Having one of those moments you realize a thing you’ve called an object your entire life may have been made up by my family. Help me out, what do you call these segments?
I just realized I feel really strongly about our culture’s absence of adults making lunch for other adults. Sure, we do brunches and dinners, but when was the last time a friend made you a nice sandwich with some orange boats, and am I totally losing my mind? Yes.
It’s like a grandmother thing, grandmothers would make you a nice quesadilla with some salsa on the side or a nice English muffin pizza but grandmothers aren’t a permanent resource.
Normalize adults platonically making lunch for other adults.
Vaccines are safe and effective and I’m glad to have one. However, I wish that places noting how few vaccinated cases of delta we’re seeing would note they’re only tracking vaccinated *hospitalized* cases, and Long Covid can still happen, as far as we know, with mild ones.
I wish more data, or any data, would come out on LC/vaccinated cases, but I have friends and loved ones dropping all precautions fully because they’re vaccinated and I very much worry this opens them up to a little-understood chronic and possibly lifetime illness.
I can promise you this, not only do you not want a chronic illness, you do not want to throw yourself on the mercy of the American way of dealing with chronic illness, which is to put you on a rotating treadmill of expensive specialists who won’t talk to each other.
A year and a half in, and the resounding messsge I am getting from the world on Covid is that individual lives do not matter, on the survival of systems - corporations, governments, industries - matter.
If the Olympics survives, a few athletes with long Covid or worse, doesn’t seem to matter. If Amazon survives, a few dead warehouse workers doesn’t seem to matter. A GOP politician gets re-elected, what do a few of his constituents dying due to his vaccine scaremongering matter?