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Aug 15, 2021 682 tweets >60 min read Read on X
#jiangcheng 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪????

…as the years pass by and Jiang Cheng grows older, he realises that so much of his pain came from trying to overcome his own mediocrity amongst a sea of extraordinary persons. wwx obviously, the twin jades, the Nie brothers, even jgy…
he could have avoided so much agony if only he had realised and accepted it sooner. He is and always will be nothing more than merely average. Unremarkable.

It’s fine, he thinks. All of it is fine. He knows now he is nothing.
That not only is he forgettable, he is inconsequential.

Jin Ling is a sect leader now, and still keeps a tight friendship with the two Lan disciples. wwx and even the wretched wn are in their frequent company. The cultivation world has welcomed back the yllz,
brushing away the past because now he’s “redeemed” and partner to the illustrious (sanctimonious) Hanguang-jun.

No one cares for Yunmeng, or their Sandu Shengshou, who’s so consumed by hate and spite that he refuses to let his martial brother return home.
It’s fine. It’s all fine. His brother in law’s murderer, the one that caused his sister’s death, the one that led the Wens to their doorstep, causing the death of his parents and 1500 Jiang disciples, the one that now hides behind his self-righteous husband, the one that has and
always will outshine him…he’s now captured the attention of the only person that matters more to Jiang Cheng than any other.

It’s really fine. jc has finally made peace with all of this.

“I am retiring,” he announces one morning. “And leaving to seclude in the mountains.”
His senior disciples are appropriately horrified.

The SIC has gone pale as a ghost. “Sect Leader…are you abandoning us?!”

jc sighs. “No, of course I’m not. I’m merely retiring.”

The disciples exchange bewildered looks. “But…but…”

“But nothing. I have decided.”
“What about the sect? What about Sect Leader Jin? Sect Leader, you can’t abandon us!”

jc sighs again. “Silly, I’m not abandoning you. Of course not. I’m retiring, not dying. The next leader will know where I am, so that they may call on me if necessary.”
He fixes a flare on his SIC. “But I do not anticipate it will be necessary.”

“Of course not,” the SIC answers automatically, before realising what she’s said. “No! Sect Leader, I can’t accept this! None of us can accept this!” A chorus of agreements burst forth,
and jc holds up a hand to stop them.

“I have made my decision.”

“What about SL Jin?” a senior disciple asks. “You can’t possibly think of leaving him behind?”

jc’s chest clenches at the remainder, but his expression stays calm. “Jin Ling is an adult. He’s been running jlt
smoothly for several years already. His position is stable. And I expect our good relations with llj to continue.”

“Of course,” the SIC says automatically again. Then she shakes her head. “Sect Leader, will nothing we say sway you?”

“No.” jc sighs. His cultivation has helped
retain his youthful appearance, and he’s still young compared to the long lifespans of cultivators, but he’s just so tired. “I’ve lived my entire life for Yunmeng and my family. But it was unnecessary. And I’m tired now. I want to retire and leave the cultivation world.”
A few senior disciples start crying.

jc smiles gently at them. “Silly. Like I said, I’m just retiring.”

The TIC has been quiet this entire time but he gives a decisive nod. “Sect Leader, I support you. You have worked too hard. You deserve to do what you want.” He sniffs,
before bursting into huge, uncontrollable sobs. “I - I only ask that - that I be allowed to w-write to you in - in your se-se-seclusion.”

jc pauses. He hadn’t expected such emotional outbursts. Of course he anticipated panic and distress but this unwillingness to let him go is
a little baffling.

Ah. He understands. Change is always hard.

“Of course, Wei-er. You may write as many letters as you wish.” He will eventually be too busy to keep it up, so what’s the harm in agreeing?

jc spends the rest of the day with the senior disciples, dividing up his
work among them. It’s best not to overwhelm A-Xiang at first, but she will be a great leader.

The rest of the week is spent packing away his things, most being given away to be reused or recycled. He doesn’t really have personal belongings beyond Sandu and Zidian.
Zidian will go to jl, but jc will take Sandu for protection. He’s already found himself a nice hidden spot in one of the dense forests at the edge of Yunmeng, a few days hike away from the nearest village. He’ll camp there as he builds himself a small hut.
When all the preparation is done, jc writes a letter to jl, telling him to come to lp for urgent business. jl has commitments in llj, but promises he’ll be there in 3 days.

3 days later, jl sends a butterfly message saying there’s a major nighthunt with his friends and if
jiujiu could let him know what the urgent business is or could it wait for a few more days?

jc doesn’t want to wait a few more days. There’s no point in dragging it out. So he says it’s sect business and leaves Zidian with A-Xiang, who refused to hold succession celebration.
The next day, all his disciples are present when jc leaves, dressed in rough linen robes and covered with a weimao. Sandu is wrapped in cloth and strapped to his back, and though his face is hidden, they can all hear his smile as he bids them farewell. As painful as it is for
them, they know they cannot be selfish. Sect Leader needs this, and they will give it to him.

jc is shocked when they fall to their knees to bow to him, and suddenly he’s overwhelmed - by their love, by his love for them, by the knowledge that this is goodbye forever.
He’s glad the weimao is covering his face, hiding the stray tear that escapes.

“Alright, all of you up and back inside. Get back to work.”

A-Xiang stays stubbornly kneeling on the ground, and the rest of the disciples copy her.
jc sighs. “Silly children.” He turns then, and is soon enough lost in the crowd that they lose sight of him.

Yunmeng Jiang closes its doors, and enters mourning.

Several days later jl arrives, excited to tell jc about his night hunt. But the wide gates of ymj are closed, and there’s no sign of life in the courtyards.

He actually has to knock, the heavy metal knocker squeaking in its hinges.

The gate opens a crack. “Sect Leader Jin.”
“Meiling-jie, where is everyone?” jl pushes inside, not seeing the flash of irritation on the disciple’s face.

“As usual, Sect Leader Jin.”

jl pauses. The wind carries over the sound of disciples in the training yard, and jl sees disciples and servants walking about silently.
But Lotus Pier looks…dead.

The disciples that do see him turn away, and jl frowns at this, making his way to the throne hall.

He stops, heart stuttering as he sees A-Xiang on the Lotus Throne. “What - what’s happening?”

“Sect Leader Jin. Please, have a seat.”
jl is taken aback by the formality. “Xiang-jiejie, what-”

“Please address Sect Leader Jiang appropriately,” Jiang Wei says dully, sitting where A-Xiang used to.

A-Xiang wasn’t a Jiang the last time jl was here, just a few months ago. When was she added to the family register?
“You - you’re not a Jiang!” jl shouts.

“The formal adoption and succession was done with the entire sect as witness,” Jiang Wei answers in the same lifeless tone. “She is now Sect Leader Jiang Lingyu.”
“N-no! What is this?! Where’s jiujiu! What did you do to him!” jl panics, all the familiar faces in the hall looking at him passively, like strangers.

A-Xiang finally speaks. “Sect Leader Jin, please calm down.”

A disciple comes to take his arm and lead him to a guest seat.
jl wrenches out of the grasp, marching up to the throne. “No! Where’s jiujiu! I demand to see my jiujiu!”

“Well you cannot!” A-Xiang snaps.

jl doesn’t understand. There’s no white to be seen, so jiujiu is still alive. What’s happening? Why is everyone like this?
Maybe - maybe jiujiu is indisposed somehow, and A-Xiang is taking over temporarily. Yes - that must be it - they must all be playing a trick on him because jl showed up late.

“Then I’ll go to him myself!” jl stomps out of the hall, heading to jc’s bedroom.
“No, don’t stop him,” A-Xiang says, when a few disciples try to follow. “Let him see.”

jl races through lp, heart pounding so heavily it’s all he can hear. He slams open jc’s door and is met with an empty room.
There’s no bedding, and the desk is clear. There’s no scent in the air, no hint of jiujiu’s favoured incense, and the stand where Sandu rests is empty. It’s as if this room has never been used before.

“…no. No! Jiujiu! Jiujiu!” jl runs back to the throne hall, where A-Xiang is
waiting patiently.

“Where’s jiujiu! What have you done to him!”

“We didn’t do anything to him.” A-Xiang gestures, and a disciple goes up to jl with a small box. jl lifts the cover with shaking hands, and inside rests Zidian. He whips his head up to A-Xiang, eyes wild.
“Sect Leader has retired. He’s secluding in the mountains, and will no longer have any contact with the world.”

“No! What do you mean retired? Jiujiu would never do that! He built lp with his own two hands! He would never leave it behind! A-and what about me?
Jiujiu would never leave me! He wouldn’t!”

“Unfortunately Sect Leader Jin has arrived several days after Sect Leader’s departure,” A-Xiang says. “I was informed there was some delay.”

“He said it was just sect business!” jl shouts.

“Sect Leader has a bad habit of
not prioritising himself. Fortunately, we as his disciples understand that the word urgent means urgent. And as you can see, this /is/ sect business.”

“Tell me where he is!”

A-Xiang stays silent.

“Tell me!”

jl will not stand for this. He snatches Zidian and jams it onto his right index finger. It feels so wrong. “Fine! I’ll find him myself!”

He sweeps out of the hall, stepping onto his sword the second he’s out the gates. No one stops him and no one calls out to him.
There’s only the sound of heavy wood as the gates close again once more.

It’s been cloudy for a few days now. The air is wet and heavy, and jc can smell the impending storm.

He stops at an inn, not wanting to go through bad weather. He’s not in a hurry. The wine is fragrant, the dishes are spicy, and the inn is plain but clean.
No, there’s no need to rush.

“Gongzi, would you like more wine?” The waiter is eager to please. This young master is dressed in rough clothing but has a regal bearing and soft pale skin. Most importantly, he orders without looking at or asking for the price, and is drinking
through the most expensive lotus wine like it’s water.

“Yes, thanks. And some more snacks.”

The young master is alone, watching others around him curiously. Perhaps he’s a young noble, running away from home for some adventure.
“Here you go, gongzi!”

“Thank you.” jc sighs contentedly as he takes a leisurely sip of lotus wine.

A couple hours later, the restaurant is clearing out, so jc orders a few more jars to his room and heads upstairs. He’s paid for a regular room, but he’s
stayed in worse places, so he’s not bothered. After a quick bath, he settles himself at the low table and pours himself some more wine.

Outside, the wind howls and the shutters rattle, the harsh rain beating roughly against the building.
Thunder sounds, and when lightning flashes, jc smiles, humming happily.

Tomorrow, he’ll sleep in. And if the weather is bad he can stay for another night. Which means he’ll also have time for an afternoon nap.
jc wiggles in his seat. Ah, just the thought of all that sleep makes him happy. He should take advantage of it before he reaches his new home. He knows how hard it is to construct a building from scratch and he won’t have any help.

It’s alright. He has time.

jl orders a search team to head to Yunmeng.

The order is met with confusion, and the council is hesitant.

“It is their private sect matter; we should not meddle.”

“The more important question is whether we can keep our preferential trade agreements with the new sl.”
There’s so much discussion, so many opinions, but none of them are what jl wants to hear.

“My jiujiu must be found! He has been forced out of position! This is a coup! I will not stand for it!”

“This is their internal matter; a change of power is not unheard of.”
jl is furious at the end of the day. He writes to his friends for help, and then takes off with a team of his own loyal disciples.

The old foxes in the council see this as a grand opportunity. A young, inexperienced sl leaves Yunmeng vulnerable, and without his uncle’s power
jl himself is also vulnerable. Let’s see him try to force his position now, without the might of Sandu Shengshou to back him up.

After all, jl does have a lot of cousins, all with the Jin name.

“Gusu has replied. Grandmaster Lan has expressed his wish to continue the friendship with Yunmeng.”

“Good, good.” A-Xiang (she still cannot think of herself as Jiang Lingyu) is glad that there is one major sect that they do Not have to worry about. lqr has always been kind to ym
and they can run on jc’s goodwill and name for a little longer with lqr in charge.

“SL Nie’s letter says many things that says nothing.”

“As expected.”

“And…congratulations from llj.”

A-Xiang can feel a headache forming. “Pull up everything we have with llj, they’re gonna
try something soon, and we gotta be prepared.”

“Yes, sl!”

It hadn’t seemed so difficult to make these decisions with jc here but now A-Xiang feels lost. jc has trained her for years for this - trained all of them in case they find themselves alone at the helm like he had been.
A-Xiang knows she can handle it. She just doesn’t want to do it without jc.

Jiang Wei catches the look on her face. “I miss him too.”

A-Xiang rubs her nose and straightens on the throne.
“Sect Leader is happy. He’s taken care of us for so long, it’s our turn to give him happiness now.”

There’s nothing.

How could there be nothing! Not even the townspeople saw jiujiu leaving lp - how is that possible?!

“We’ll split up and search in all directions. There’s only so many paths to take.”

A younger, nervous disciple raises his hand. “What if he travelled by sword?”
jl stops in his tracks. “Fuck! Ahh!” He’s so frustrated he doesn’t even know what to do. “I don’t care! Look along routes first! We’ll figure it out from there!”

“Yes, sect leader!” The disciples quickly divide themselves up to leave, jl heading in the direction of Meishan.
It’s a long shot, but jc’s grandmother and aunts are all there.

jl feels the eyes of the townspeople on him as he leaves. He knows they know but he doesn’t know why they won’t tell him even the direction or what jiujiu was wearing so they have something to identify him.
Why is everyone so determined to hide jiujiu from him? jl doesn’t understand.

He doesn’t understand any of this. If jiujiu wanted to retire, then fine! Retire! He could even move permanently to jlt and then jl could be with him all the time!
Or if jiujiu wanted to wander the world then that’s fine too! Go have fun!

But why disappear? Why cut himself off from his friends and family?

Why not wait to say goodbye to /him/?

He knows he is jiujiu’s entire world. He’s all the family that jiujiu has.
Jiujiu fought tooth and nail so he could be involved in jl’s upbringing, so why would he just leave without a word? No note, no message, just Zidian.

No. Jin Ling can’t accept this. He won’t. There must be something else - maybe jiujiu left because he was usurped, maybe
he was being hidden away, maybe someone was deliberately trying to cut him off from Jin Ling.

Whatever it is, jiujiu could not possibly have left of his own will.

So jl will find him and bring him back.

Whatever it may take.

jc is at the edge of the forest that he picked. The spot is actually pretty inaccessible on foot, but there’s still a few days’ worth of travel before he gets to that point.

The birds are chirping happily, the sun dappling between the leaves. The trees are almost ridiculously
tall, their trunks thick enough for a grown man to hide inside.

jc takes off his weimao. He tilts his head up, eyes closing as he takes in a deep breath of fresh, cool air.

He lets it out in a rush, smiling when he opens his eyes and comes face to face with a tiny, fat bird
perched on a branch above him. It chirps at him curiously, and jc’s smile widens.


~chirp chirp~

“You’re a cute little one, aren’t you?”


The bird hops closer, and jc stretches out a hand, heart fluttering when the bird lands on his
outstretched finger.

“Hello,” jc says again softly. It’s round like a ball, feathers smooth and shiny.


It gives a tiny peck to his finger before flying off, and jc laughs to himself.

Today is going to be another good day, he just knows it.

“Cultivator?” The granny laughs. “Young man, why would any cultivator stop here? We’re a small village with no inn.”

“Are you sure?” jl presses. He holds up the portrait that he’s been showing around. “He’s about my age, a little shorter than I am-” jl gestures to his forehead.
“Young man, we really had no cultivators pass by here. But if you’re talking travellers, well, there are always travellers. No one as good looking as the one you’re looking for though.”

jl sighs before thanking her. He leads his disciples to a noodle stall, letting them have a
rest while he stews in misery.

A message butterfly arrives and says there might have been someone matching jc’s description at a town in the southwest.

jl flies over immediately, and it takes all his effort not to shake the waiter by his collar when he gives only the vaguest
answers about jc - he was wearing rough robes in plain greys, drank a ton of expensive lotus wine even though he only paid for a regular room, and slept for most of the 2 days he had stayed, leaving his room only for meals.

No one else in the town recognises jc at all,
but finally the waiter is some use because he brightens with an “Ah! He was covered with a white weimao!”

It was such a plain, obvious answer that jl is even more enraged. Jiujiu travelling by disguise just supports what ymj said - that he retired and entered seclusion because
he wanted to. No one forced him, there was no coup, jiujiu just decided to leave. Without saying goodbye.

His disciples thank the waiter but jl just storms out.

His heart hurts.

jl meets his friends at a town in the direction where jiujiu was last sighted. They greet him with worried faces, wwx going to grab him by the shoulders and demanding “what happened to jc?!”

So jl tells them what’s happened, and he starts to feel strange when they all collapse
back in their seats. Hanguang-jun just flat out rolls his eyes at jl while lsz and ljy sigh.

wwx laughs in jl’s face. “Jin Ling, there’s nothing to be worried about! jc is just throwing a tantrum - it’s what he likes to do when he gets upset! He’ll be back soon, you’ll see!”
But it doesn’t sound right to jl. Jiujiu wouldn’t have named A-Xiang as the new head, they wouldn’t have sent out notices informing the other sects of the new leader, jiujiu would have left a trail at least -
“Nah,” wwx says unconcernedly, leaning on his husband as he grabs the jar of wine he ordered. “Back then only your mother could find him.”

(Back then, only jyl would look for him)

“I think the longest he stayed away for was maybe three days? He’ll come back on his own,
there’s no need to fuss.”

“It’s been almost 2 weeks,” jl says tightly.

“Yeah, but he’s an adult now, isn’t he? No one’s gonna punish him if he runs away. Just give him some time. It’s what he always does. It’s what he likes to do, for attention I guess.”
“See, I don’t even know why you’re so worried,” ljy says loudly. “Your uncle is a full grown adult and you said there’s no hint of foul play. He’s just throwing a hissy fit like Wei-qianbei says!”

Even lsz looks exasperated. “This doesn’t really seem all that urgent.”
Jin Ling is suddenly overwhelmed by a wash of hate for the people in front of him. hgj isn’t even pretending to care, which jl expected, and he always knew lsz and ljy looked down on his uncle but he had thought they would at least care on his account.
As for wwx. His callous disregard now is only underscored by his love for making speeches about how much he sacrificed for jc, backed up by his overindulgent husband who makes decisive statements about jc without knowing anything about the man at all.
jl backs away from the table where they’re seated. These people know nothing. They’re not part of the political elite in the cultivation world, they know only rumours and vile gossip without ever dealing with his jiujiu themselves.

jl hadn’t cared because these are his friends.
His first friends ever in his life.

And jl knows of jiujiu’s reputation, so he had put up with their jabs and eye-rolling and off handed barbs because they’re his friends. They don’t have to like his uncle, they just have to like him. Which they do.

Do they?
“Aiyo, Jin Ling, come sit and have a drink!” wwx pours a cup, setting it in front of jl’s empty seat. “If you want to look for him, we’ll help!”

hgj rolls his eyes.

“But there’s no rush,” wwx says.

“There’s no trail,” jl repeats, voice so tight his throat actually hurts.
“There’s only been one possible sighting. My jiujiu has disappeared and no one seems to care except for me! So fine! Sit and have your drink! Eat your fill! None of you care about him, why would you be worried!”

“Jin Rulan, mind yourself,” hgj says sharply.
jl suddenly hates him so, so much. He doesn’t speak back. Let hgj explain to his sect why jl is cutting off relations with them. Jiujiu has taught him that lessons do not need words or beatings to be learned.

“I see now I have been mistaken. I thought we were true friends,
having gone through life and death with you multiple times over.”

jl waves over the waiter and hands him a gold piece. The waiter’s eyes widen and his hands shake at holding so much money. “Y-Young master?!”

“I’ll pay for these gentlemen. All the food and wine they want.
Rooms if they want.” jl hands over a silver piece. “This is for you. Give them the best service. My friends deserve the best.”

jl turns to leave.

“Jin Ling, stop being such a child! Honestly you’re just like jc!”

jl pauses before turning around. lsz and ljy are looking at him
expectantly. hgj is completely dismissive, drinking tea silently. wwx grins. “Come on, jl, we never said we wouldn’t help! Sit and eat first! Leave it to your da-jiu to find jc!”

When jl speaks his face feels numb. He pulls out every bit of composure that he jiujiu taught him.
“I renounce my brotherhood with lsz and ljy. Wei-qianbei is of no relation to me.” He catches hgj about to intervene and he cuts him off. “hgj would do well to remember I am a sect leader and that I outrank him. If you won’t think of yourself, then think of your sect.
Ah, but I have forgotten. What is sect and family to hgj, who cares for nothing and no one but his husband?”

“Jin Rulan! Don’t think I won’t teach you a lesson, to make up for your lack of parental guidance!”
jl turns Zidian on his finger. “Try then, if you dare.” He gestures to his disciples. “We’re leaving!”

His disciples follow him out as ljy, lsz and wwx call after him.

jl ignores them, giving sharp directions to his disciples before flying off himself.

He feels so alone.

It’s tough work, building a house from scratch. There’s the logging, preparing the wood, and most importantly, setting the foundation.

The last time he had been here he had dug a well, so he wouldn’t have to make the trek to the nearby stream daily.
Plus, this way he has the option to spoil himself with hot baths, something he’s always enjoyed.

There’s something to be said for hard labour backed by strong cultivation. Something that would take a regular worker hours only takes jc minutes,
though that’s not to say it’s not just as hard. He ends the first few days absolutely exhausted, falling fast asleep in his tent the second he swallows down his simple rations.

But he wakes each morning energised by singing birds and works with gusto, already imagining all
the creature comforts he’s building into his home.

He’s started a vegetable and fruit garden already, and the soil is so fertile it shouldn’t be long until the shoots start showing.

Today jc decides to give himself a break, packing a few things to hike to the nearby village.
It’ll take him about a week to get there and back, so he rigs a timer to water his garden, covers his drying wood with a tarp, and heads out with his weimao in place.

The tiny village is so remote there’s a necessary delay with messages or letters, and jc finds himself with a
huge stack of letters at the post station, all from his disciples.

A-Xiang updates him on the progress of the disciples’ training but leaves out any news about sect business or political affairs. jc smiles as he reads her letter, settled at the one restaurant in the village.
Jiang Wei stayed true to his word, writing him a daily letter, and it’s sent along with drawings from the children. His other disciples are similarly diligent, and all of them reassure jc that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about, A-Xiang is doing a great job,
and for him to enjoy his retirement.

As jc eats, he fends off curious questions by the couple that own the restaurant. He’s had enough practice with nosy sect leaders that it doesn’t take any effort at all, and he leaves with well wishes and invitations to return.
jc stops by the liquor maker to buy a few large jugs of wine. The old man running the place looks at him worriedly as jc straps the huge jugs to his back.

“Young man, if you tell me where you’re going I could arrange for a worker to assist. You’ll break your back this way.”
jc laughs. “I’m stronger than I look! It’ll be fine, this is nothing.”

“If you say so,” the old man says, eyeing jc’s thin figure. He looks like he’d blow away in a storm. “But if you change your mind, just come back and find me.”

“I will! Thank you!”
jc makes one more stop to buy rice and spices before deciding to head back to his forest.

When his new home is built he’ll put up the drawings from the children. For now, he takes out the letters, reading a couple more from the huge stack before
settling down to sleep under the stars.

It’s been another wonderful day.

It’s been a month and jl thinks he might be going crazy. He’s flying back and forth between llj and locations of possible sightings, the old foxes on his council are trying to encroach on his power, and he doesn’t even have anyone to talk to about his problems.
jl had to put a little work into it, but he got his council to agree to cut off the preferential trade routes with Gusu Lan - they had been set up in jgy’s time, and jl had not seen a need to alter them; why would he, when friendships and brotherhood go beyond alliances?
Now jl relies on the greed of his council to immediately stop the routes, which had long gone past their treaty dates but had just been left in place.

jl writes a letter to lxc, who’s been out of seclusion for about a year now.
It’s written in jc’s style - polite, formal, and absolutely scathing.

zwj may be his elder by decades, but jiujiu never let anyone push him around and neither will jl.

Gusu does not ever beg, but jl is satisfied knowing that he’s made lwj’s life just that bit harder in cr.
lwj had made jiujiu’s life so difficult for so many years - it’s about time someone put him in his place.

jl knows it won’t really hurt lwj, not with his attitude. Still, it makes him feel better when he hears that lwj is being punished. Perhaps in the future he’ll know better
than to offend people left and right, especially powerful sect leaders, just because he’s backed by a powerful sect of his own.

But any vindication jl feels is still overshadowed by jc’s continued absence.

All his spare time is dedicated to searching for jc, flying over
mountain ranges and forests to look for any sign of life.

He doesn’t have much spare time, now that he has to wrangle his council into submission and conduct night hunts without backup from Yunmeng. jl is constantly exhausted, but the thought of his missing jiujiu pushes him out
of bed on his days off for another fruitless search.

jl still doesn’t understand why jc had to leave. He doesn’t want to understand. He doesn’t want to know why jiujiu would abandon him like this. What was more important to jiujiu than jl and lp?
It’s another day that jl returns to jlt exhausted and dirty with nothing to show for it.

Another day, another failure.

jl cries himself to sleep that night, just another night of many.

It’s been about a month and a half since jc retired that jl makes his way back to Yunmeng. The doors are still closed, but they allow him in when he knocks and he’s taken to A-Xiang without any delay.

“I was wondering when you’d return.”
“Cut the bullshit. Why did my jiujiu just suddenly decide to leave?”

A-Xiang doesn’t immediately answer. She stares at jl for a long moment, brow furrowed, before asking, “How long had it been since you cared to pay Sect Leader a visit?”

jl’s face flushes hot. “I was busy!”
He knows he’s just rising to her bait, but the only thing he can be right now is angry, or he’ll melt into tears.

A-Xiang blinks slowly. “Of course.” She flicks her sleeves out. “And how many council meetings had Sect Leader attended in your place whilst you were out frolicking
with traitors and cowards.”

“They’re my-!” jl freezes. Are they friends? Were they ever, truly, or had he stuck with them because he had wanted friends so badly? The sneering from hgy, the sheer disrespect from ljy, lsz’s not-so-well-hidden resentment, and the audacity of wwx,
who speaks as if he is the only person in the world that knows what sort of man jc is - can these still be counted as friends?

“It seems to me that you’re hellbent on finding Sect Leader to demand answers only for yourself. How lucky of you; to have someone love you so much you
only ever have to think of yourself and not them.”

“That’s is not what this is about!”

Except it is, isn’t it? jl wants to know why jc left him without a word or explanation, and he’s spent this entire time feeling sorry for himself. jl pales, and his head pounds.
A-Xiang waves a hand. “SLJ is weary from his travels. Perhaps you should rest. We kept your old room as before; Sect Leader would want us to take care of you as he had. We are lacking, but we will do our best. And in the meantime, perhaps you should think about why Sect Leader
wanted so desperately to leave the cultivation world that waiting for you was not only unbearable but pointless.”

jl feels numb as he’s led to his rooms next to jc’s. It’s still exactly the same; the only difference is now there is no more jiujiu on the other side of the wall.
jl sits blankly at table as tea is poured for him. He ignores the servants as they bow out, and he stares at the teacup until it blurs with his tears.

“Do you admit your wrongdoings.”

“Wangji did nothing wrong.”

lqr closes his eyes as he lets out a long sigh.

The other elders are not as patient as he. “Do you even know how many rules you’ve broken?! We’ve been lenient since it hadn’t brought any harm or shame to our sect,
but now you’ve brought both! You’ve ruined years of alliances with llj and ymj, and broken hundreds of sect rules in the process!”

“I take some responsibility for this,” lxc says.

“Yes, you must,” an elder cuts in. “If not for your lenience, wwx would not be harboured in cr,
your brother would not have the gall to blatantly humiliate Sect Leader Jiang and now Sect Leader Jin, and we would not be facing the prospect of becoming a pariah in the cultivation world! Qinghe Nie has shown its colours, and they’re with ymj. 3 of the 4 great sects are united
against gsl - how long do you think it will be before they campaign against us? The unimpeachable reputation of the righteous Gusu Lan sect - it’s ruined now at the expense of lwj’s momentary satisfaction of his childish petulance!”
“I will personally oversee his punishment,” lxc says.

“Not this time,” an elder says. “This is no longer an internal matter. The other sects must know we will not accept this sort of behaviour. They must know we honour our alliances, and they must know that their leaders are
respected. This insubordination will not be tolerated.”

lxc sounds increasingly desperate as he argues for lwj, but lqr does not assist. He’s so thoroughly disappointed he can’t even speak.

When punishment is finally decided, lqr does not stay to see it carried out.
On his way back to his room, he sees lsz and ljy carrying out their own punishments, doing handstands outside the council room as they copy the rules. They’ve already been beaten with the discipline ruler 100 times each, and lqr sighs, shaking his head as he walks past.
He knows the sect is relying on him to repair their alliance with ymj, which has only been mildly successful so far.

lxc’s efforts with llj have been met with only more of jl’s scathing remarks. lqr has read the letters, so similar to the way jc handles sects he despises.
jl is a good boy, with sharp words and a tofu heart just like his jiujiu. He’s still young, but he grew up on jc’s knee and is no fool.

lwj’s punishment is the bare minimum, but lqr knows that it will not be enough to repair their broken alliances. Not by far.

“Oh, him? Yeah, I know him. Well, not exactly know, but he came to the village once to get supplies. So I mean, he probably lives around here?”

jl is stiff with tension. “You’re sure you saw his face.” He holds the portrait closer. “You saw him.”
“We talked with him too, didn’t we honey?” The man turns to his wife, who’s sitting at the cashier.

“Such a nice young man. So good looking.”


“But I love you the most,” the wife says. “But of course we remember. We get visitors maybe once a year, if that, and we had a
nice long chat while he ate and rested here. He had a huge stack of letters with him also.”

The husband has his head tilted as he inspects jl’s face. “Is he your older brother?”

“My jiujiu,” jl snaps, and he sees by the amused look that the couple shares that they
don’t believe him. “When did you see him?”

“Almost a month ago, I think?” They share another look before the husband nods. “Yeah, about that. He bought plenty of supplies though; he probably won’t be back for months, if at all.”
jl nods curtly. “Thank you for your trouble.” He leaves his disciples to rest and eat as he heads out to take a walk around the village.

It is exceedingly small and quaint, and when jl surveys the area by sword, he sees it’s a day’s walk from a huge, dense forest
around a mountain. The trees are so clustered that they look to be a solid canopy of green.

jl just knows that jiujiu is in that forest. But where? It’s spread far enough that jl can’t see the end, and it covers also a steep side of the mountain that looks barely accessible.
He lands back in the village and goes to the post stop to leave a letter. Then he orders a rotation to keep an eye on the post stop before flying back to jlt. lxc has expressed a wish to visit jlt to discuss their sect relationship and jl doesn’t want to deal with his shit.
He can’t the wide smile on his face as he flies. Jiujiu is nearby; jl will see him soon and finally get answers to his questions. He doesn’t care what anyone says, or what ridiculous ideas he’s cooked up when awake in the middle of the night -
jl won’t believe any of it unless and until jiujiu says it himself.

wwx is bored. He hasn’t seen or heard from lwj since the elders got mad and threw him out of cr, and even lsz and ljy are MIA.

He’s been staying at an inn in caiyi town; thank god lwj had given him his money pouch.

But he’s bored. He misses his husband and he misses the kids.
wn is in hiding around cr, keeping an eye on lsz, and there’s nothing to do. No adventure, no mystery, nothing.

Eventually wwx gets bored of waiting and heads up the mountain to ask for lwj - surely they couldn’t have punished him that severely, not for just a few stern
words to jl, and wwx surely will be able to talk his way back in like he had all those years ago after the whole mess with jgy. lqr had almost qi deviated, but wwx was allowed in with no problems despite the rule against him still being up on the wall of discipline.
This time, though.

This time he’s met with crossed swords and pointed comments about the Lan rules. The gatekeepers refuse to tell him anything about lwj or the kids and even with the jade token he’s not allowed through.

But if there’s one thing wwx is good at, it’s causing a
commotion, so lxc himself appears.

“Lan da-ge, what’s going on?”

“Wei-gongzi, I’m afraid the situation is as it stands. Your token is no longer recognised, and you are no longer able to enter cr.”

“What about lz? Where is he?”

“He’s serving his punishment in seclusion.”
“Punishment?” wwx can’t help his laugh. “Punishment for what?”

Even when lxc tells him, wwx doesn’t understand.

“This is crazy,” he says. “You’re all overreacting! jc just likes to run away for attention! And jl is just a kid, what the hell does he know?”

lxc’s face is grave.
“Wei-gongzi, please refrain from commenting on matters you know nothing about. Wangji’s actions have put our entire sect in a precarious position. We can no longer afford to indulge him.”

“So this is it? That’s it?! You’re forcibly keeping us apart?!”

“Wangji will be allowed
to leave once his punishment is served. But if he chooses to leave, he will have to leave the sect. You two would be free to continue seeing the world.”

“You’re banishing your own brother?” wwx asks.

lxc stiffens. “There is the sect to consider. You wouldn’t understand.”
“There are plenty of ways around this! All of this is just crazy.”

“Wei-gongzi!” lxc thunders, face black. “I’m allowing you this because you are precious to Wangji. But there are things bigger than all of us. Please leave.”

Once wwx finds a secluded spot, he calls for wn, who hasn’t gotten close enough to know anything about the punishments.

wwx decides to head to llj to look for jl. Had he been this dramatic at jl’s age?

No matter, it’ll all get smoothed over soon, once jl calms down.

(A/N: hello!!! @suddenlyapples drew the cutest picture of the chirpy bird scene!!! It’s so adorable and it’s so beautiful I just had to add it here🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💜💜💜💜💜 Thank you!!!)
It’s been over 2 months, and jc is almost done with his new cottage. He still has plenty of rations and his vegetable garden is growing in nicely but he’s all out of wine. jc absolutely underestimated how nice it is drinking on his roof while taking in the sunset and stars,
so he’s been out for a while now. He packs up again for the week-long journey and heads back into the dense forest towards the village.

He knows something is wrong before he even sees the village. There’s a faint thrum of spiritual energy from nearby talismans,
and the noise of training from a nearby clearing.

jc hides in the brush, climbing up into the trees once he nears the village. There’s a group of Jin disciples patrolling the streets and another sat right inside the post house.
jc sighs. He knew this was too good to be true.

He turns to leave, and melts back into the forest.

“Sect Leader Jin is not expecting any visitors.”

wwx laughs in the faces of the guards. This is ridiculous! He’s never needed an invitation and even if jl had not been around, wwx would be sent to a guest suite to wait for him to return. “Come on guys, stop playing.
You know who I am. Stop this.”

The faces of the guards that he actually knows and has hung out with stare back at him impassively, as if they’d never met before.

“Sect Leader Jin is not expecting any visitors.”

wwx rolls his eyes. “Alright then, I’ll wait for him inside.”
The guards don’t move to let him in, and now wwx really is getting frustrated. “You’re all being ridiculous! Where is jl? This is really going too far. It’s not funny anymore.”


“Alright then, when will jl be back?”


“Oh come on! Really?! This is so juvenile.”
The stern gazes only shift when wwx realises a young disciple is returning after presumably a shopping trip, since he’s still carrying a stick of half-eaten tanghulu.

wwx goes up to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. “Hey, Li Jianming, is jl inside?”
“Uh…” The disciple casts a nervous look at the guards and tries unsuccessfully to wiggle out of wwx’s grip. “This young master must be mistaken. How could this lowly disciple possibly know? A-and even if I did, outsiders are not privy to that info.”
wwx swears under his breath. “Stop pretending, Li Jianming. I treated you to drinks the last time I was here. And what outsider? I can be counted as half an uncle to jl-”

The meek disciple flat out shoves wwx away. “Sect Leader has only one uncle, his only family, and that is
the previous sect leader of ymj, Sect Leader Jiang Wanyin.”

“Who I grew up with! I’m his shixiong! jl is my shizhi!”

The disciple lifts his chin. “Sect Leader Jiang had no shixiong. This young master is mistaken.”

“What the fuck is wrong with all of you?! Where’s jl?”
The disciple flat out runs away then, slipping in thru the gap the guards allow him.

“Li Jianming, you brat! Come back here!”

But what wwx doesn’t know is that this disciple, like many others, grew up knowing how beloved jl is to his jiujiu, knowing that jc is so much more than
ugly rumours that paint him to be a cruel, unfeeling monster. Disciples that hunt with jl are treated to all manner of comforts, tents, warm blankets, heat talismans, and empty threats that come from nothing but obvious concern. Orphans like jl who grew up in the aftermath of ssc
often wish they had someone love and care for them so much. They know they’re safe with jl because jc and his disciples have their back, hidden as they usually are in the shadows.

The disciples that get to go to lp with jl are even luckier. jc is generous with home cooked food
and care, and they often watch jealously as jc gives jl private lessons and private training, always making time for jl no matter how busy he was.

There’s a solid faction of Jin disciples that feel wronged on jc’s behalf; luckily jl still has their support without jc there to
keep the disruptive ones in line.

wwx huffs as he’s ignored. If the guards think he’ll just leave, they’re sorely mistaken. wwx is endlessly stubborn and he’ll wait right here until jl will see him or until jl returns.

This time jc makes the 3/4 day journey into just over 1. He hides his tracks, doesn’t use fire, and doesn’t sleep.

When he reaches his half-built cottage, he sits there in the garden for a long while, wondering why he is even doing this.

Why wouldn’t they just leave him alone?
jl has better things to do than to waste the time of his disciples hunting him down. And who was the one that kept refusing jc’s invitation for over half the year, making excuses over and over again? Never mind seeing him; jc never even got proper replies to his letters.
jc feels numb, listless.

Why chase him down now, just when he’s building a new life for himself?

He had been content - happy even, in his little corner of the forest, with curious birds chirping at him as they watched him work, shooing away bunnies and deer from his veg garden.
jc knows he doesn’t deserve the sort of happiness he wanted, and while his sect may revere him as Sandu Shengshou, jc had grown tired of politics and the snide comments about his reputation. It was better for him to leave so Yunmeng could properly thrive. jc was holding them back
and now there’s no need for him to force ymj back into the title of a great sect.

But what had really hurt was jl pushing him away from his new life. jc had walked the halls of llj for months to settle jl’s rightful position as SL, the flash of Zidian quietening any disagreement
amongst the elders and council. Even before it was over, jl spent most of his time with his new friends, and jc had already gotten into too many fights with him over them.

He’s tired. He’s so tired. He doesn’t want to fight for things that will never be his, so why can’t they
all just leave him alone? He wants to be alone. He wants to only see small animals around his cottage. He wants the only human contact to be his wine runs to the village.

He doesn’t want to keep reliving the pain of being pushed aside in favour of
a brilliant, charismatic mass murderer, his faux-righteous husband, ignorant children that don’t care to think for themselves, and the loyal sidekick that thinks he has any right at all to speak down to jc.

Choices were made, and there’s nothing jc could do about it.
He knows this well enough, has known this since he was but a child. And like a child he had kept his foolish, stupid hope, but there has to be an end eventually.

jc is older now, mature, has had years to deal with this new reality of his.
He understands. He doesn’t blame jl. He does blame the adults, but so what? No one cares. He’s the only one that does so he’s the only one suffering.

A tiny, round bird lands on his raised knee. jc sniffs, and the bird chirps at him happily.

That’s right.
So what if he’s hiding like some sort of fugitive? This is what he wants, and this time no one is going to take it from him.

He runs a finger over soft downy feathers before the bird flies away again.

jc gets up from the ground, brushes himself off, and gets back to work.
He will not let anyone take this from him.

“Wei Ying.”

“Lan Zhan!” wwx barrels into his husband, nuzzling in tight. “Your sect - Lan da-ge said - what about the kids? You’re here now - you -” wwx pulls back, eyes widening when he sees lwj’s bare forehead and lack of jade pendant. “It’s true then? They banished you?”
“I chose this,” lwj says firmly. “I choose Wei Ying. I will always choose Wei Ying.”

“Lan Zhan…Lan Zhan, why did they do this?”

“The elders are being unreasonable. Xiongzhang and shufu are angry.”

“What about the kids?”

“Serving their punishment.”

wwx hugs lwj tight again
but pulls back when lwj flinches, just the slightest.

There’s a scabbed over discipline whip mark on his back, still healing.

wwx is livid. “A lash?! For what?! Scolding a child? You did nothing wrong, this is outrageous!”

“Wei Ying.” lwj shakes his head. “We don’t need them.
They will regret this.”

“Please tell me the kids didn’t-”

lwj shakes his head. “Regular discipline ruler.”

“You did not deserve this,” wwx says, furious. “All this because of jl’s tantrum?”

“He and ymj have cut ties with the sect over their perceived slights.”
“You did nothing wrong!” wwx huffs. “Alright, let’s look for nhs. He can help mediate, at the very least.”

“qhn has taken the side of ymj.”

wwx cannot believe this. The world must be ending because everyone has gone absolutely insane. “Alright. Fine. We’ll go find jc then.
Drag him back with us and make him fix this mess he started.”


jc’s new home is finished. He had been a little paranoid at first, but he’s far away enough that he’s not noticeable unless someone literally combs through the forest. He’s also built in arrays to alert him if any person enters within 20 li of his new home, and his new
schedule means he’s fast asleep by the time it’s dark, with no fire to give him away.

He celebrates his first official night with a short day trip to a hidden hot spring right by a mountain cliff, lazing around luxuriously as he stretches his sore muscles.
Ah, such a pity he’s out of alcohol. Luckily he saved one last jug for today. He doesn’t know how much longer he’ll have to wait until they give up looking for him.

Just the thought frustrates him. He knows ymj already sent out formal notices to the sects - even the minor ones!
Any inquiries should be addressed to the new SL.

Even if they were from jl.

He loves his nephew. jl was his entire world. But it’s not healthy to be defined by one person. jl is officially an adult, and jc has to let him have his own life.
The past few years already made that very clear. jc doesn’t want jl to resent him, and it was obvious they were already heading that way.

jc sighs, dipping lower into the steaming water. He’ll give it a few more weeks before trying the village again; making his own alcohol
sounds like a lot of work. But maybe if he gets bored and needs a new hobby.

For now, he leans his head back, floating lightly in the spring. He hums happily, closing his eyes and feeling the tension slowly melting from his shoulders.
He stays until his fingers get all pruny, singing a quiet tune as he hikes back to his new home.

That night he watches the sunset from his roof, drinking lazily, and his sleep is the most comfortable he’s had since his retirement.

jl paces in his study. His disciples have been staking out the village for over 2 months. Where is jiujiu? He’s even sent teams flying out over the forest but it’s too dense to actually see anything under the foliage, and the area is too large to go too far.
One of the disciples had talked to the winemaker and jl had gone back to question the old man himself - jiujiu should have run out of alcohol ages ago, so why hasn’t he returned to buy more?

He has a sinking realisation that jiujiu must have known jl was looking for him there,
and so is purposely avoiding the village.

The letter that jl had written to jc is still at the post house, collecting dust along with the pile from ymj.

jl doesn’t sleep that night, pacing and fidgeting in his study, looking over his maps and notes of his search for jiujiu.
The next morning he calls off the search, calling his disciples back from the village. He asks for his letter back, and when they return, he opens it and reads over it several times.

It’s full of questions and demands: why did you leave - how could you do this - you should have
told me if you were unhappy - you should have discussed this with me - you should have waited for me…

jl feels embarrassed just reading the letter. He hasn’t seen jiujiu in nearly a year now, spending holidays at llj with his sect as proper but not bothering to visit lp
either before or after. He put off answering jiujiu’s letters because they were all the same, nagging him to eat properly, train more, spend less time hanging out with the Gusu crowd. jl would just send a message butterfly saying he’s well and for jc not to worry.
Even the last letter jiujiu had sent him, saying there were urgent matters so could jl please come as soon as he was available - jl didn’t give it a second thought; once his commitments were over, the Lans invited him on a night hunt, and the want to have fun overrode any desire
to see jiujiu for boring stuff.

He doesn’t even have any letters for mementos, having thrown them away after receiving them. Even the last letter, jc trying his hardest to impress upon jl that the matter really was urgent and he really needed to see him - jl had thrown it away
immediately after sending his note in reply.

There is no one to blame but him. There’s nothing jl can do now but make sure that all the people who looked down on jiujiu, who bullied him with words and actions, who sullied his name and honour, dragging it through mud -
jl will make them suffer and regret.

Just like how he feels right now.

It shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone, but nhs and jc have always had a pretty good friendship stemming from their days studying at cr, especially since wwx had been sent home early on.

When news of jc’s retirement reached qhn, the infamous Headshaker had given no indication of
his thoughts, hiding behind his fan and humming absently. His letter congratulating A-Xiang was full of flowery phrases, random poetry, and was tremendously long without actually saying anything.

Then he heard of the sudden fallout between llj and gsl, with ymj quickly following
on the heels to declare an end of their alliance with gsl.

nhs had ruminated on his response for a while, knowing that lxc would be relying on their brotherhood to maintain their alliance.

He feels nothing but vague antipathy for lxc, but that is not the reason for the letter
he ultimately sends. After all, he kept up their alliance for years after jgy died, when lxc entered and then left seclusion. qhn had never sought to cut ties, no matter how betrayed nhs felt or how resentful he felt towards lxc.

He thinks about jc, isolated and hurting, the
letters they passed between them over the years where jc tried his hardest to keep up his strong facade.

nhs has enough eyes and ears around that he knows why jc left. If it isn’t for his da-ge’s legacy, nhs might have done the same, retreating into an empty role and leaving the
leadership to someone else.

As it is, nhs has no problem signing his letter with a flourish. Since gsl holds themselves so high as to believe themselves above all others, they plainly do not need the alliance with qnh. Especially since they’ve always made it clear to everyone
that their sect had been carrying qhn and its incompetent SL for so many years.

nhs starts preparations after sending his letter; lxc will definitely come in person to discuss their sect relationship. nhs will give him a warm welcome, the same as da-ge always used to do.

jc spends the morning tending to his garden. Other than veggies, he’s also starting a tiny fruit garden. His first project is melons, so he could roast his own melon seeds.

After a quick lunch, he sets off to hunt in the afternoon; he should start salting his meat for winter
soon, and he hasn’t had fresh meat in a while either.

He catches a few hares, shooting them in the eye to minimise damage to the fur; he already has fur-lined winter clothing, but he should make a blanket for the cold nights.

He sighs as he washes the hares in the stream by his
cottage. It would’ve been nice to have some wine to wash down the meat. Perhaps he’ll try the village again, just to see.

The next morning he packs again for the week long trip.

He doesn’t know if he should feel relieved or happy that there’s no sign of any disciple in the
village and he watches for a few hours to make sure they aren’t just in hiding.

There’s an even bigger stack of letters for him at the post house this time and jc’s heart squeezes when he sees jl’s personal stationery amongst them.

Curiously, there’s also a letter from nhs.
This time jc doesn’t dawdle in the village. He buys several giant vats of wine, and the old man looks on worriedly because no normal man should be able to lift that weight altogether. But jc just smiles, laughs, and takes off at a jaunty pace. This is nothing compared to some of
the truly gigantic yao that he’s faced before.

His luggage means he’s going to leave tracks towards his cottage, but jc feels confident that jl has stopped looking for him.

It takes several days to hike back home but jc doesn’t mind, decanting the wine into a smaller gourd
and drinking happily as he walks, then sleeping soundly under a sea of stars.

Once he’s home, he opens nhs’ letter first. jc is not surprised at all that nhs knew exactly where to send it but why did he chose to do it now?

The letter is shocking, full of recent gossip about the
state of the cultivation world. nhs warns him that lwj and wwx are out for his blood, and that jl is heading a campaign against gsl, ymj at his side and backed by qhn.
jc doesn’t even know what to think. How did things escalate to this point? Banishment? Broken alliances?? Why is jl taking such a hard stance - and for what? What could have possibly offended him so much, and what did jl do to get lwj & wwx banished?
jc picks up jl’s letter. Just looking at it makes him tired. He doesn’t have the energy for the emotional rollercoaster he knows will happen.

Tomorrow. He’ll read it tomorrow.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Granny, don’t be like this,” wwx cajoles. She has had this stall facing the entrance to lp since wwx was a child and she was called auntie. “At least tell me what jc was wearing when he left.”

“Aiya, I already told you I don’t know!
I didn’t see anything! What does SLJ have to do with my dumplings! If you’re not gonna buy then leave!” The granny slaps wwx’s arm with a fly swatter, and lwj barely holds himself back from putting his hands on this 80+yo grandma.
“I’m buying, I’m buying!” wwx yelps. “Granny, I’ll take all your dumplings if you tell me which direction jc went!”

“How many times do I have to tell you? Go away! I don’t want your business! Go!”

wwx can feel the stares from the nearby stalls. When he and lwj back away from
the dumpling stall, everyone at the other stalls avoids eye contact, and when wwx tries to approach the next one, also with a view of the lp entrance, he’s shooed away before he can even open his mouth.

“Go, go. I don’t want your business. Go.”

lwj is livid. “How dare you.”
The man lifts his chin. “What? I don’t want your business! Go away!”

The stall next to it also chimes in. “We don’t want your business! Go!”

A chorus of protests starts, and wwx and lwj are forced to back away, further into the town and away from the lp entrance.
“What should we do?” wwx asks miserably as the stop for drinks and snacks. “No one’s willing to talk. We have no clues.”

There’s no point in even trying lp. The gates are firmly closed and wwx doubts anyone would speak to him. The ymj disciples he sees on night hunts with jl
have always maintained their distance from him, unwilling to be reeled in by wwx’s charisma or friendliness.

“I guess we can start with the towns closest to Yunmeng,” wwx muses. He sighs as he downs a glass of wine. “Ugh, so annoying! If jl wasn’t being so unreasonable
I wouldn’t even bother! jc will come back when he’s had enough. There’s no need for all this drama!”


The waiter comes by to refill wwx’s jar of wine, and wwx takes the opportunity to ask him, “Ah, have you seen SLJ in the past few months?”
The waiter’s smile doesn’t change, but the look in his eyes hardens. “No, gongzi. No one has.”

“When was the last time you saw him?”

“Ah, it was so long ago. I don’t remember.”

“Of course not.” wwx sighs as he waves him away. “Who knows, maybe jc hasn’t left at all.
No one’s talking and lp isn’t accepting visitors. He might very well be here, laughing at all of us while we run around looking for him.”


wwx sighs again. “Lan Zhan, let’s stay another night. I don’t feel like travelling anymore.”

They’ve questioned almost all the businesses in town, and every one has ended in failure, the two of them almost being run out of town.

wwx just hopes the next town will he kinder.

It’s nighttime, and the moon is a stark crescent against a backdrop of stars. jc is lying down on the slanted roof of his cottage, drinking slowly. He’s already on his 3rd jar, and a 4th is standing by.

He’s read the letter from jl, and he doesn’t know what to think or feel.
It was a short, simple letter. Instead of the anticipated tantrum, jl instead wished jc was happy in his seclusion. He promised retribution for those who had scorned him, and jc realised that he was the reason for the sudden severed alliance with gsl.
jc doesn’t understand. lsz and ljy are jl’s best friends. He looks up to wwx as an uncle (and by default lwj as well) and wn is an indispensable part of their group.

It couldn’t possibly be jc’s retirement that’s causing all this.
But jl’s letter affirms what nhs said in his - the cultivation world is dividing up and taking sides against each other, and jl isn’t even trying to hide the fact that it’s revenge for their poor treatment of his jiujiu. It’s a wonder that jl has managed to convince his elders
to do something that doesn’t benefit their sect.

jc sighs, tipping his head back to finish off the jar. It’s too much; he’s not worth jl’s time on this and what does it matter now? He’s retired and in seclusion - what does it matter anymore that the name of sdss is dragged thru
the mud like it had been for so many years?

Perhaps he had been too naive to think he could retire and seclude in peace. Now that he’s the core of the conflict, there’ll be many more people looking for him, and he suspects that wwx is already doing so.
At dawn, jc leaves for the village again, speeding his way through the forest. He’s there by late afternoon and stops off at the post house to borrow brush and ink to write a short note to jl.

He asks jl to let go of his grudges. jc has made peace with them himself;
there’s no point in jl pursuing them anymore. He should be focusing on more important things like his own cultivation and his sect. jl shouldn’t hinder his future just for jc’s sake.

jc hesitates at the end.

‘I will be at the village on the 1st of next month. If you are free,
perhaps we will see each other then.’

After sending off the letter, jc goes home, skipping sleep in favour of returning as quickly as possible.

He doesn’t know if he did the right thing, but it’s too late now. 10 more days, and he’ll see if jl shows.

“Huaisang, please think on it some more.”

“Of course,” nhs says demurely. “But you know how I am, Er-ge. I don’t know.”

“Da-ge wouldn’t have wanted this for you.”

nhs hides the utter loathing in his eyes by lowering his lashes and waving his fan, taking a slow sip of tea.
“Oh, I don’t know, Er-ge. I don’t know what Da-ge would have wanted. I don’t know what he would think. I really don’t know, because he’s been gone for so many years. Sometimes all I remember of him are his last moments, and I can’t remember anything else.”
“Huaisang.” It comes out strangled.

nhs sighs delicately. “Er-ge, I really don’t know what to do. But I’m not so sure I can rely on you to make decisions for me anymore, not after all that nasty business a few years ago.”

“I have always acted in your best interest.”
“Have you?” nhs asks, eyes widening in faux surprise. “Bias was never very becoming on the fair and upright zwj, but here we are now.”

“This is about our sects, not the personal matters between us.”

“I don’t know,” nhs murmurs. “Isn’t it?” He takes another sip of tea.
“Anyway, I may not be sworn brothers with Jiang-xiong, but I have no doubt that our friendship is deeper than whatever paltry brotherhood you talked my Da-ge into entering. All that just for one man? The stories are right about the obsessive love of the Lan men.”
“That was not it.” The porcelain cup cracks under lxc’s grip.

“Oh Er-ge.” nhs smiles at him, but it feels condescending, the light in his eyes cold and hard. “Of course not.”

There’s a momentary silence before nhs speaks again.

“We all reap what we sow, Er-ge.
Indulging a loved one can ruin them - and you.” His eyes peek over the gilded edge of his fan. “I’m afraid this surprise visit has taken me from some urgent business that I need to get back to. Will Er-ge be staying longer?”

“No.” lxc rises as gracefully as he can, but the stiff
expression on his face, pale and bloodless, is all too telling.

“Do visit again soon,” nhs says silkily. “Da-ge’s tablet lacks company.”

“Of course,” lxc says tightly.

nhs bows, just as respectful as ever. “This one sees off Er-ge.”

jl is ecstatic when he receives jc’s letter. Jiujiu is willing to see him! But the initial excitement and joy quickly dies off as guilt and doubt seeps into him.

He needs to be careful about this. If anyone catches wind that ssds has been found or is in the vicinity of that tiny
village, then he would have ruined all of jiujiu’s careful planning, and disappearing for a 2nd time will be much harder with everyone on high alert.

SLN had sent him a confusing letter - something about spring or families and chickens? But one message was clear: wwx and hgj are
looking for jiujiu, to seek amends for the punishments of lsz, ljy, and hgj. Specifically, hgj’s banishment from the sect.

jl could only scoff at the end. What banishment? Leaving was a choice that hgj made all on his own. He’s a 40yo man; he knew what he was doing and is now
living with the consequences of his actions.

jl has no time for them. But he does need to plan carefully so jiujiu can continue his peaceful life away from ugly politics and hurtful persons.

A few days before the end of the month, jl takes a short trip. Presumably, it’s to
hunt for a rare herb. He dispenses with his usual entourage and leaves in the dead of night dressed in a servant’s clothing, the cinnabar dot on his forehead hidden behind a weimao.

He goes to a few busy towns, making sure he’s not being followed, changing up his look a few
times and taking a convoluted route to the tiny village where jc is.

He arrives a couple days early, just in case someone did manage to follow him here, and scopes out the village. There’s no inn but the couple from the restaurant offer him a room.
jl is nervous. He’s fairly vibrating from his anxiousness, and he can’t concentrate on anything other than concocting imaginary conversations with jiujiu.

It’s been a year since he’s seen jc, and he knows most of that time is because of himself. He chose not to go to lp during
the holidays, he chose not to reply to jc’s letters, he chose at the very end to brush off jc’s pleading to see him before leaving.

How unfilial of him, after all that jiujiu has done for him, sacrificed for him. Council meetings when he went to have fun with the Lans,
paperwork that jl was too lazy to take care of, personally overseeing jl’s training because jl wasn’t truly ambidextrous and needed extra work to wield Zidian properly.

jl had blown him off so many times - by the time Zidian was on his finger, he had been so out of practice
that the whip had just flopped around uselessly when he tried to use it, never mind wielding both Zidian and Suihua like jiujiu had been able to do.

Jiujiu had been determined that jl be able to use both weapons simultaneously; in a fight to death, the time it takes to draw a
sword is enough to get killed.

On the morning of the 1st, jl wakes at dawn. He sits outside the restaurant, eventually eating breakfast at a table outside.

He keeps his weimao on, facing out so he would have a view of people coming from all directions.
Around noon, he spies a figure walking slowly from a distance, a white weimao fluttering in the breeze. The man is tall and slim, strong shouldered under his rough blue robes. He’s carrying a travel pack on his back, walking leisurely, in no rush.
jl’s heart is pounding so hard it drowns out all the noise around him. He doesn’t want to make a scene, so all he does is take off his weimao, to give a clear view of his face.

Their pace doesn’t stutter, doesn’t hasten or slow, and they stop a few steps away from jl.
Their weimao is thin, but jl can only make out a blur of features.

All he can see clearly are the familiar dark eyes that look straight at him. “A-Ling.”

jl stands, knees shaking. “Jiujiu.”

jc lifts his veil.

jl is trembling, lower lip wobbling as tears fill his eyes. He’s grown even taller in the last year, even broader, and jc feels something settle in his heart as he sees how healthy and strong jl looks.

“Jiujiu,” jl says again.
jc walks right up to him. “A-Ling,” he repeats quietly.

jl gives a miserable whimper as he launches himself into jc’s arms, curling down to tuck his head into jc’s shoulder.

jc’s arms come up to hold jl tightly, gently.
“Jiujiu,” jl repeats, soaking jc’s robes in tears.

“Shh. Jiujiu is here.”

That just makes jl sob harder.

But soon enough jl tears himself away, wiping at his face with his sleeve. “I shouldn’t cause a scene,” he mutters. “Don’t wanna attract attention.”
“You don’t need to worry about that.”

jl guides jc to the table, brushing off the bench for jc to sit. “I do,” jl says firmly with one last sniff. “I won’t let anyone bother you.” He stiffens, darting a quick look under his lashes. “Except for me?”
“You’re never a bother, A-Ling.”

jl shies away from jc’s firm voice and steady gaze. He fumbles with the tea set to pour jc a cup of tea. “Jiujiu, here. You’ve travelled far.”

“Mn. So have you,” jc says casually.

“I know you wanted to retire in seclusion,” jl mumbles.
“I just…I just really…really wanted to see you.”

jc sets down his cup with a sharp click. “What do you need.”

jl rears back, obviously hurt. “I don’t need anything. I miss you,” he says in a tiny voice. “And I never thought you would - just - just leave without even saying
goodbye to me.”

jc swallows hard. “It was not what I wanted either. But the world often does not give us what we want. It took me many years to learn that, but I have.”

jl doesn’t immediately answer. When he does, it’s with a lowered head, shame bleeding into his words.
“I wronged you, jiujiu. I know that. I hurt you and took you for granted and I didn’t realise even after you left. I was so focused on myself, I never even tried to consider what you had felt. Why you left. Why you didn’t wait for me.” He sniffs, shoulders hunching. “You knew it
was pointless to wait, because you would end up waiting forever.”

jc sighs. “A-Ling. Jiujiu knows he was selfish. I should have stayed to help you at least; you’re still young. But I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t keep dragging down everyone that I care about.
Yunmeng will be better off without having a detested leader, and so would you. I can’t keep clawing away at those I love, and I shouldn’t think so highly of myself that I am indispensable. Because I’m not.”

“You are!” jl cuts in loudly. “Yes, we’re all still pushing forward but
we’re only able to do so because of you! If you hadn’t trained up Xiang-jiejie and the others to take your place at any second, they’d be completely lost right now! If you hadn’t trained me since I was a child, if you hadn’t secured my seat since I was a baby, I would’ve been
eaten alive ages ago by shushu or the elders! It may look like we’re going on seamlessly but that’s because you put in all that work to make it so easy for us!”

jc just blinks at him. jl can tell from the dull look in jiujiu’s eyes that he doesn’t believe any of what jl said.
“Jiujiu,” jl sniffs, tears filling his eyes again. “Jiujiu, it’s fine if you want to leave. You deserve it after suffering all these years. But please - please don’t think it’s because we don’t need you or that we don’t love you. I should have been better at staying in touch,
I know, but it’s not because I love you less.”

jc just takes a sip of tea. “Mn. I know.” Not loved less, but not loved enough. jc knows this. His entire life has been like this. He’s accepted this. Not loved enough to meet, not loved enough to write, not loved enough until
someone needs to pick up the slack and realises how much is done behind the scenes.

“Will you forgive me, jiujiu?”

jc knows how hard this is for jl. He’s never had to apologise for anything in his life, not like he’s doing now. “There’s nothing to forgive. You were just living
your life. I will never blame you for that.”

jl wilts in his seat. This is so much worse than jiujiu being mad at him. The gentle tone, the soft gaze, the casual acceptance that he is never anyone’s priority for anything. jl has never felt so dreadful before.

“You don’t need to worry about it, A-Ling. Don’t think about it at all. You’ve been doing fine for the last few years, and it sounds as if you’re doing fine now as well.”

“How can you just tell me not to think about it? You’re not around anymore - of course I’d think about it!”
jc doesn’t say anything for a long while. “If you’re in a difficult situation I can come back to assist. Yunmeng has A-Xiang, so I’ll be able to help you full-time.”

jl shakes his head. “I don’t want you to help me, jiujiu. I want you to be happy. Are you happy here?”
jc softens visibly as he looks out into the tiny village. “Yes,” he says quietly.

“Then jiujiu will stay in retirement, in seclusion.” jl pours jc some more tea. “You don’t need to worry about me. I told you - I’m fine.”

“I don’t want you to start some sort of crusade
just for my sake. It’s not worth it.”

“Of course it’s worth it! Those people all had a hand in making you miserable, and I won’t allow it anymore!”

“I’m retired,” jc says simply. “sdss is no more. There’s no need to recall old hurts.”

But jl remains stubborn.
“They know what they did, and now they must suffer the consequences. Old grudges or not, they were never resolved. So I will resolve them now.”

“This could come back to harm you later.”

“I’ve thought about it. I’m being careful, like you always said. Cut out the cancerous harm
instead of swinging with a sledgehammer. I know not to go too far.”

“A-Ling, it’s ok to back down. You must place your own interests first.”

“I am,” jl says, unyielding.

“Mn. You’ve been busy. Have you been eating properly?”

“Of course!” jl launches into a long soliloquy
about his past few months.

jc listens quietly, taking the occasional sip of tea. As long as A-Ling is happy and healthy, then everything is fine.

“Here you go,” The restaurant boss lady sets down 2 bowls of noodles. “Eat up you two. Just shout if you want more.” She pats jl on the shoulder. “Poor kid, you must be hungry after all that crying.”

jl shoots up straight in his seat. “Hey! I wasn’t crying!”
“It’s alright,” the woman says, sharing a bemused look with her husband. “Brothers will always fight, but they will always make up.”

jc stiffens at that, but jl doesn’t notice, too busy scowling.

“I told you he’s my jiujiu, not my ge!”
“Yes, yes.” The woman retreats inside her restaurant, serving food to some of the labourers. It’s obvious she thinks it’s some sort of joke between jl and jc, and it really doesn’t help how young jc looks.

jc has set out chopsticks by the time jl settles back in his seat,
feathers ruffled and still indignant.

“Jiujiu, you don’t even know. When I was looking for you, no one believed you were my jiujiu! They all thought you were my ge! It’s not unusual to be close in ages with your elders, especially in large families, but no one listened to me!”
jc suspects it’s because at first glance, he and jl look too alike. He could pick out all the ways jl looks like jzx instead, but outsiders would never know. They only see the similarities. Same posture, same expressions, same tiny habitual gestures.
Even the way they’re chewing the food right now is similar, identical looks on their handsome faces as the owners share a snicker in the back.

jl ends up having a few more bowls of noodles. He’s been training more to get back in shape with Zidian, and he’s not quite finished
growing so his appetite is still enormous.

jc on the other hand, sips delicately at a sweet almond soup while jl continues inhaling noodles.

“Jiujiu, are you sure that’s enough?”

jc has noticed his appetite lessening recently. He thinks it’s because he hasn’t been using
spiritual energy much, especially now that his home is finished. He’s been cultivating through meditation and going thru basic sword forms to keep in shape, but the lack of hunts and not using Zidian means his huge reserves of energy are barely used.

“Mn. It was a big bowl.”
jl is still slurping up a mouthful as he gives jc a worried look. “Jiujiu, are you eating enough? You can only practice inedia for so long, and you can’t live forever like that!”

“I’m sure. Slow down. Don’t choke.”

“I’m an adult, jiujiu, I won’t-” jl promptly chokes and jc
laughs as he pats jl on the back.

(All eyes turn to jc from inside the restaurant. Noodles slip from open mouths as faces turn blank at the beautiful smile on jc, backlit by the bright sun. Hearts beat faster, and they only turn away when jl whips around to glare at them darkly)
Nephew and uncle continue to catch-up until the sun begins to set. jl’s face drops when the first hint of orange begins to creep across the sky.

“Jiujiu, will you not stay the night?”

jc sighs. “A-Ling, you need to get back. And so do I.”

“It’s not enough!”
jc can tell jl is gearing up for a tantrum. “A-Ling, be good. We can meet again in a few months.”

“But it’s the winter solstice soon!”

jc doesn’t mean to be so cruel, but there’s no nice way to put it. “We haven’t spent holidays together for a long time now. You will be fine.
Stay busy and you won’t notice at all.”

jl’s lower lip wobbles. “But - but…”

“Be good,” jc says. He lifts his hand but then stops, leaving it hovering awkwardly between them. So jl grabs it instead, pressing it to his cheek.

“Jiujiu, I don’t want you to leave.”
“I’m retired. Not leaving. I told you we can meet again in a few months.” jc gives his cheek a light stroke. “Be good.”

jl blinks back tears. “Alright.”

“You’re strong,” jc says confidently. “You have Yunmeng and Qinghe behind you. You’ll be fine.”

jl sniffs, nodding.
“I’m gonna go buy some things.” jc hands jl his money pouch after shaking out a few coins. “Go settle the bill. And give extra for their hospitality to you yesterday.”

“Alright. I’ll meet you outside.”

“Mn.” jc covers his face again.

jl watches him walk away before entering
the restaurant, fishing out his own money pouch.

“See,” the boss lady says, “brothers always make up.”

jl doesn’t even try to correct her anymore, setting down a gold piece for them.

The husband frowns. “This is too much.”
jl smiles, sweet and innocent as he leans his hip on the counter between them. He spins Zidian idly on his finger.

“My jiujiu has had a hard life,” he says quietly.“Our enemies finally drove him away from home, and at long last I managed to find him only due to your kindness.”
His eyes harden. “But if someone else were to take advantage of your kindness…”

The couple share a look before the husband pushes the gold piece back to jl. “You don’t need to worry about that, young master.”

jl blinks, clearly not expecting that reaction. He had prepared much
more gold for negotiations.

His wife nods. “Both of you are good boys.” She sighs. “Still so young.”

“Ah.” Her husband squeezes her hand. “Our two baobei were like that too, weren’t they?”

jl stands up straight. He understands now.
The boss lady turns away. “Mn.” She coughs, surreptitiously brushing at her cheek. “Let me pack you two some mantou for your journey.”

jl pushes the gold back towards them. “Then I insist.”

There’s some back and forth before jl manages to get them to accept silver instead.
jl finds jc buying a sack of nuts. He balks at the all the alcohol strapped to jc. “Jiujiu…aren’t you drinking a little too much?”

“Brat,” jc says, with no force. Now that it’s properly cold he’s planning a longer trip to the hot springs, nothing but a few days of relaxing,
drinking, and eating all he wants.

Finally, jc and jl pause at the edge of the village. jc is planning to hike through the night to reach the forest and jl will be flying to a random town to spend the night.

“Jiujiu…” jl’s voice wobbles as tears fill his eyes.
jc’s smile is soft. There’s no trace of sadness, just love. “A-Ling. Jiujiu will see you again.”

jl nods as jc uses his sleeve to dab away the tears. “I’ll write more. I promise.”

“A-Ling. Jiujiu doesn’t want you to live in hate or anger. I don’t feel any towards them, and
I don’t want you to either. They don’t exist to me anymore. I know I have this luxury in seclusion, but you are intended for greater things than them.”

“But jiujiu!”

“They’ve already been punished. Focus on greater things.”

jl nods, hiding a secretive smile. Greater things
definitely includes defending jiujiu’s honour.

“Go on,” jc says.

jl draws Suihua slowly, hovering after he steps onto it. “Jiujiu…”

“Be careful, A-Ling.”

jl nods. “I’ll see you soon, jiujiu.”

jc smiles and waves as jl takes off into the night.

“Go away! I don’t know!”

wwx and lwj are chased away from another inn where they’re still looking for jc’s trail.

They both know they started too late; the trail has gone cold, but neither are willing to admit it. They still have plenty of money left, but they’re both keenly
aware that they now have no source of income unless they work as rogue cultivators. Which is fine and all, but work for RCs are usually limited to minor problems or remote places outside of a sect’s jurisdiction. Payment would come in the form of a meal and shelter, relying on
the kindness of strangers in between.

lwj doesn’t want this sort of life for wwx. He promised to take care of him, and this is not it.

After a few more towns, lwj suggests going back to Gusu. lxc will help them settle in Caiyi, and they can also check in on the kids.
wwx agrees somewhat reluctantly. He still wants to find jc, but he also knows they’re getting nowhere.

So they make their way back to Caiyi, and it’s supremely awkward when the townspeople recognise them. The Lans do not gossip, but the town does, and everyone knows of the
banished hgj and his wayward husband wwx.

lxc meets them at an inn - now that neither are welcome in cr, there’s no point in making the climb. “I’m sorry, this is all I have.” lxc slides over a qiankun pouch. “Shufu refused to give me any.”
“It’s more than enough, Lan da-ge. Thank you. Where are the kids?”

“Sizhui and Jingyi aren’t allowed out of cr for now.”

“Until when?”

“Until they learn contrition.”

lwj is obviously furious, but lxc stops him before he can speak.

“It was the decision of the elders.”
lxc refuses to say more on that, so they switch topics, but lxc can’t hold back the disapproving look on his face when he finds out they’re still looking for jc.

“Jiang Lingyu is the new leader. There is nothing the previous sect leader can do.”
“jc can get the other sects to stop their stupid vendetta against Gusu. And then maybe we can come back,” wwx says hopefully.

lxc obviously doesn’t share the same hope. “You’re assuming that you’ll be able to find him. And that he’d be willing to come back with you.”
“We will make him,” lwj says, and lxc sighs.

“If you think sdss will be taken by force and then do what you want, then both of you are deluded. Unless you plan to use him as hostage, which will worsen the situation beyond repair.”

“I can convince him,” wwx says confidently.
“Convince him of what?” lxc challenges. “That Jin Rulan is making decisions that are within this full rights as a sect leader? That Jiang Lingyu and Huaisang are doing the same?”

“That their actions against Gusu are ridiculous!” wwx says. “That the
kids and Lan Zhan should never have been punished and we should never have been made to leave!”

“Why do you think he would care?” lxc shakes his head. “I was unable to convince you two as either sect leader or an elder brother, and I see I won’t be able to do so now. But I’m
telling you. Seeking out jwy in his seclusion will do you greater harm, and Gusu will not be able to escape the consequences of your actions. So please, by all means, show the entire cultivation world why it was right for 3 great sects to unite against us. Show why Gusu doesn’t
deserve the prestige it’s always enjoyed. Show exactly why we have to suffer for your whims and fancies, and show all of Gusu it was right to banish you.”

lxc stands. “Write if you need anything,” he says stiffly. “I have duties to return to.” He leaves before either of them get
up from the table.

There’s a tense silence.

“Wei Ying.”


“Forget jwy. We can do what you’ve always wanted now - travel the world.”

wwx sighs. “I can’t believe that this is it. I can’t. It’s not fair. It’s not fair, Lan Zhan.”

lwj nods. “It isn’t.” He pulls wwx close to
press a kiss to his pouting lips. “If we happen to find jwy when we’re travelling then we’ll bring him back.”

“You’re right,” wwx says. “We will.”

Far away from the commotion, jc is enjoying his hot spring vacation. He’s having an evening soak, drinking under the stars.
He’s surrounded by thick steam that rises from the springs, and jc feels deliciously hedonistic as he takes another sip of wine. He’s got tiny dishes of snacks on a floating tray, and he hums happily before sinking deeper into the water.

What a lovely night.

“YMJ welcomes SLL.” A-Xiang is imposing on the lotus throne, and lxc nods stiffly. “We’ve only just had the pleasure of a visit from Grandmaster Lan; to be graced again by the presence of SLL himself is a surprise.”

lxc sits at a table set out for him, laid with tea and snacks.
“As mentioned in my letter, I have come on official business.”

A-Xiang feigns surprise. “Oh? What business would that be?”

“To discuss the relations between our sects. GSL has been a close ally of YMJ for years, and-”

“Relations wax and wane,” A-Xiang says, sounding bored.
“YMJ has no formal ties of family or treaty with GSL; it’s only natural that a change of leadership brings with it a new era of relations.”

“After decades and generations of close friendship, I had hoped that SLJ would continue this fortuitous alliance.” lxc fixes his gaze on
the new SLJ to gauge her expression. “Perhaps this time with the formality of a treaty, to symbolise the new era of leadership.”

A-Xiang meets his gaze head on, unflinching and unblinking as she says, “A new era following nearly 2 decades of disrespect and contempt from GSL.”
lxc decides to ignore that for now. “As sect leader, I have come to personally convey our utmost regret for the past behaviour of our disciples, and to impress our greatest respect to your sect and its good name.”

A-Xiang’s smile is bland. “I see that a bully will only stop when
the victim fights back. Is this how it is? 2 decades of ill treatment to be wiped away by a mere apology? I think not.”

“SLJ, my sect has punished those who disrespected your sect and your SL in the past. My own blood brother and his husband have been cast out from the sect.
Let bygones be bygones. The previous SL held no such grudge, and I hope that-”

“He may not have, but I did. Our sect did. All of our disciples did.” A-Xiang’s eyes are cold and hard. “We deferred to our SL then out of love and respect for him, and it is out of love and respect
for him that we now demand satisfaction for all that he suffered. Make no mistake, SLL. You personally had a hand in this, encouraging your brother in his behaviour, allowing your disciples to run rampant and disrespect a SL to his face. I will not allow our sect to suffer this
indignity any longer.”

“Then what satisfaction does SLJ demand?”

“We have it now,” A-Xiang says. “No burden of a sham alliance, but civility between our sects.”

“You’re cutting off trade routes and access to goods that have been shared with Gusu for generations.”
“Yes,” A-Xiang says.

lxc waits for her to continue, but she doesn’t, staring at him with frost in her eyes. “Surely you can see that the only ones that are harmed are the civilians.”

“The people of Yunmeng are flourishing.”
“Perhaps we can come to another agreement,” lxc suggests. “If possible, we can continue this discussion later today?”

“I’m afraid we have nothing further to discuss at this time,” A-Xiang says. “There is a Discussion Conference only 10 days from now. If SLL has any proposals
then we may discuss them then.” A-Xiang stands from her seat. “Allow me to personally send off SLL.”

lxc is frustrated at having their discussion cut short. lqr had been allowed to stay for a few days and had several meetings with SLJ. There is no reason to chase him out like
this, and lxc is bristling from the disrespect.

He tampers down his irritation as he remembers the way wwx’s careless words hurt jwy, how lwj would belittle jwy in public, how lsz and ljy would challenge jc’s authority at every turn.

He has a headache as he steps onto the boat
and quickly makes his way into the covered area.

lxc had been too complacent with their behaviour, brushing it off as harmless when jwy never brought it up as a matter between their sects. He never thought that trouble would come years later, from jwy’s retirement and seclusion.
GSL is being backed into a corner, and the 3 sects aren’t budging. But lxc has received news that jl’s mood has brightened considerably in the last few days, and he thinks it’s time to make another visit to LLJ.

“zwj, this junior means no disrespect, but all these uninvited visits does clash somewhat with my schedule. A SL’s work is never done, wouldn’t you say?” jl lounges in his seat, turning Zidian over on his finger.

“Rulan, you know why this is.”

jl sighs.
“zwj, I’m not sure what you’re expecting to change with each visit.”

“Your jiujiu wouldn’t want you to live like this, in anger.”

“What could the illustrious zwj, who barely deigned to greet my jiujiu, possibly know about what he wants?
“I know this because no one who cares for you would this for you.”

jl scoffs. “And I suppose you’re going to tell me you care about me too?” Before lxc could answer, jl cuts him off. “You can’t deny you had a personal hand in driving away my jiujiu, zwj. I have given you many
liberties account of your relationship with my shushu, but I think it’s about time that ends, don’t you think so?”

“I have never-”

“Are you forgetting all those times when you would stand by and let hgj spit vitriol at my jiujiu in public? Undermining his authority as if any
sect disciple has the right to do. Never even an apology from you, however fake it would have been. But the Lans don’t lie; you weren’t sorry, so you never apologised, and sheltered hgj instead, encouraging insubordination from your sect against Yunmeng, against my jiujiu.”
“They were your friends too, Rulan.”

“I know my part,” jl snaps. “I will punish myself accordingly.”

“How far do you really want to pursue this?” lxc looks at him beseechingly. “They’re still serving their punishments; is it still not enough for you?”

“No,” jl answers simply.
“What do you want?”

jl loses his temper as Zidian sparks. “What I want is for jiujiu to never have left! What I want is for you all to give the respect he deserves! I want you all to kowtow before him and admit your faults! I want you all to suffer like my jiujiu had suffered!”
“If you’ve been to see him then you know nothing will bring him back.” lxc lifts his chin. “I have always treated your jiujiu with respect; I will apologise for not reigning in my disciples, including my brother, but asking for more is overstepping.”
“So are you right now, coming here uninvited, expecting me to drop everything to entertain this inane meeting with you. I see we are unable to agree to terms for reconciliation.” jl stands and bows. “I have business to return to. zwj has always come and gone from jlt as he
pleases; I expect no escort will be necessary for you to see yourself out.”

lxc stands as well, reaching out. “Rulan, please, we can talk about this some more.”

jl doesn’t even glance back at him as he walks off. “This junior sees off zwj.”

jc is sewing himself a new fur blanket, a crackling fire in his hearth and the first snow falling outside.

He should have prepared this blanket sooner, but it’s still not too late now, the fur soft and fluffy as he leans in close to make his stitches.
“Am I getting old?” he asks himself, when the needle pricks finger.

He gives it a good suck, inspecting it for any more blood. His fur blanket is a soft, solid white, and the last thing he wants is to dirty it.

Along the walls of his cottage, jc has pinned up the drawings from
the younger Yunmeng disciples, and on his table are the latest letters from jl and nhs.

jl’s letter is purely domestic: Fairy is on a (unsuccessful) diet, he (successfully) wrangled control of his council, and he’s improved in striking Zidian with needle-eyed accuracy.
nhs’ letter is, again, full of gossip. jc knows he’s got many smaller sects firmly within his grasp, and he’s using the court of public opinion in his crusade against gsl.

jc knows it has very little to do with himself and jl; nhs had been biding his time, and this is a golden
opportunity handed up to him on a plate.

By his calculations the Discussion Conference should be happening right now. He feels vaguely sorry for zwj, but that’s the extent of it.

He hopes jl will stay strong in the first conference he’ll appear by himself, and he’s worried that
A-Xiang will be bullied by the older sect leaders. But he knows he has to leave it up to them now; there’s nothing more he could give them, and it’s better for them that he’s not there anymore.

jc hums a song as he puts aside his sewing and begins to get ready for bed.
He’s already had a hot bath, and now he sits before his dresser to comb lotus perfumed oil through his hair.

Halfway through, he moves to a window to watch the snowfall. It reflects the moonlight to bathe the entire scene in a glow of silver, and jc smiles to himself as he
twines his hair into a loose braid.

It’s much too beautiful to go to sleep and waste such a sight.

jc goes to heat some wine on his hearth. Vaguely, he remembers jl’s worry that he was drinking too much.

He shrugs, pouring himself some roasted nuts and melon seeds as snacks.
jc is only in loose inner robes, and he lets them fall open carelessly as he seats himself by the window, cushioned by a fluffy fur carpet.

Outside, the snow continues to fall.

What a lovely night.

nhs stands at ceremony, welcoming each delegation to qhn. gsl had arrived early as usual, but they were by themselves at their assigned seats. Normally other sects would be eager to ingratiate themselves to zwj, but now they congregate away from gsl, bowing only from a distance.
Yunmeng strides in proudly with A-Xiang at the helm. She’s dressed in robes of heavy silks, and her hair is tied into a typical no-nonsense knot. She exudes confidence as she greets nhs.

“SLJ, after all these years, I would consider us friends. Hopefully one day we will have
as strong a friendship as I have with your previous SL.”

A-Xiang bows. “This junior is still inexperienced and will be grateful for any guidance from SLN.”

nhs waves his fan. “Not at all, not at all. After all these years, this one is still learning the ropes.”
They exchange a few more empty pleasantries, the meanings only known to them.

“It will snow tomorrow, but I do have it on good authority that an abundance of furs and a warm fire will keep the chill well away from the home.” nhs smiles.

“I see. Thanking SLN for his wisdom.”
Another delegation arrives then, so A-Xiang bows her leave and nhs flutters away to welcome the newcomers.

Inside the hall are banners marking the seating for the attending sects. llj aren’t here yet, so A-Xiang leads the ymj disciples to their spot.
With qhn at the top, llj and ymj are placed to the immediate sides. gsl is further down, next to llj. They used to sit at qhn’s right, but now there’s ymj instead.

ymj have barely entered the banquet hall when a few minor sect leaders approach. These middle-aged men of middling
cultivation practically gleam with the impossible hope that ymj will be floundering without sdss - and with a young female leader! It’s just candy for the taking.

Except A-Xiang cuts them off bluntly when they hint at her ‘delicate female sensibilities’, and reminds them of
the most recent hunting competition that she won. She has the physical strength to match a man, and her cultivation is undoubtedly stronger than these bottom feeders.

Like jl, she was personally trained by jc to lead, and jc had plenty of hard-earned experience handling bullies.
It takes only minimal effort and barely any time to cow them back into submission, and A-Xiang leads the Yunmeng disciples to their seats with only a few more passing greetings by other SLs.

When they sit, A-Xiang narrows her eyes at the Lan delegation across the hall.
As the junior, she should be the one greeting lxc. Instead, she and all the disciples glower at them, and lxc shifts nervously in his seat when he makes eye contact with A-Xiang.

This leads to a breakout of whispering around the hall, and it only heightens when jl arrives.
After a few words with nhs, jl goes immediately to ymj, bowing respectfully to A-Xiang and chatting quietly with her.

He too ignores gsl, and the Lan disciples are beginning to stir with anger over the disrespect.

lqr scolds them back into silence with a few choice words and
shakes his head at lxc, who is staring forlornly at llj and ymj.

“Get a hold of yourself, Xichen,” lqr says sternly. “I have secured a meeting with SLJ tomorrow morning; don’t do anything to jeopardise it tonight.”

lxc swallows hard. “Yes, shufu.”
lqr’s frown deepens as he takes a sip of tea. He can feel a monster of a headache coming on.

This is going to be a very, very, Very long conference.

“Lan-laoshi, I respect you greatly, but my hands really are tied in this matter. You of all people must understand that dignity and respect must be maintained, and I intend to right the wrongs of the past. Neither my sect nor my own conscience will allow otherwise.”
lqr sighs. “I understand the difficulties of your position. Though I was hoping that the passage of time may have eased it somewhat.”

“On the contrary,” A-Xiang says. “I have it on good authority that wwx and the previous Lan er-gongzi are hunting for our previous SL. Now that
is absolutely unacceptable.”

lqr’s frown in pained. “They are no longer part of gsl. We have no say in their actions.”

“SLL has been seen in Caiyi with them.” A-Xiang can tell lqr had no idea when he straightens, expression furious. “Yes. It’s quite well-known, actually.”
“By well-known, you mean…”

“I mean the entire cultivation world, Laoshi.” A-Xiang refills lqr’s teacup. “So you see, Laoshi, it’s simply impossible for me to soften my stance on this matter, and I have no idea when I’ll be able to either.”

lqr’s goatee is quivering with how
hard his jaw is clenched. He takes a sip of tea to calm himself. Foolish! So foolish to meet at all, and even more so in such a busy place, where they are known to everyone!

“They’re either acting on the orders of SLL or with his approval. Either way, I’m afraid there must be

“Mn.” lqr can hear the pounding in his temples. “I can only hope that SLJ will be lenient in this matter.”

“As much as I possibly can be, which, unfortunately, is not much.” A-Xiang sighs. “Lan-laoshi, I hope you do not think less of me for this.”
“No, I understand.” lqr sighs. “I won’t delay you any further then. I’ll see you later this morning at the conference.” He sways when he stands, and A-Xiang quickly helps him, easing him back down.

“Get a healer!” she shouts.

lqr has a hand to his head.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he mutters patting A-Xiang’s hand. “Just - just a dizzy spell.”

“Laoshi, you have been under a great deal of stress,” A-Xiang says. “I understand responsibility to your nephews and sect, but you must take care of your health too. You can’t help anyone if
you’re unwell.”

“I’m fine,” lqr repeats, waving off the healer when he arrives.

“At least let me walk you back to your rooms,” A-Xiang says, which lqr allows.

lqr really feels his age as A-Xiang walks him back. He’s still not old for a cultivator, but he’s just so tired.
lxc startles when he sees A-Xiang help lqr into the wing designated for the Lan delegation. “Shufu! Are you alright?” He looks at A-Xiang suspiciously. “What happened at the meeting?”

lqr glares at him, furious. “You! If not for you…!” He sways again, leaning on A-Xiang’s arm.
“Laoshi, please rest. You can speak to SLL later.” A-Xiang helps him to lie down as lxc hovers around uncertainly.

After quietly closing the doors to lqr’s room, A-Xiang turns around to see lxc smiling at her hesitantly.

“SLJ, thank you for assisting. I hope your meeting with-”
A-Xiang scoffs at him, loudly and scornfully. She leaves without another word or look.

nhs thinks his conference is going quite well. He’s held the position of CC for a good several years now, and it had seemed like he would eventually lose the position once lxc left seclusion and reaffirmed his position as the revered zwj, leader of the respected gsl sect.
There’s no such chance now; gsl is isolated, jl is too young, and A-Xiang too new.

nhs speaks up when a smaller sect leader makes a disparaging comment about a SLL that likes to shelter murderers. “That’s hardly fair,” nhs says, his fan hiding the curve of his lips.
“jgy was a man that had all of us fooled. It seems only natural that even the great zwj had been fooled also.”

nhs meets lxc’s eyes over the top of his fan. lxc stares back, face pale. Yes, the great zwj had been fooled, had been played, and only nhs had known the truth.
nhs lowers his fan to smile at him and lxc has to lower his gaze, lips pressed into a thin white line.

“Then what about yllz,” someone mutters, and the hall breaks out into muted murmurs.

nhs’ smile widens. “Please, everyone, we all know how much zwj treasures family.
It’s hardly his fault.”

“Oh, well of course we can’t blame him then,” a minor SL says, pure sarcasm dripping from his words. “Who knows what atrocities will be allowed against us smaller sects, as long as it’s done by his brother. If he’s so daring against the great sdss and ymj
then what can us smaller sects expect? Has everyone forgotten the tyranny of qsw already?”

“I assure you, gsl holds no such inclinations. We have the utmost respect for the previous SLJ and ymj and the offenders have been expelled from our sect.”
“The esteemed CC must take a stance to protect our interests,” the minor SL says, ignoring lxc, and is joined by a chorus of voices in agreement, “since the word of gsl can no longer be trusted.”

“I have all your interests at heart,” nhs says vaguely. “But since gsl has already
banished the perpetrators…”

“SLL is still supporting them!” someone else says, pointing an accusing finger. “It’s all a farce! Now they want to assassinate the precious SLJ to force ymj and llj back into submission!”

jl rolls his eyes. “As if llj are that weak!”
“ymj does not respond to threats. If it’s a war they seek, then war they shall have,” A-Xiang says coolly.

nhs fans himself slowly. Truly, the power of rumours is astounding. “That cannot possibly be true,” he says, enjoying the way lxc stiffens, brow wrinkling.
“I have done no such thing! I will not allow such appalling rumours of myself or my sect to continue! I am not supporting lwj or wwx, and to even suggest that I would seek harm against the previous SLJ is both ridiculous and unforgivable!”
“Then why have you been meeting them in Caiyi? They’re going around telling everyone that they’re hunting for sdss!”

“That is their business, not of gsl’s.” lxc says firmly.

“Then you are supporting them privately in your capacity as their family!”

“I am doing no such thing.”
“The entire town saw you! My own disciples saw you at the inn with them!” A minor SL scoffs. “Who would ever have thought that zwj is a liar.”

nhs keeps fanning slowly as he watches lxc, who takes in a deep breath. Let’s see what he has to say, when no one will listen to him.
“I have fought alongside many of you during ssc. You all know me personally, and know that my sect has strict rules of honour and justice that we all abide by. lwj and wwx were expelled precisely because their behaviour is unacceptable, and neither I nor my sect condone it.”
nhs watches the faces of the people turn uncertain. “I think it’s time for a break,” he says. “We need to refocus, and I think we could all take some time for refreshments.”

The attendees mill around the hall, discussing amongst themselves as servants enter with food and drink.
nhs goes up to lxc, who’s left alone. “Er-ge, that must have been difficult for you.”

“No,” lxc says. “It’s to be expected.”

“I cannot imagine what it must be like, to insist and yet be disbelieved.” nhs smiles gently. “At least it’s not by someone close to you.
Don’t worry, Er-ge. This didi believes you.”

nhs can feel a curl of satisfaction at the clear guilt on lxc’s face, spilling over into the sadness of his gaze. He bows his leave then, using the excuse of being a host to make the rounds around the hall and gauge the general mood.
After a while he looks back to see lxc alone at his seat, staring down into his cup of tea.

nhs hides a smile with his fan and turns his back.

It’s a few weeks until the new year, and lsz and ljy are still confined within cr. They haven’t been allowed on any night hunts, their activities constrained by lessons and training and carrying out their daily punishment of copying out the sect rules during their free hours.
At first, their confinement had ljy grumbling constantly about the unfairness of it all. lsz had thought the same but wisely kept his opinion to himself. lqr liked to drop in unannounced to check on their progress and would increase punishments if he heard such complaints.
It didn’t really hit them how much trouble they were in until hgj was expelled. Both lsz and ljy were shocked into stupor. hgj represents the best of gsl and its teachings, a beacon of light and hope to the common people.
They didn’t understand. Why was jl so offended? It wasn’t as if jl had never complained about his uncle, and he had been there most of the times they had any interaction with sdss before.

lqr and lxc were leaving constantly for meetings with other SLs, meeting with the elders
immediately upon return, and their stomachs sank slowly as they began to realise how much trouble their sect was in.

This was abundantly clear when other disciples began to turn on the 2 of them, blaming them for their part in their sect’s troubles.
The most recent Discussion Conference had been an utter disaster. Teacher Lan had fallen ill on the morning of the 2nd day, apparently angered so much by zwj that he almost qi deviated. zwj had been snubbed the entire time, and the senior disciples had not been spared either.
lsz has a feeling this is too big to be fixed with apologies, and ljy is beginning to feel more than a little anxious because everyone knows it’s them - the 2 of them that were the favourites of hgj and Wei-qianbei, taken by them out on frequent night hunts, to major intersect
events, cavorting with the rich and influential SL Jin, and somewhere along the way, it was their arrogance and disrespect (as other disciples say) towards the retired SL Jiang that led to broken alliances and the entire sect now suffering for their behaviour.
No one makes eye contact with them anymore, conversations are avoided, no one even wants to sit near them. They have become pariahs.

ljy has the fanciful thought that their previous friendship with jl could be restored and things can go back to normal, which means
hgj and Wei-qianbei can return.

lsz doesn’t have such high hopes, not when tensions between their sects are still at its peak. zwj hadn’t been granted a private audience with either SL Jin or SL Jiang at the conference, so it’s obvious that their predicament will continue for a
while longer.

But ljy is young, foolish, and had grown up sheltered and pampered as young masters often are, so he goes to zwj to plead his case.

“This matter is beyond you, jy,” zwj says sternly. “SL Jin is determined that his jiujiu’s honour be upheld.”
“If we can just write to him, or see him, I’m sure we can smooth things over,” ljy says earnestly. “jl isn’t unreasonable, and we’ve all been punished already.”

lxc shakes his head, but ljy keeps talking, cajoling, until eventually lxc slams his hand onto the desk.
ljy jumps, eyes huge as he falls silent.

“jy, do you not think I’ve had this discussion with SL Jin already?”

“But we’re his friends…”

“And that is his jiujiu. jy, I have been too lenient on all of you. I had thought that since the previous SL Jiang never said anything then
it meant nothing, but I know now I was wrong. Even if SL Jin’s temper is soothed, there’s still ymj to consider.”

ljy has only vague recollections of ymj’s SIC, a slim woman that glared at him (at them) with death in her eyes. “They’ll listen to jl.”

lxc looks frustrated.
“They’re an entire other sect, jy. Why would you ever think they would listen to SL Jin?”

ljy pauses with his mouth open.

“You’re older than SL Jin and a senior disciple. I am disappointed in you, jy. I know I failed to put you in your place, but after these months of
punishment and confinement for reflection, you have learned nothing.”

lxc sighs. “I will not add to your punishment. When the council determines your confinement over then you and sz will be allowed to participate in nighthunts again. But you will not be allowed to lead until
you are able to show you can conduct yourself properly as befits your station and resist bad influences. If you cannot tell right from wrong, you do not deserve to represent our sect.”

ljy cannot help his mouth. “Even when the influence is hgj?”
lxc’s dark eyes flash warningly. “That was my oversight,” he says tightly. “lwj is no longer a part of gsl, and you should ruminate on why. If you are so determined to follow his path, you may find yourself in his position as well.” lxc looks away dismissively.
“Go. Tell sz the same. He was brought here by wj, so he may feel differently about leaving.”

So ljy bows his leave, going back to lsz. He wants to complain, but guilt and anxiety hangs heavily on his shoulders and stomach, and he can’t bring himself to do it.
He and lsz end up sitting in silence. They do that a lot now, sitting together in silence. There’s nothing they can do to fix the situation as it is now.

“Let’s sneak out to see jl,” ljy suggests.

“Absolutely not,” lsz says. “We need to stay here and serve our punishment.
I don’t want to get into even more trouble.“


“It’ll just put the sect into an even tougher position. How will it look, that zwj can’t even properly punish 2 disciples for such a huge transgression?”

ljy deflates. “Then what should we do?”
lsz swallows hard. He wishes hgj or Wei-qianbei were here to tell them. “I don’t know.”

“Go away, we don’t want your business.”

“We’re closed, don’t come back.”

“Just go, we won’t serve you.”

Everywhere they look, inns turn them away, restaurants turn them away, businesses turn them away.
Everywhere touched by llj, ymj, and now even qhn, refuse to have anything to do with them.

“We can free you from their tyrannical rule!” wwx tries convincing the townspeople and villagers. “The great sects cannot be allowed to subjugate the common people like this!”
But these towns and villages live under the protection of these sects, and what is the worth of words from 2 rogue cultivators? No, they must be people of great evil - what else would draw the ire of all the great sects?

The news shocks wwx and hgj - all?
They rush back to Gusu, only to find that they’re not banned, not like the other jurisdictions, but it’s somehow widespread that they are the reason the trade routes that existed for generations all disappeared overnight.

There is no business that was not affected by this,
and the bare hostility that faces them is even worse.

So they leave again, this time travelling to the countryside, where all there is are tiny isolated villages.

It’s winter, so there’s no farm work they could help with in exchange for room and board but they still have the
money that lxc gave them, so that allows them to buy nights in woodsheds and hay stalls, with simple mantou and water for the night. Family rations are limited and there is only so much they’re willing to sell. When heavy snow begins to fall, wwx and lwj find themselves lost.
They will have to be somewhere away from the influence of the 4 sects, and they eventually go to Baling, to look for oyzz after they finally receive a reply to their letter seeking temporary shelter for winter.

oyzz intercepts them at the edge of their territory.
“Wei-qianbei, hgj, my father has prohibited me from any contact with you. I can only hide you in a spare storage shed for now - it won’t be touched until summer, so no one will bother you there.”

They sneak in like thieves in the night, and oyzz gives them food as he updates
them on what’s been happening in the last couple months.

jl is cordial in his letters with oyzz but firm and unyielding on any matters relating to gsl or lsz and ljy. “It’s me or them,” is the plain message. oyzz is still the heir and he knows the direction of the tide,
so he sides with jl.

lwj is furious, but wwx calms him down. oyzz is the only one willing to house them - if they’re found out, he’ll get into trouble too.

lqr fell ill during the recent Discussion Conference that ended in a debacle for gsl.
He’s now on bed rest and lxc, for the first time ever, finds himself at the helm without the support of his uncle.

As for ymj, their gates are still closed, but the showing of their new leader at the conference proved her capabilities, ruthlessly quashing any voiced doubts and
fiercely intolerant of any insults against jc, whom they all still refer to as their SL.

When oyzz leaves for the night, wwx and lwj ponder their next steps. It’s too cold to travel too far for now, but when the weather warms they can escape to a far place, where no one knows
them, and they can start over with the funds from lxc - buy a plot of land and maybe start their own sect. It’s not impossible.

They just have to make it through this winter first, and all the unknowns it brings.

It’s a week to the new year, and jc has been spending most of his time rolling around in furs and drinking a variety of different wines. It’s too cold outside to do anything, and the most exercise jc has been doing is pumping water for his heated, fragrant baths.
He hums as he rolls over onto his stomach. He’s sprawled out next to the large fire in his fireplace, and he kicks his feet up into the air as takes a sip of wine.

He’s been absolutely enthralled with a novel series that he bought last time in the village. It’s a light, easy
read and the plot is rather trite, but the author draws the reader in through enthralling descriptions.

A knock on the door draws him out of his reverie. He takes a moment to straighten out his robes before he cracks the door open.
“Jiujiu, what took you so long? It’s freezing!” jl pushes into the cottage, shaking off the snow on his cloak and tossing his wet boots to the side.

jc scolds him for being so messy, but immediately wraps him in a fur blanket, fussing over his damp hair and wind-ruffled clothes,
pushing him to sit at the low table and pouring him a giant mug of steaming tea. “Why did you fly in such bad weather? You could’ve waited for the storm to end.”

“I dunno when it’ll end,” jl says stubbornly. “And when I go back I’ll be up to my eyeballs in New Years prep
and you said last time I can’t visit again until the summer solstice.”

jc sighs. He had originally planned to only meet jl in the village, but this year’s winter is particularly harsh, with constant snowstorms. It’s better to have jl over than to make him go to the village
that would most certainly be shut down for the season.

“Jiujiu what are you drinking? I want some too.”

So jc pours jl some wine and lights up when jl produces a few jugs of top grade lotus wine from Yunmeng’s private cellar.

“Xiang-jiejie says hi,” jl says, downing his cup
and pouring himself another. “Wei-gege is so jealous I think he actually turned blue,” he laughs. Then he pulls out a huge stack of letters. “They latest from ym.”

jc sifts through the letters, smiling. “How was the biannual Discussion Conference?”
jl’s smile glints in the firelight. “Good,” he says simply.

jc shoots him A Look but jl just blinks at him innocently. “I don’t want revenge,” he says. “I told you that’s not what I want. I want you to focus on greater things than me.”

“I am,” jl protests.
jc sighs. He knows jl is hiding something, but he doesn’t push it. jl is an adult and a SL, and jc has no more influence anymore.

“What do you want for dinner? I still have some frozen meat that’s good for roasting.”

“Meat!” jl cheers, refilling jc’s wine cup.
“Let’s drink lots, jiujiu. Enough for the next few months.”

“Brat,” jc says fondly, but he downs the cup and smiles as jl pours them another round.

It’s cold in the shed. lwj wraps him in blankets and warm cloaks, but wwx’s core is weak, and there’s no fire to keep away the chill. lwj hides it better, but his fingers are like ice blocks even over wwx’s robes.
They get food that oyzz smuggles them, but it’s lukewarm by the time he makes the trip. Their stores of water form ice chips, and they know this can’t last.

It takes about a week for the storms to blow through and they decide to leave immediately after.
oyzz packs extra food with their supplies, unable to see them off properly as he sneaks back to training.

They fly south, away from the 4 great sects.

It takes them a few days, but eventually they find a small town. It doesn’t seem associated with any particular sect,
and they get a cheap room at a cheap inn.

lwj had wanted to get them something better, but wwx holds him back. “We’ve troubled Lan-dage enough. We can’t keep asking him for money.”

At that, lwj has to agree.

They stay there while they scope out the surrounding area, to see if
there’s land or property available for sale. There is, and wwx’s glib tongue and charm talks them into a significant discount.

They still have enough money to make it through to spring if they are frugal, and now they have their own place to save on expenses.
However, their inexperience soon shows. A large part of the discount had been because the place needed extensive renovations. “How hard could it be,” wwx had said. “Everyone says the rebuilding of lp was surprisingly fast, and jc even built most of the family quarters himself.”
lwj had agreed. cr had burnt too, and rebuilding had been quick - but he didn’t think about the hordes of servants and junior disciples that had a hand in it under the direction of professional builders while the seniors went to fight in the war.
Renovations are, in fact, very hard. They have no idea of anything - of the type of wood that was needed, of what different wood joints were and how they worked, of what even was needed, never mind other structural issues like plumbing or roofing.
So they stay in the room with the least problems, deciding to hire workers once they earn some more money as rogue cultivators.

However, a town not associated with a particular sect doesn’t mean it has work for RCs. Previously they would seek help from nearby sects,
or if the problem was a major one, seek urgent help from one of the great sects.

This one happens to be just past the edge of Meishan Yu territory. The first time wwx sees the dark blue of their uniforms, he panics out of instinct, dragging lwj into an alley.
“Wei Ying does not need to be afraid. I am here.”

wwx sighs. “It’s not that I’m afraid. They just - they didn’t like me at all.”

Even if a woman marries into another family, her position and status in her husband’s home is still affected by the strength of her birth family.
It was one of the reasons why yzy still commanded such power in ymj even with the obvious dislike of jfm. Relying on her own abilities was not enough. She had to have political and financial support to avoid being bullied by the elders and servants.
With msy behind yzy, no one dared go against her.

msy rarely involves itself in the cultivation world. They had joined sunshot out of necessity and revenge, but rarely attend conferences and do not have formal treaties or alliances with other sects.
Only the powerful can pick and choose what they want to do.

Needless to say, with news that their beloved grandson is retired and in seclusion, they are out for blood.
wwx and lwj know that msy is not hiding jc, and they had given jl a chilly reception when he had gone looking for info on jc.

yzy’s mother, the grand matriarch of the family and sect, is a formidable character, with an icy demeanour that reveals nothing.
She had frightened the wits out of jl.

“They don’t even like jl, who’s their great-grandson,” wwx frets.

Hostility shines in lwj’s golden eyes. But even he knows that going against an entire sect is stupid and futile, so the only option for now is to avoid.
In the end, they decide to put away the matter for now. They still have enough money for the next few months, and they can figure it out later.

Meanwhile, said Yu matriarch is hearing news that wwx and lwj are at a certain town, just outside of msy territory.
They have a piece of land next to the town now, and it’s unlikely they will move soon.

“Mn.” She sends away the reporting disciple with one wave of her hand.

She is patient. She has time. She has no need for ostentatious displays of revenge like the Jins and Jiangs.
She will make them regret living.

cw: anti-w/xn, abuse and hate from this point on. (Sorry😭)
There’s a new storyteller in town. He’s got a large walking stick and sells books and paintings.

His yllz series is his most popular, and right now there’s a special sale! For every book sold there’s a free painting of yllz and his husband!
The yllz is horrific and terrifying! His demonic cultivation rips your loved ones from the reincarnation cycle! Turns them into mindless monsters that will do his bidding! Tears apart their bodies so that no corpse is whole!
Not only that, but he betrayed his sect! Turned his back on them after they raised and nurtured him from childhood, after they raised him next to the heir! Such a treacherous being! And now he’s returned after one of his followers performed a soul sacrifice!
And his husband, the supposed hero hgj! Vindictive and vengeful, someone that betrayed his sect also! Turned his back on his own blood brother when he needed him the most, arrogant enough to try and condescend and attack sect leaders, unremorseful when his sect tried to make him
acknowledge the wrongness of his actions! Truly a despicable human being!

The yllz and his villain husband corrupted others with their evil natures, turning their hostility to ymj and slj!
Betraying the sect that raised him wasn’t enough, now he has to go and sabotage their very existence because only they know the depths of evil he’s capable of! Only they tried to rid the world of demonic cultivators and the yllz will have his revenge!
The wicked influence of yllz and his husband even spread to the mind of the young SL Jin, turning family against each other!

His husband used the influence of the falsely righteous GSL to silence dissent and bully others into submission and turn them against YMJ!
Eventually SL Jiang, heartbroken and battered by the yllz spreading evil teachings about ymj, finally entered seclusion to escape the torment!

But it’s still not enough! They’re hunting down the previous SL Jiang because they need to permanently silence him and make him pay for
arresting and preventing demonic cultivators from harming others!

Two of the worst human beings to exist, and they’re married and wandering the world together, pretending to be rogue cultivators while seeking every opportunity to do evil and cause harm!
“It’s an old story, isn’t it?” someone says, spitting out a melon seed shell.

“This is the unabridged version with never-before known secrets about the actual origins and evil doings of the yllz,” someone else says. “And it’s updated to include events after his return.”
“They don’t look evil,” someone says sceptically as they inspect the free painting. “They’re quite good looking, aren’t they?”

“Those are the scariest sorts of humans,” someone says wisely. “Those that look innocent and captivating, warping your thoughts because you’ve already
lowered your guard just based on their looks and charm.”

“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience.”

“Hey, they kinda look like those 2 RCs that came here recently, right?”

Sudden silence.

“…No, it couldn’t be.”

“Could it?”
More silence, broken only by the cracking of melon seeds.

“One black, one white. Young looking.”

“They bought the old Chen home, didn’t they?”

“The yllz is supposed to be wandering right?”

“Well maybe he’s decided to settle down.”

A few days later, wwx and lwj arrive at the market. lwj is instantly alert to the quiet and tension, hand going immediately to Bichen. Dozens of eyes sees the action, and then there’s frantic movement as people try to close their stalls, pulling children away from the streets and
slamming shut the doors to shops.

“What is happening?” wwx asks dumbly.

There’s a faint call from the next street over.

“The yllz and his husband are here to kill us all!”

lwj’s countenance shifts to fury, while wwx holds both hands out placatingly.
“We’re just looking to buy food! That’s all! Nothing else!”

“Don’t listen to his lies! Run!”

There’s a child crying somewhere, terrified sobs in the unnatural quiet.

wwx looks helplessly at lwj. “We mean no harm,” wwx tries. “Really.”

They stand there, waiting to see if the townspeople will come back out of hiding.

They don’t, and they’re forced to retreat, with no food or supplies.

It’s the New Year, and jc passes it by himself in his home.

The landscape outside is still covered in a thick blanket of snow, but the winter storms have all run their course.

jc has had a comfortable winter, cozied up in fur by the fire, eating roast meats and snacks,
and drinking his body weight in alcohol at each meal.

He’s had no contact with the outside world for months, and this is the most relaxed he has ever been.

On the eve of NY, jc again has a drink while viewing the moon.
He wonders how the celebrations are going at Yunmeng - there’s always a ton of firecrackers, fireworks, food and drink flowing day and night, revelling together as a sect and gathering to make wishes for the new year.
As much as he loves his disciples, celebrations always made him feel lonely - even lonelier after jl stopped attending a couple years ago, too busy with his own sect and going off to play with his friends.
Conversely, jc doesn’t feel lonely at all now, now that it’s just him and the moon.

Tiny snowflakes fall from the sky, and jc traces their path through the window.

In winter, in the forest, sits a lovely log home with round puffs of steam coming from the chimney.
Through the window, an idle beauty can be seen as he drinks by the fire, hair down and robes pulled loose as he rolls over on a pile of cushions and fur throws.

Outside, the moon reflecting off the snow paints the night in shades of silver and white, the forest still and silent.
jc is just at that right stage of buzzed when there’s a knock on his door. He freezes, but nothing else comes.

He reaches for Sandu, pulling it from the scabbard and standing up in one smooth motion.

There’s no indication of any movement from outside, and jc pads silently to
the door in his bare feet.

He swings Sandu the instant he flings the door open, but no one is there.

He looks around, hair and robes fluttering in the wind. The snow is smooth and unbroken, no tracks or prints to be seen.
At his feet is a wrapped package. jc immediately relaxes when he recognises the brocade; it’s a package from his grandmother in Meishan.

He laughs as he picks it up, kicking the door closed behind him. Inside is a huge, 3-layered lacquer box. jc lifts the lid and perks up
when he smells the fresh food inside. It’s still steaming, and jc can’t help himself - he picks up a piece of thinly sliced beef, humming happily as he licks the sauce off his fingertips. It tastes of home and is undoubtedly his grandmother’s own cooking.
There’s also a heavy winter cloak in shades of cerulean blue, trimmed in white fur with a thick mantle. It’s accompanied with a note.

‘It’s late, but I had this made for you already. Rest well, my baobei child. Popo will take care of everything.’
jc wraps the cloak around himself. The stitching and embroidery is exquisite, so similar to his mother’s. His heart clenches, and he strokes over the lush fabric. He keeps it on for a little while before he carefully folds it away and returns to the box of food, setting it out
on the table before going to heat up some more wine, singing a soft tune to himself.

Now that Popo has found him, he can expect more of these care packages in the future. Popo loves to spoil him, and jc will indulge in the fullest.

🚫cw: reminder that there’s w///xn hate and abuse. Also there’s mentions of gross bodily functions in this part

The well is poisoned.

wwx doesn’t believe it, but lwj is sure. There is no way it isn’t; it tastes fine, they boil it before drinking or cooking with it, but inevitably it leads to severe stomach pains and the runs. Because wwx’s constitution is weaker, he vomits as well,
unable to keep anything down. He’s tired and has lost a considerable amount of weight in the last few weeks, even with the food that lwj manages to buy in town.

There’s no explanation for it other than poison. But by who? And when?
The first few days in this new home of theirs was fine. lwj had placed multiple barrier arrays around for protection. No one should be able to get in or out without alerting him, including breaching the property from the top, over the walls or by the roofs.
“I’ll look for water nearby,” lwj says.

“All the tests come back fine,” wwx says, dipping a talisman into the water. “See?”

“There are unknown poisons out there,” lwj points out.

wwx sighs, but he’s weak and dizzy and he feels ill again, so he lies down. “Alright.”
So lwj flies to a stream - it’s nowhere near the town, and lwj can only carry so much, but it should be enough for 1 day. He can make this trip back and forth each day; that should be fine.

He tastes the water at the stream and waits a little; it’s fine, so he fills up the pots
and jugs he’s brought. But by the time he’s ready to fly back he feels his stomach acting up again, and lwj has to hold himself back from smashing everything in anger.

Is it themselves then? Have /they/ been poisoned?

He brings some fresh water back anyway, and again, even
after filtering and boiling it, both of them have stomach pain, runs, and wwx vomits out bile.

wwx ends up designing a talisman to test their blood for poison, but it comes back negative.

They have no idea what’s going on, so they can’t stop it.
lwj has been going out, getting overcharged for scraps of food, but there’s nothing he can do about it, not when most vendors hide under their stalls when they see him approach the town from a distance. Only a few brave, unscrupulous vendors are willing to deal with him, and
lwj hates it, hates it with such intensity that he’s ready to leave everything behind and try out a new town.

But wwx is optimistic and the bulk of their funds has already been sunk into this house of theirs. If no one will sell them food, who will buy this property?
It’s too much money to just leave behind.

lwj thinks they can come back to it later, when things have calmed down some, but it’s still cold and they can’t just wander like they otherwise could in better weather.

lwj can practice inedia, but even he needs water to survive.
“I’ll write to Xiongzhang. He can arrange for a healer and then we can find another town.”

wwx is against it at first, but after another bout of severe vomiting, he agrees.

A healer arrives at their home 3 days later. She’s a poisons expert and they’re both immediately cleared.
“Perhaps you’re unused to the local area,” the healer suggests, but even she doesn’t look like she believes it. “Often in new environments there will be symptoms of stomach illnesses. It takes time to get used to it.”
lwj insists the well is poisoned, and she tries the water herself, unboiled straight from the bucket. She’s fine, even after a shichen.

She inspects the pots and jugs, all their food, even their belongings, and doesn’t find anything. Increasingly, she looks at lwj like there’s
something wrong with his mental faculties.

“The mind can play tricks on someone,” she says before she leaves. “Internal demons can poison the body. This is an early symptom that can potentially lead to a qi deviation. I suggest you focus on meditation and steadying your core.”
She leaves, but now they have money from lxc, so lwj immediately packs up for them to leave as well.

“Where will we go?”

It’s the first month, and many small towns and villages are still shut down for New Years celebrations.

“We should wait until things reopen,” wwx says.
“We can’t just wander aimlessly.” He’s pale and sickly looking, and lwj’s heart hurts. He’s helpless. They both are.

lwj can’t do anything but agree. For now they’re still stuck here, cold and hungry and exhausted.

SL Yu hums a song as she embroiders a teal silk robe. It will be perfect as a light overcoat, and she wants to get it done quickly now that spring is nearly here.

A disciple comes in, salutes, and reports. SL Yu scoffs aloud when she hears about the poisons expert.
What expert could match up to even the most junior disciple of Yu sect? How laughable.

“We’ve given them enough rest,” she says, not looking up from her embroidery. “Run them out of town.”

“Yes, Sect Leader.”

Additional cw : death, gore, dead body
It’s the shepherd that sees it first, heading out of town at dawn with his flock of sheep.

His scream and shouts for help quickly draws in the other vendors, and the town leader is woken up by a panicking crowd.
The body looks like it’s been detonated from the inside. The air is heavy with the scent of decay. There’s very little blood, just smears of it like it had been drained beforehand. The organs are missing, and it’s lying inside an array drawn in what looks like blood.
A messenger is sent out on the fastest horse to the closest msy town, and a group of disciples appears soon, headed by a woman in delicate cyan silks and a tinkling gold crown. She’s the 5th daughter of SLY, and the townspeople hurriedly bow as she steps off her sword.
The body is right at the town gates, and she inspects the array, the disciples going through the remains with gloves for her examination. “Demonic cultivation,” she says. “The blood and organs have been harvested. There’s indication of a golden core and cultivation.
Unless it’s a missing disciple, it’s a wandering cultivator.”

She glances at the town leader, who bows again.

“I haven’t heard anything from you about DCs passing through town.”

“There hasn’t been any trouble recently,” he says, but is shouted down immediately.
“There has! The yllz is here!”

“He must’ve done it!”

“It has to be him!”

Yu Ziwei doesn’t even blink. “Does anyone recognise this man?”

The townspeople all give each other looks as they shake their heads. They’re a small enough town that any visitors would be noted.
“Why at the town gate?” the town leader asks.

“We are no experts,” Yu Ziwei says lightly. “It could be for any number of reasons. A warning, for example.”

The crowd shudders, and then they start clamouring for advice - “What should we do? How can we keep them out?
Are we all going to die?”

“We cannot be sure it’s the yllz,” the town leader says, trying to pacify the crowd. “And hgj is of impeccable character.”

“One that is married to a mass murderer,” someone says, and Yu Ziwei’s eyes gleam even as her face remains indifferent.
“msy has a blood feud with the yllz and hgj. It is inconvenient for us to investigate further.”

“Please don’t leave!”

“How are we to stay safe?”

“You can’t abandon us!”

Yu Ziwei waits for them to quieten. “Perhaps the 1st step is to ascertain if it is the yllz.”
“The man was harvested! There should be remains in their home,” someone suggests, and the town leader’s pacifying words are ignored as the men rush to gather machetes, pitch forks, and any other weapon they could find.
Yu Ziwei flicks her sleeve and her sword appears suddenly, floating low for her to step on. “I’ll leave some disciples to assist. They will call for me if necessary.”

As she leaves, she can hear the shouting and yelling of frenzied townspeople as they regroup.
Yu Ziwei has to admit, her mother is the most far sighted of them all. Who knew that a sect traitor would come in so handy at this time?

She sighs. msy secrets carry a heavy bounty, and there are always those blinded by money.
Nevertheless, today was worth the trip to this town. msy extracted itself from the investigation, and no intervening sect will be able to find bias in their actions.

They’ll find the evidence on their own soon enough.

🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 cw reminder! Abuse and hate😭
The abandoned hut is draughty. The bitter wind still carries the sting of winter, and wwx is ill, his chest coughs phlegmy and his breathing laboured.

lwj is nearly beside himself with worry, but they haven’t been able to find a physician. wwx is too ill to travel far
so they’re only a couple towns away from where they left their home, escaping by the skin of their teeth from the angry mob that chased them out.

lwj’s eyes blur with tears as he watches wwx sleep, his cheeks unnaturally red with fever and lungs rattling with each breath.
He doesn’t want to leave wwx alone but he has to, to fetch water that he heats up with spiritual energy and to hunt what he can for food.

But wwx is too ill for heavy meats, and when his fever spikes and he turns delirious, lwj finally lets a tear escape.
This - this is exactly what lwj had not wanted. He had sworn to protect wwx, he had promised him a life free of worries and surrounded by all the comforts, and here they are in a broken down hut, barely surviving, and wwx hovering between life and death.
lwj can’t let wwx die a second time. He wouldn’t survive it. His pride means nothing if only it will save wwx.

He wraps wwx in his own robes, passing over spiritual energy as he carries him on his sword.

He takes them directly to the entrance of gsl, and he kneels at the
front entrance, cradling wwx in his arms.

“Wangji seeks attendance with SLL.”

The disciples at the gates are clearly conflicted. They obviously can’t allow him in, and even though lwj’s been banished he’s still SLL’s brother.
So a disciple alerts lxc, who hesitates.

“He’s got Wei-gongzi with him. They - they do not seem well, SL.”

lxc decides to see them at the gates. He’s shocked to see lwj kneeling.

“Xiongzhang.” lwj swallows hard. “Wangji - Wangji knows his wrongs. Please save Wei Ying.”
lxc stares at them in horror. Their robes are ragged and worn, their faces haggard and drawn.

wwx’s lungs rattle with each breath, and lwj is trembling where he kneels, clearly exhausted.

lxc is about to call for the disciples to bring them in, but at the very last moment
he reins himself in. Instead, he kneels for lwj to drape wwx over his back. “We’ll go to Caiyi Inn.”

lwj is too tired to be angry that they’re not allowed in cr, that they will not be seen by gsl healers. He follows lxc hastily, who ignores the complaints of the innkeeper as he
tries to eject them from his business. lxc strides past him, carelessly tossing money at him.

In the room, lxc sets down wwx on the bed, and grabs a waiter outside to call for a healer and supplies.

lwj kneels next to the bed, clutching at wwx with one hand and rubbing his
chest with the other as he coughs again. “Xiongzhang, Wei Ying…”

“He’ll be fine,” lxc says tightly, returning to take wwx’s pulse. “I’ll make sure of it.”

lwj looks up at his brother from where he kneels. At the end of the day, here he is, useless and pathetic, looking to his
older brother for solutions again. “Xiongzhang…”

“I’ve got it, Wangji,” lxc says, and shakes out spare robes from his qiankun pouch. “Change him; he needs dry clothing or the chill will make it worse.”

lwj quickly strips wwx down to his inner robes and lxc hands him a tub of
water and a small towel. “He’s overheating; if the fever gets too high there may be damage.”

lwj follows his brother’s instructions numbly. He’s pulled aside by lxc when the healer finally arrives, and lxc is the one that speaks to the healer afterwards, waving the prescription
at a waiter and throwing more money at them.

lwj returns to wwx’s side. “Xiongzhang…”

lxc turns to him, face tight and drawn. “I cannot stay, Wangji. The townspeople know I’m here with you and staying will make things worse for all of us.”

lwj knows now his brother is right.
“Thank you. Wangji is grateful.”

lxc pulls another money pouch out and sets it on the table. “I’ll have someone deliver you supplies. Rest here until Wei-gongzi has fully recovered. If you leave before then his illness may return.”

“Yes, Xiongzhang.”
When lxc flies back to cr, he feels nauseous. He had never expected lwj and wwx to end up like this. He had thought with their last letter about their new home that things were fine, that they were living a simple life but a comfortable one.
At cr, lxc is summoned to lqr’s bedside.

“Xichen, what have you done?” lqr is still bedridden, pale and thin as he frowns at lxc.

“Shufu…I can’t let Wangji suffer so.”

“So you decided to make the entire sect pay for it instead. Xichen, it’s nearly been a year, but you have
still learnt nothing.”

“Shufu, I will try again with jrl. Surely he is not so cruel as to let Wangji and Wei-gongzi be tortured like this.”

lqr closes his eyes and waves a hand at him. “Go. If you think SL Jin has the power to drive them to this point then you’re too naive.”
“What do you mean?”

But lqr refuses to look at him, resting against his pillows with his eyes closed.

“Shufu, please. I need your guidance.”

“jwy has more than just SL Jin and ymj behind him.”


lqr gives a pained sigh. “I cannot speak with you if you still do not
know by now. Go. Leave me.”

“Please, shufu.”

Eventually lqr sighs again and his eyes slit open to look at lxc. “Have you forgotten who his mother is?”

“The Violet Spider? But she’s-” dead, lxc wants to say. Then his brain finally catches up. “Meishan Yu? It’s msy?”
But msy had never interfered before. msy doesn’t like to involve themselves in matters of the cultivation world. They only joined the ssc after jc…

After jc asked. When jc sent a letter and it was returned with battle-ready troops, money, and supplies that ymj no longer had.
lxc doesn’t know where to begin with msy. He knows nothing about the sect, other than their dark blue uniforms.


“Get me paper and ink. I’ll write to them myself.”

“Rest, shufu. I can write them.”

lqr just glares at him. “Do you think your letter will be read, if it
reaches them at all?”

So lxc fetches writing materials and lqr sits up, hand shaking as he pens a short letter. It’s dispatched immediately by urgent messenger.

Then lqr makes to get out of bed.

“You’re still unwell,” lxc protests.

“They will not see you. I must go myself.”
lqr lurches as he stands, and he coughs heavily as lxc holds him up.

“Shufu, you can’t go like this.”

“I must.” lqr gasps for breath. “Or you will be the downfall of us all.”

“Niang, you can’t possibly be thinking of meeting him?”

“Ziwei.” SL Yu just looks at her 5th daughter, who’s working herself up into a rage just from the thought of a meeting.


“Qiren is a good child. He’s been unwell; I have some medicine for him.”
“lqr spoiled his nephews.”

“He’s a good child,” SL Yu says with an air of finality.

“Fine, but if his piece of shit nephews come along I’m making no promises regarding limbs or organs.”

“Language,” SL Yu says mildly. She had this daughter much later than the others and as a
result Wuniang was spoiled senseless growing up. “If either of those wretched beings come along I expect you to host them properly.”

Her eyes glance towards Yu Ziwei’s long nails, each with a different poison painted on top and packed with powder underneath.
“Of course, Niang.” Yu Ziwei’s gold crown and multitudes of jewellery tinkle delicately as she curtsies to leave. Each and everyone one is host to multiple poisons, soaked into gems and pearls, powdered or liquified into the hollows. Oh, there’s so many to choose from.
She’ll have to think carefully about which ones to inflict on the illustrious lxc.

SL Yu picks up her embroidery again. She’s almost finished, and then she can send it off to her baobei grandson along with more home cooked food.
She has no problems meeting lqr. She doesn’t hate him; he really is a good child, forced into terrible circumstances.

She doesn’t want him to die, and as poison experts they’re also healing experts. She’ll be able to mitigate the effects of his almost qi deviation more
effectively than traditional medicine.

SL Yu doesn’t hate anyone. She never has. She’ll have satisfaction for the cruelty that jc suffered, and she’ll return it hundredfold, thousandfold.

So no, she doesn’t hate.

There’s no need to.

“Shufu, please, let me come with you.”

SLY’s acquiescence to a meeting came along with a carriage that they’re going to now.

“No, you stay here where you belong. I will not risk anything happening to you.”

“I’m a sl! There’s no way they can disappear me if I go; but you-”
“Forced disappearance is not what I’m afraid of. I’ll be fine. SLY is a reasonable person.”

By the time they make it to the bottom of the mountain, lqr is exhausted, propped up only by lxc’s firm grip on him.

“Grandmaster Lan.” A msy disciple bows low in greeting.
They are androgynous, looking and sounding neither male nor female but almost as tall as lxc. “Please let this one assist you.”

“Thank you.” lqr does not hesitate to take the disciple’s hand as he steps up into the carriage.

The disciple then turns to lxc and smiles.
“Will SLL be joining us as well?”

The hairs on the back of lxc’s neck prickle. “No.” He’s suddenly very glad he listened to Shufu.

He’s left watching anxiously as they leave. He watches until they disappear into the distance and then he returns to cr, hands clenched into fists.
He cannot let gsl be pushed around anymore. Something must be done.

But what?

jc is humming as he undresses for the hot spring. It’s been a long while since he’s been here, busy with preparations for winter and then the weather being so bad he didn’t feel like braving it just for a soak, as nice as it would’ve been.
It’s evening now, and tiny snowflakes fall from the starry sky, melting as soon as they touch the surface of the spring. It’s beautiful, and jc steps into the water with a sigh.

He’s just about to lean against the edge when he stands back up instead.
He pats the snow along the edge until it forms the rough shape of a person, and uses the tip of his finger to draw on eyes and a smile.

jc laughs softly as he toasts his tiny snowman.

He turns back to sink into the water, leaning his head back to gaze up at the stars.
He thinks that retirement suits him quite well indeed.

🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 previous cw for abuse and hate and also blood 👀
There’s an incense burner inside the carriage. It clears lqr’s mind and soothes his meridians as he meditates during the trip, neither drinking nor eating.

He’s not worried. He breathes it in deep, and for the first time in months his headache clears.
After a week of nonstop travelling, they finally arrive at msy.

lqr didn’t bother tracking the journey; he knows the way is covered by arrays and illusions.

He’s brought to a guest suite to tidy up before meeting SLY, and there’s the same incense burning in the room.
He washes quickly, and is brought to SLY just as quickly.


“SL Yu.” lqr bows deeply.

“How was your journey?”

“Very comfortable, thanks to SLY.”

SLY laughs. “Have a seat.”

lqr is placed near her, and he smiles when she inspects his face.

“You have not been well.”
“Just a minor illness.”

“That’s not what I heard. Qiren, you must maintain your health. Your sect depends on it.”

“Yes, Qiren thanks SLY for the advice.”

SLY gestures, and a bowl of medicine is set before him. “I’ve prepared something for you.”

lqr bows from his seat.
“SLY is most gracious.” He picks up the spoon and drinks it down without hesitation.

“One of our healers will attend to you. You should be feeling the effects soon.” SLY waves a servant over. “I’ll let you rest after such a long journey; I’ll see you tomorrow after breakfast.”
lqr accepts the dismissal easily, returning to his room without fuss.

His already aching chest gradually feels more and more congested over the next 2 shichen. He begins coughing heavily and the healer situated outside his room hurries in when they turn violent sounding.
She smiles as she says, “This is a good sign.”

She leaves again, leaving lqr breathing heavily on the bed, feeling like his lungs were collapsing on him.

About half a shichen later, lqr vomits out a mouthful of black blood.
The healer comes and checks his meridians, warning the attendant of further waves.

lqr chokes out a few more mouthfuls of black blood before he collapses back into bed, out of breath and exhausted.

“A few days of rest and you’ll be all well,” the healer says, looking pleased.
“May I know what prescription cured my affliction?”

The healer bows, embarrassed. “Ah, that is something only known to the main family. This one is still just a mere healer.”

lqr nods. He had hoped against hope to take a prescription back with him to cr.
Heavens know he’ll probably be needing it again in the near future.

The next morning, lqr is served the usual gsl fare for breakfast, and is taken to see SLY after.

“How are you feeling,” SLY asks, eyes lowered as she sips her tea.
“Much better,” lqr says. “Thank you SLY for your kindness.”

SLY sets her teacup down with a click. “Qiren, you know I have no quarrel with you or your sect. My quarrel is with your nephews. Or really, lwj, wwx and anyone that even thinks to assist them.”
“Qiren understands.” lqr bows. “But if I may beseech SLY to allow gsl a way out.”

“When have I done anything against gsl?” SLY asks with a smile. “Qiren, you forget how this all happened. If you want gsl to have a way out, you should be seeking Jiang Lingyu or Jin Rulan, not I.”
“SLY is a well-respected senior,” lqr says carefully. “No doubt your actions will lead others to do the same.”

“And what have I done towards gsl?”

Nothing yet, but lqr can’t say so. “If I may just secure your word that gsl will not suffer for the familial ties with lwj.”
lqr swallows hard. He chokes out his next words. “That is all that this one asks for.”

SLY eyes him as he resists squirming under her gaze. She still has a smile on, but lqr has no idea what she’s thinking.

Does she think him unfeeling and cruel, asking only for mercy for his
sect and not his own nephew?

SLY’s smile widens. “If you have to blame anyone, blame lwj. As for what happens to gsl, you should blame lxc.”

“What can be done to appease your anger?”

SLY laughs. “I am not angry, Qiren. This is mere satisfaction for previous hurts.”
“Then what must Wangji do for your forgiveness?”

SLY doesn’t immediately answer, using her teacup lid to shift the tea leaves floating on top. “I will ask ymj to host a Discussion Conference in a month.”

It’s much too early for the next one, but lqr remains silent.
“I will personally attend. In full view of all sect leaders, I want both your nephews and that beast wwx to prostrate and kowtow before me and admit their wrongs to my grandson.”

Not even lqr could hold back at that demand. “That is too much!”
To kowtow, to actually touch their head to the ground, and to do it in public before all the sect leaders - it’s too much. What dignity is left after such an act?

“If it’s too much then that’s fine.” SLY waves a hand. “See that Grandmaster Lan is sent home with care.”
“Wait! There must be room for negotiation,” lqr says.

“There isn’t.” SLY stands in clear dismissal. “Have a safe journey home. I hope your nephews won’t agitate your illness further, though I expect otherwise.”

“SLY! Please!” lqr struggles against the servants holding him back.
“Please reconsider!”

SLY looks back at him with the same infuriating opaque smile. “I’ll see you in a month at ymj. Let’s see how well gsl performs then.”

“Will all be forgiven after?”

“Like I said.” SLY’s smile drops. “Let’s see how well they perform.”


lqr glares. He’s almost fully recovered, and it’s obvious in his rigid posture and fierce expression. “You must and you will!”

“I will not allow me or our sect to suffer such indignity! Nor Wangji - what face is left to be had for all of us if we give in to them?”
“What face do we have now?” lqr shouts. “Your brother’s false pride and your foolish indulgence has led us here - if you had been a proper leader we wouldn’t be in this position! But we are and you must be the one to resolve it!”

“What can they do?” lxc says arrogantly.
“A reclusive mountain sect that barely shows their face?”

“One that has your brother’s life in their hands!”


“Who else could drive them to such misery? They have not yet moved against gsl, and they will not because you will bow your head and admit your wrongs!”
lxc remains stubborn. “We have borne it for so long already. We can bear it still.”

“Not against SLY. Xichen, even if you are willing to sacrifice gsl, I am not. And I am just as unwilling to sacrifice the lives of my nephews because of their foolish immaturity!”
“She would not dare…” lxc shakes his head. “I am a SL!”

“Good luck proving anything!” lqr sighs impatiently. “Xichen. You underestimate them because you do not know them. But I studied with yzy, and her sisters all studied at cr. They are capable beyond your understanding.
Not in brute strength, not in fame and fortune, but in the only way that matters - getting what they want.” lqr sighs again. “SLY is not one to be trifled with. Do you think you will be safe if you hide away here? You’re over 40yo and you’re still so foolish.” He stands.
“You will do as SLY demands. I will not have your lives, and all those of gsl, pay for it.”

lxc remains sitting as lqr sweeps out of the Hanshi.

It’s unthinkable. To kneel and touch his head to the ground. Unthinkable. And for what? For whom?
But then his thoughts wander to lwj and wwx, still at the inn where he left them. wwx has not recovered despite daily visits from the healer, and lwj’s state is not much better.

Is it true? Is msy - is SLY, so uncaring and obvious in her pursuit of satisfaction that she would
just outright poison her enemies?

Well, yes. But how can lxc just let them have their way? How can he let himself be bullied into such disgrace?

He calls for a council meeting and lqr’s discontent is clear. “We must stand up against msy,” lxc says.
“Or we will find ourselves annihilated.”

The elders are not so agreeable. “This was brought on by the folly of you and your brother,” one sniffs disapprovingly. “gsl has paid penance already. And now you still want to demand more of the sect that you ruined with your own hands.”
lxc spends the entire day and night arguing with the elders, but they are unmoved and he is not convinced.

He will not do it.

He cannot.


jl suppresses a shiver as he sees the dark blue seal on the stationery.
Jiujiu’s grandmother is the most frightening person he has ever met in his life. He knows whatever grace is given him goes only as far as Jiujiu’s love of him. He has no doubt that SLY would shed his blood without thought if she deemed necessary.
“SLJ? Is something wrong?”

jl blinks. Then - “Ha!” He folds the invitation and tucks it into his robes. “There’s to be a discussion conference at Yunmeng in 3 weeks. Prepare now. We will go early to assist as usual.”

“Yes SL.”

A-Xiang hums as she reads the short note. The letters are sharp and written in an unforgiving hand.

The new SIC Jiang Wei frowns. “Isn’t it a bit presumptuous to demand such a thing of us?”

But A-Xiang knows better. “No,” she says simply. “We will host a DC as requested.”
“Really? Why?” Jiang Wei reads the letter for himself. “I don’t understand. What does SLY mean by this?”

A-Xiang - no - Jiang Lingyu smiles.


There’s a tension in the air as the sects arrive for the conference. qhn are the 1st, nhs leading his entire council and a dozen of his most senior disciples.

A-Xiang greets nhs cordially; she is not surprised at all that nhs essentially brought the entire leadership of qhn.
“It’s your 1st DC. I should of course show my fullest support.”

And, no doubt, to catch a good show.

After greeting jl, nhs lounges around the reception hall eating snacks and drinking tea, watching as the other delegations arrive. They’re all a little surprised and wary,
tense with anxiety at this unexpected event.

nhs watches as oyzz tries to pull jl into a corner to ask him questions, but jl just smiles blandly and excuses himself to “assist” SL Jiang.

The gsl delegation arrives just before the reception ends and everyone leaves to change for
the banquet. There’s only lxc and lqr, no disciples with them.

Jiang Lingyu receives them coolly, bowing only to lqr and offering him a seat.

“Aiyo, Er-ge, why did you bring none of your people? Most unexpected of you.” nhs fans himself gleefully.
Something big must be happening, something that lxc doesn’t want others to see.

“Huaisang.” lxc looks plainly upset, brow furrowed and shoulders rigid. “It’s just a DC.” He glances at nhs’ crowd. “There is simply no need.”

“Oh? How unusual.”
lqr is sitting near them, drinking tea calmly. His expression doesn’t change as jly gives a few words of welcome before everyone disperses.

“Lan-laoshi, as there’s only you and SLL, we have prepared guest rooms here for you.”

“There’s no need,” lxc says. “We’ll stay at an inn.”
“We’ve booked out all the inns in the vicinity for the conference,” jly says. “I hope you will have a comfortable stay. Do let one of our disciples know if there’s anything you need.”

“Certainly.” lxc sweeps out, frustrated.

“We should have stayed,” lqr says as they walk out.
“It certainly would make everything else easier.”

“I will not suffer their hospitality,” lxc grits out.

lqr just huffs out a sigh. Retiring into seclusion is starting to sound better and better.

The sects have returned for the banquet and the alcohol is flowing freely; it’s almost custom by now to get drunk and have the 1st meeting be no more than a hungover lunch.

A-Xiang makes the rounds with jl, toasting the other SLs freely and loosening their anxiety with alcohol.
“What a surprise,” one mentions. “Mere months after SLN’s. The next should be llj’s near the summer solstice.”

“Oh?” A-Xiang smiles. “It’s been a while since this junior came into the seat. It’s only right to host a small gathering.” This wasn’t a full blown 1 week affair, but a
short 3 day one.

“What’s the urgency,” someone else asks. “And so soon after reopening for the new year.”

“To continue such happy celebrations of course,” A-Xiang says smoothly. It’s a stupid excuse, but she’s brought out the good lotus wine and it slips past easily.
Most of the sect leaders have to be carried back to the inns by their disciples by the end of the night, SLJ seeing them off at the entrance with a smile.

The next morning some of the more hungover leaders are represented by their SIC or head disciples at the conference lunch.
Everything goes smoothly as normal, nothing out of the ordinary as they blabber on about strengthening intersect relations.

After lunch there’s a flower viewing party held by the lotus lakes, and a few of the disciples are arranged to have “friendly” spars as light plum blossom
wine is poured to ease everyone into the evening festivities.

There’s no formal banquet this time but still plenty of humble bragging and mutual toasting as their disciples get into an archery contest at night.
“Do you know when great-grandmother will be arriving?” jl asks from his seat at A-Xiang’s side.

“No.” A-Xiang is completely unconcerned. “But it will probably be tomorrow.”

The next day there’s only an optional light luncheon before they get into an actual serious meeting,
drawing up treaties and agreements and planning for joint activities that had been only vaguely discussed before.

It’s when things begin wrapping up that a disciple calls from outside - “Meishan Yu Sect Leader has arrived!”

The hall breaks out into excited chatter.
Ah. nhs snaps his fan closed, watching lxc’s face turn red, then white, then red again.

Everyone stands up when SLY enters the hall, bowing to her. At her side is Yu Ziwei.

“SLY, Madam Yu.” jly goes up to her and bows deeply. “We are honoured by your presence.”
lxc has his hands cupped in greeting, but the look on his face is fierce enough to scare a lesser man.

“SL Jiang.” SLY’s voice is quiet and steady. Her smile is like a buddha statue; warm and gentle but carved from stone. “How kind of you.”

“A-Xiang, you look well,” says.
“Thanks to the good fortune of SLY’s guidance.”

jl steps forward and kneels. “This one greets Great-grandmother.”

SLY sets a hand on jl’s head. “What a good child.”

“Thanking Great-grandmother.” jl stands and steps back, hiding a relieved sigh.
“SLY, please have a seat.” jly offers SLY the lotus throne at the front of the hall, overlooking all else.

SLY seats herself with a flick of her sleeves. Her eyes are dark as she takes in the faces of the attendees. “Please, why is everyone still standing?
Pay no heed to this old sack of bones. I am not here to disturb your play.”

“Not at all, not at all.” The various SLs sit back down. jly resumes the discussion from a new seat next to SLY but the convo is much less lively than before, everyone speaking quietly and civilly.
Even nhs is chilled into submission in her presence, sitting upright in his seat, fan closed. News takes time to travel to the isolated msy sect, but SLY had not taken kindly to nhs seeking out jc. She had given him a small written warning on account of his friendship with jc.
(nhs had woken up one morning with a note pinned to the collar of his sleeping robes. “I advise you to leave those in seclusion to their peace.”)

The afternoon ends with little fanfare. They’re supposed to disperse now to prepare for the farewell banquet, but SLY hasn’t spoken
at all since her arrival, so everyone waits around hesitantly.

“SLL, I expect you will be bringing guests for dinner,” Yu Ziwei says when everyone finally begins to leave.

lxc has to physically unclench his jaw to answer. “Yes.” He leaves without another look.
🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫previous cw apply
w x n hate and abuse 😭😭😭😭

The Lan delegation arrives early for the banquet. No other guests have arrived yet.

A group of disciples lead them to a side hall to wait.

“What is the meaning of this!” lxc is enraged. “We are doing what SLY wants! Do you mean to hold us here as prisoners?”
“SLL, what’s the rush?” jl sails into the room.

There are 2 cloaked figures next to lxc. One is supported by the other; both look ill just from their posture.

A head lifts. “A-Ling…”

“And who thinks they have the right to call my birth name? I am SL Jin!”

“Jin Rulan!”
“Oh. Is this Lan Wangji?” jl asks mockingly. “Who do you think you are to speak my name? You are not qualified!”

It’s obvious that there’s something wrong with lwj’s strength and cultivation - he shouldn’t be this weak. He shouldn’t be able to get sick other than qi deviations,
not with such strong cultivation.

But jl still takes a step back when lwj pulls back his hood revealing sunken cheeks and dull eyes. Great-grandmother…did she…did she…

jl shakes his head. “You will stay here until Great-grandmother will see you.”
lxc is enraged. “Jin Rulan! This was not part of the deal!”

“I don’t know what deal you’re talking about. All I know is that your penance must be public. It’s only right, don’t you think? After years - nearly 2 decades really - of public humiliation towards my jiujiu.”
“Jin Ling…” wwx is too weak to stand on his own, but he reaches a hand out.

“I am SL Jin!” he shouts. “What filth are you, to think you can speak my name!”

“Jin Rulan! Show some respect for your elders!” lwj may be weakened, but he will not suffer this insolence.

jl scoffs.
“What do you know of respect? I already said - you’re not qualified to speak to me. You’re here now to publicly acknowledge your wrongs to my jiujiu. He was and forever will be above your station, and yet he bore your insolence for so long. No doubt you can do the same.”
lxc holds up a hand and lwj steps back. “SLJ, there’s no need for such hostility.”

“No,” jl muses. “There’s all the need. Anyway, you will all wait here until Great-grandmother will see you.”
He leaves with a wave of his hand. “Look after our guests properly. I don’t want Great-grandmother to have any complaints.”

The msy disciples at the entrance bow neatly. “Yes, SLJ!”

The basket from Popo this time is delivered during the day. jc is washing dishes from lunch when he hears the knock. He still swings Sandu the moment he opens the door, but again relaxes when he sees the large basket covered by a cotton quilt, with another food box next to it.
The quilt seems to be wiggling, and jc lifts it up to find 3 tiny puppies. They’re tiny balls of poofy white fur, and jc holds back his shriek of delight and opts to coo instead as he brings the basket and food box inside his cottage.

“Hello my darlings,” jc says softly.
He lifts them one by one out of the basket, taking the time to meet alert black eyes and pressing a kiss to each of their foreheads.

The breed isn’t anything he’s seen before. They seem to smile up at him as they wobble around in circles, taking in the new smells and defaulting
back to jc every few seconds. jc lets them smell him as they touch their wet noses to his hands, his legs, his waist. They look to his face for commands, but jc just lets them explore.

The 3 are obviously spiritual puppies, young but clever enough already to know who to obey.
He picks up one with the fluffiest fur. “I’ll name you Little Flower (花花).”

Then jc picks up the one that hasn’t stopped investigating at all, looking up at him with bright eyes before leaning in to lick him in the face. “You’ll be Little Star(星星).”
Lastly, he brings the one dozing off into his arms, petting gently. “And you’ll be Little Treasure (寶寶).”

Ltitle Star barks and Little Treasure snuffles in sleep, burrowing deeper into jc’s hold.

Little Flower just looks at him before trying to dig into the food box.
“That’s not for puppies. Let me get you babies some proper food.”

jc hums as he goes to the kitchen. Little Flower follows at his heels, while Little Star resumes her investigation and Little Treasure continues napping on the quilt that arrived with them.

nhs fans himself leisurely as he questions loudly “All the sects have gathered, but we have yet to see gsl. Most unusual, seeing how punctual they are normally.”

SLY ignores him from her seat on the lotus throne. Other SLs are eager to agree with nhs.
Even the latecomers are all seated and there’s still no sign of gsl.

In the side hall, lqr rejoins them after tea with ymj’s SIC, who had shared a bowl of medicine given by SLY.

“What did they want with you, shufu?” lxc asks anxiously.

lqr waves off the question.
“Remember what you’re here for. If you are not truly contrite then I’d advise you against speaking at all.”

lxc knows he was wrong. He knows his disregard and silent support of his brother’s appalling behaviour got them here today.
But lxc has his pride as a leading cultivator, as a SL, as a war hero. He’s been worshipped by commoners and cultivators both since he was a teenager. So had his brother.

lxc would have had no problem with a private apology, but SLY demanding a public performance rankles him.
lwj is silent but his aggravation is clear. wwx has all but given up, the weakness of his body eating away at the strength of his will until now he just wants it all to be over, to regret ever trying to look for jc, regret that he had encouraged lwj’s behaviour,
that he led lsz and ljy astray. The 2 disciples are still under many restrictions, and the resentment from their fellow disciples hurts them more than the sect-mandated punishments.

lwj only regrets that SLY is spiteful enough to take her anger out on wwx.
lqr eyes him as a ymj disciple comes to greet them. “Do not speak if you will only worsen the situation,” he warns again. “SLY is not one to be trifled with.”

The ymj disciple is stone-faced as he bows to lqr and ignores the others to lead them to the hall.
lqr’s head starts to pound as they enter.

“Grandmaster Lan, SLL, and their companions,” a disciple announces, purposely distorting the proper order.

The chatter in the room falls silent.

nhs’ fan starts fluttering overtime.

SLY puts down her cup of tea.
lxc steps forward. “SLY, I stand here today on behalf of my sect and family.”

Her smile angers him but he tampers it down. He returns her smile with his own winsome one.

“And what do you have to say on behalf of your sect and family?”
She sounds warm and kind, like a true doting grandmother.

lxc lowers himself to both knees. lwj and wwx follow in kind, and lqr bows from where he stands. He can hear the loud gasps from the attendees.

lxc has to swallow hard before he can loosen his throat to speak.
“I wish to offer my sincerest apologies to your grandson, the former SL Jiang.”

SLY stares him down silently, her smile never breaking, her eyes hard and glittering.

lxc places both hands on the floor and bows halfway. “I was wrong. I led our sect astray and disrespected SLJ.
Not just once or twice but consistently for more than a decade. I was wrong not to curb the wrongful behaviour of my sect, and I was wrong not to punish those that deserved it. I am responsible for any wrongs committed against him by those of the Lan name.”
He lifts his head to see SLY looking straight at him. When their gazes meet, hers lowers to his hands folded before him on the ground.

lxc lowers his bow further, until there’s but an inch from his hands.

He thinks he’s been let off when SLY’s attention turns away from him.
“What of your companions. They’re not of any sect.”

wwx is the first to bow, hands on the ground as he looks up at her with shining eyes. “SLY, I know my sins. I should have protected A-Cheng-”

SLY gives a mocking laugh. “Who is this child, to call a SL by his birth name?”
“SL Jiang,” wwx corrects hurriedly. “I swore to protect him with my life and I failed.”

SLY laughs again. “And what is this child, to have such lofty claims.”

wwx folds his hands like lxc. “I swore to protect him but I hurt him instead. I violated him without his consent, and
I encouraged resentments that resulted because of it. I had the power to stop it but I didn’t. I watched on and allowed it to continue. I hurt him and I let others hurt him when I should have protected him. I - I cannot express how much I regret my actions.”
SLY says nothing, but her eyes flicker to lwj. She can see the way lwj stiffens, the unwillingness in his amber eyes.

lwj is stiff as he forces himself to place his hands on the ground and bow.

“I would never encourage the unwilling,” SLY says airily. “Since this child has
nothing sincere to say, this old woman will not hear it.”

lqr nearly has an aneurysm. “Wangji,” he hisses.

lwj hurriedly bows lower. “Wangji knows his wrongs,” he says.

There’s a long, long silence.

SLY waits patiently.
When the silence goes on too long, lqr hisses again, “Wangji!”

“I was the main culprit. I had no place and no right to speak to SLJ as I did. I disrespected someone above my station. I led junior disciples to do the same.”

SLY still doesn’t speak.
wwx quickly lowers himself further, to match lxc. lwj does the same once he sees wwx.

The hall is silent, not even a breath to be heard.

SLY sits patiently. When nothing else seems to come, she picks up her cup of tea again.

“Xichen! Wangji!” lqr whispers.
“I beg for your forgiveness,” lxc grits out, touching his head to his hands.

“Please forgive me,” wwx says.

“Please forgive us,” lwj says.

SLY just looks at their heads still cushioned by their hands. She waits.

lqr sees the second her smile dims and he immediately kneels.
“SLY, please forgive my wayward nephews for their wrongs against jwy!” He knocks his head loudly against the ground 3 times in quick succession.

The hall erupts in shocked gasps. Everyone is horrified.

“Shufu!” lxc shouts.

lqr looks at him and slaps him in the face.
“Know your place!”

lxc is shocked, but then he understands. “SLY, please forgive us!” He knocks his forehead on the floor 3 times. He can hear wwx doing the same behind him.

lqr moves to slap lwj also. “Acknowledge your wrongs properly!”
So lwj touches his forehead to the ground. Slowly. Thrice.

lqr looks harried. “SLY-”

SLY waves a hand and sighs. “What a disgrace, to drive your shufu to such means.”

“I did not raise them properly,” lqr says immediately.

SLY just smiles. “I am not unreasonable.”
“Of course not.”

“I accept your apologies, however insincere, because of your shufu - and only for him.” She waves a hand. “I have no wish to dirty my gaze further. Qiren, SLL, I expect both of you will stay for dinner.”

wwx and lwj are hurriedly pulled away by disciples.
lxc wants nothing more than to hide and recover from his humiliation but he knows that would make it worse.

“Of course,” he forces out.

He cannot meet anyone’s eyes as he and shufu sit in their allocated seats.
SL Jiang smiles, standing and lifting her wine cup. “A toast, to another successful conference!”

Everyone is still too horrified at what happened to do more than raise their cups blankly.

Only jl matches SLJ’s excitement. “Ganbei!”


(Ganbei! 乾杯! Down your glass!)
Months later, jl goes to see jc again.


He’s immediately ambushed by 3 poofs of white, barking fur. “?!?!”

“Little Flower! Little Star! Little Treasure! Sit!”

jl is knocked over on the ground. “Jiujiu?”

“Get up, you brat,” jc says lightly, pulling up jl.
“PUPPIES! When did you get them?” jl crouches down, petting all 3 dogs as they sniff and lick him all over.

“Popo, your great-grandmother, sent them over.”

jl barely suppresses a shiver. The woman still terrifies him. “3 at once? Isn’t it a lot?”
“I had 3 puppies once. When I was a child.” jc’s smile is sad but jl is distracted by the now very large puppies and doesn’t see.

“I didn’t know you had dogs.”

“Yes, well. I have 3 now.” jc joins in the petting and they immediately turn their affections to jc, abandoning jl.
After a lot of hugs and kisses and cuddles, they enter jc’s cottage for drinks and food. jl has wheedled himself a 3 day stay (jc refused to let him stay longer because of his SL duties).

“Jiujiu, let me tell you - I killed a yao that was thiiiiiiiis big! Without help!
Everyone was so surprised! They all praised me!”

“Really?” jc sounds sceptical but inwardly he’s unbearably proud. “Are you sure it was thiiiiiiiis big?”

“Bigger!” jl boasts.

“Tell me how it happened,” jc says, pouring jl some wine.
Around them, the now giant puppies settle around their laps, and jc smiles softly as jl launches into his story.

He doesn’t think he’s ever been happier or more content.


(the end.)
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“Silly. There’s no need to cry.”

“No. Of course not. Just hold on a little longer. You hear the disciples outside? I’ll have more play for you. I’ll find better healers, better medicine-”

“Xichen…we always knew this day would come.“

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Sep 26, 2021
“YMJ welcomes SLL.” A-Xiang is imposing on the lotus throne, and lxc nods stiffly. “We’ve only just had the pleasure of a visit from Grandmaster Lan; to be graced again by the presence of SLL himself is a surprise.”

lxc sits at a table set out for him, laid with tea and snacks.
“As mentioned in my letter, I have come on official business.”

A-Xiang feigns surprise. “Oh? What business would that be?”

“To discuss the relations between our sects. GSL has been a close ally of YMJ for years, and-”

“Relations wax and wane,” A-Xiang says, sounding bored.
“YMJ has no formal ties of family or treaty with GSL; it’s only natural that a change of leadership brings with it a new era of relations.”

“After decades and generations of close friendship, I had hoped that SLJ would continue this fortuitous alliance.” lxc fixes his gaze on
Read 356 tweets
Jun 20, 2021
Father’s Day #jiangcheng & #jinling (&xicheng)

Modern AU

“Jiujiu look!” jl bounces up to him when preschool lets out. He still doesn’t move his arms when running, so it always makes jc laugh, as he does now when he picks up jl, swings him in a circle & settles him on his hip.
“What do you want me to look at my little star?”

“I drew you a picture!” jl has it clutched in a fist, hopelessly crumpled. “For Father’s Day!”

“Ah.” jc’s heart pinches. “Why didn’t you draw one for daddy?”

“I did. It’s in my bag,” jl says, as if jc was being incredibly dumb.
“Good. We’ll go give it to daddy now, shall we?” jc’s already bought flowers for the cemetery.

“Jiujiu,” jl says impatiently, stuffing the paper into jc’s face. “Your picture.”

jc rears back, taking the paper from jl. It’s 2 stick figures, one big and one small.
Read 14 tweets
Apr 18, 2021
AU where sunshot never happens because this is focused on #yuziyuan and #jiangfengmian reconciliation (sort of.)

This *will* contain a lot of tropes, I’m sorry
jfm never wanted this. He never wanted /her/.

msy was a small, well-known sect, far away on the edges of the map, not quite involved with the cultivation world. But what they lacked in numbers they made up for in sheer power, and yzy was the best, shining example.
As a teen she had accompanied her siblings to friendly competitions, each sect showing off their prowess and asserting their strength and wealth. Other sects brought huge delegations. msy showed up with a handful of disciples, most of them the SL’s children.
Read 16 tweets

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