11 Powerful Tactics to Turn You Into a Narcissist Repellant
(These psychology-backed ways will save you from decades of emotional pain )
A narcissist can cause untold miseries in your life.
It can be anyone - a friend, a co-worker, a partner.
It is hard to get out of such relationships.
And it's even harder to repair the damage done.
So what to do?
Prevent narcissists from entering your life in the first place.
It will save you tons of heartache, pain, and wasted years.
How to do that?
Here are 11 Tactics that will turn you into a narcissist repellant:
1. No second chances 2. Avoid rationalization 3. Own your story 4. Trust your instincts 5. Don't confuse abuse with love 6. Beware of the love bomb 7. Be cynical about "soulmates" 8. Fast is risky 9. Reject gaslighting 10. Reject future faking 11. Avoid big sacrifices
1. No Second Chances
The first time someone shows you their true color, believe them.
And show them the door.
This might seem harsh.
But at best, you lost a relationship that had promise.
At worst, you saved yourself months and years of abuse and pain.
With narcissists, second chances soon become the 100th chance.
Set the code of expectations early in the relationship.
Address the first violation.
If they get defensive and try to pin it on you, cut them off.
Looking out for yourself is not being cold and intolerant.
2. No Rationalization
Stop making excuses and justifying bad behavior.
No more "they are just having a bad day".
These rationalizations lead to second chances.
They leave the gates open for too long and allow the narcissist to come in too deep.
3. Learn Your Own Story
Do a deep dive into yourself.
Learn your vulnerabilities and your blind spots.
Learn if you had a narcissistic parent or a sibling.
Heal those wounds.
Only then commit to a long-term relationship.
This will protect you from repeating toxic patterns.
4. Trust your Instincts
You store your trauma in your body.
So your body knows and warns you when the patterns of your childhood are being repeated.
Trust that inner voice of wisdom.
It warns you early when it feels something is not right.
Listen to it before you get stuck.
5. Don't Confuse Abuse with Love
Love feels stable, predictable, and even a bit boring.
Love doesn't mean chaos, instability, and unpredictability.
If that's how the relationship feels like, then it's time to step back.
6. Beware of the Love Bomb
Grandiose gestures are how narcissists reel you in.
They make everything larger than life.
But life is not a Disney movie.
And if someone's going out of their way to make it seem like one?
It's better to be skeptical.
7. Be Cynical About "Soulmates"
Relationships with narcissists are the hardest to break away from.
You feel this magical connection.
You feel like no one ever understood you like this.
But it's not "chemistry". It's just déjà vu.
Stay on guard when you notice this.
8. Fast is Risky
Narcissists act fast.
- moving in together too fast.
- meeting the family early.
- marrying quickly.
They want you to make commitments before you can think clearly.
Avoid this at all costs.
If you feel it's moving too quickly then it really is too quick.
9. Don't Tolerate Gaslighting
Gaslighting is abuse.
The first time someone questions your reality and your feelings, confront it.
If it's met with more gaslighting then it's time to cut ties.
It's not worth it.
It's a behavior that is never going to change.
10. Reject Rosy Future Dreams
When you finally figure it and try to move out, the narcissist swoops down with a grand dream for the future.
And if the narcissist knows your dreams?
Then that dream will be woven into the fake future.
Expect this while you are cutting ties.
11. Avoid Big Sacrifices
Narcissists want you to commit early.
They will ask or manipulate you into a huge sacrifice.
Moving across the country.
Or Giving up your education or job.
It lets you fall right into their trap.
Never burn bridges just to be in a relationship.
Learn these tactics and absorb them.
Keep your eyes open when allowing new people into your life.
A little awareness can save you tons of drama, confusion, and pain.
Because with narcissistic relationships, prevention really is the cure.