I‘m very, very tired. It was early today, instead of rolling over I thought of the lovely light of a usual, quiet Sunday morning.
Dewdrops on my ankles.
🐕 and leash not connected to each other, we left the house.
Well. It was easy then and looking at these photos I don’t regret it.
So be it, 18.5h and counting. A pleasant day, nonetheless.
Slightly modified, I was tired and my glasses dirty. This is pretty near to the moment.
This is unfiltered. Raw. With dew.
🐕 received the „Go“ command and ran. Ran in circles, all over. Then shepherd dog mode, ZigZag. Then hide and seek.
Next moment? All fours in the air in the cool grass.
Cherish the moment: Succeeded.
Further on the sun was up. The first warm rays poking through the shrubbery.
If you can, please suck it up. Fall and winter are coming.
Cherish the moment. Like the 🐕 who cares if another dog isn’t well . We met an old senior dog on Friday who was still very off from an operation. 🐕 kept a respectful distance.
It wasn’t a respectful distance, he was guarding the old dog. Quietly, carefully guarding the old boy.
Thank you for your interest in my views and your trust.
Liebe Bubble
Danke für Ihr Interesse an meinen Ansichten und Ihr Vertrauen.
You motivate me.
Sie motivieren mich.
I wish you and your dearest all the best
Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihren Nahestehenden Alles Gute
I have just written an e-mail about the 2nd booster and hope to finally get the green light. The med I was using then isn’t on the Swiss list, there’s no information out there either.
Alle wünschen sich Normalität für die Schülerinnen und Schüler, alle wünschen sich eine Rückkehr zur Welt vor November 2019, als wohl in Wuhan das Virus aus dem Labor aufgrund einer Unvorsichtigkeit
@postcovid_CH@lehrerverband entwich. Warum? Weil man dort teils nicht ganz so sauber arbeitete, wie man das könnte. Blut und andere Körperflüssigkeiten kontaminierten Oberflächen, es kam zu der ersten Ansteckung.
Soweit grundsätzlich die Ausgangslage.
Am 14. Jan 2020 berichtete die @WHO,
A welcome guest to our household as it helps with all other pests.
Has had a good season and doubled in size, pretty sure that’s why we didn’t have an issue with 🐜 🐜 🐜..
Yep, this creature may drive some up the walls, but it is nearly harmless to humans (they can sting apparently) and they‘re usually just calmly sitting and waiting for prey that they will go for in an amazing speed.