odisha@CMO_Odisha@sports_odisha 2/n
Is Metwith.
This is business of Arts & Sports, Endorsed by the Human(?)Society For
Long Long Years. The Kingdoms Of The Kings
Established In Human(?)
The very purpose is to keep commons in
Endorsed by the Human(?)Society For
Long Long Years. The Kingdoms Of The Kings
@mentions@imranirampal@Naveen_Odisha@CMO_Odisha@sports_odisha 3/n
Established In Human(?)
Society.TheVeryPurpose IsTo KeepCommonsEthnish&
Busy,not to GiveThem time to ThinkAboutAutrocitiesBy TheKings&TheirMen.When KingdomsOfTheKings
Established InHuman(?)
TheVeryPurposeIsToKeep Commons,ethnish&Busy,not ToGiveThemTimeToThink About A
@mentions@imranirampal@Naveen_Odisha@CMO_Odisha@sports_odisha 4/n
Autrocities by the Kings & Their Men.
And who have to work for your food & lavish
Farmers? Labour class?
What do they GET?
Only Circumstances To
Aren't You Cause Of Poverty, HungerRiddenPeople,Various Crimes?BeAshamedOf
Politicians not bothered.
Musk's leadership scores are high! r.glance.com/?g=YXsqCDkG
1/n.Fine if his leadership scores are high! But what is the use of his spurious leadership that is benefiting
Only him and Ants surrounding jaggery, his few parteners in businesses.
An as far MONEY has tremendous power.
2/n He should show and or use his Leadership-Power and Money-Power To Committing
His Words just four months back HeStatedInHisVideo TurningMarsIntoEarth; m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…
In this video ElonMusk concluded:TerraForming of
Mars into Earth-like Habitat would several mellenia.
3/n SoWeShouldReallyFocus A good deal of our efforts into figuring out,
If One Wants To Make Our Earth the way,ElonMusk feels?And wants?
See above quotes of Elon Musk,FromHisVideo👆
I will appretiate AND call him
@georgesoros 1/n
George Soros (@georgesoros) tweeted at 3:32pm onMon,Aug09,2021:
Governments should not use the pandemic as a cover for cracking down on free and fair elections. trib.al/pXOjGxZ
Sir George Soros,
Do you know? When Human Species was civilized
@georgesoros 2/n
and started AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES;There was no desparately. No KINGS To Rule
And No Present Era So-called, Fake Democracy too.
Allover the world Wise- men,In Indian Language
ऋषी The eldest of the groups were leading in search of water and there by furtile land to settle.
@georgesoros 3/n
All over world, system was same
There was no marriage system.And wise men divided their such families into Groups
In the darkness of knowledge, it was essential to get or gain knowledge. And people in this group were provided with their just needs.
Then comes in Protectors
1/n OneGenomeOnenessConcept ToSaveLastAndTheBestEver
Possible HumanSpeciesFromEarly
Extiction m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…
TheInternationalDayOfThe World's IndiGenous People is observed on 9th Aug,each year to promote and protect the rights of world's indigenous population.This event
2/n Also recognizes the achievements and contributions the Indigenous People make to improve world issues such as environmental protection
How Hypocrite The Human,A
Last Evolved Mammal Is?
Every day a DAY of celibrasion under some of
or oher Pretext at other's Costs,a business to
3/n To earn easy money for lavish livelihood.
Almost all countries are occupied by foreigners or mixed breed, long long ago Except Tribals who didn't come out of Jungle
An American Citizen, proud
of being British Blood,was tested for DNA.Was found
of Genghis/Chagez Khan
Mr.ElonMusk, What do you mean by everybody ?
"A Billionaire IN SPACE,NOT
Very Calamitous State Of
Human Species Of This Unique Habitat Planet.
When you Uploaded a Your VidioByHashemAlGahilli Turning Mars Into Earth; m.facebook.com/story.php?stor…
@SpaceXMR 2/n
In this video ElonMusk concluded:
TerraForming OfMars into Earth-like habitat would take several mellenia.So
should really focus a good deal of our efforts into figuring out,
Has he forgotten?
@SpaceXMR 3/n.Or he is hypocrite.Just
Last Evolved Mammal,A Tail, Horns,SharpClwas&Canines&Nails,Is Most Selfish, inherited many Gene's,of
Pre-evolved animals.
But Hypocrite Too.
Or ElonMusk is Ignorant about, WHAT REALLY MEJORITY HUMANS OfThis
Planet CravingFor?
@DalaiLama 1/n
Respected🙏 !Throughout
Your life you lived like Royal Monk.Spiritual(?) Leader
When I was schooling in secondly;There, was lession about Prince Siddharth Gautam Budhdh
When he came across four
incidences He saw 1.Dead,
To resolve these;He stepped
@DalaiLama 2/n
Now almost2900years gone.
Keep Death & Aging out aside.Are nature's Laws
Ailments;Scientists in the fields of life & medical science,are expurging, advancing in the fields
But the tragedy is revealed by following example: during presence Covid-19 pandemicA Spanish biological
@DalaiLama 3/n
Researcher:"You give the footballer One millionEuros a month,and a biological researcher1800Euros.You are looking for a treatment now. Go to Cristiano, Ronaldo,or Messi(highly paid footbal players of the world) And they will find
you a cure"
Now I Question You!
You don't want
@rashtrapatibhvn It is fine SIR 🙏!
But at whose costs?
Arts & Sports are Nature's ( God's for those who believe in the Gos)Gifts.
To All The Animals Including HumanSpecies.
Haven't one seen Animal
Performer Of The Performance Gets More
Joy.But money too irrespective of one's performance
@rashtrapatibhvn 2/n
be it Best or Bad.That too everything is Metwith.
This is business of Arts & Sports, Endorsed by the Human(?)Society For
Long Long Years.When The Kingdoms Of The Kings
Established In Human(?)
The very purpose is to keep commons in Ethnish &
@rashtrapatibhvn 3/n
Think about
Autrocities by the Kings & Their Men.
And who have to work for EVERYONE's food & lavish
Farmers? Labour class?
What do they GET?
Only Circumstances To
Aren't "LAMEBRAINS" Cause Of Poverty, HungerRiddenPeople,Various Crimes?