@haroldmhanes No president is perfect, all are human, prone to the flaws we all are prone to, but some are better than others, most better than the last. I voted for Biden, and am not ashamed of that vote. I wish he had chose better options for Afghanistan, but knowing history as I do...
@haroldmhanes I am not sure that there are better options. There is a reason so many armies through history have failed there, and, though I am disappointed, I will still acknowledge the good that Biden has done. I am also reminded of a truth spoken by my father a 30 year veteran of the...
@haroldmhanes Cold and not so Cold War (Vietnam) that we as a country have not won a war since we changed the name from the Department of War to the Department of Defense. We seem as a nation to fail spectacularly when fighting insurgencies. Which I find fascinating as we ourselves began...
@haroldmhanes as an insurgency. The English often lamented about how we failed to fight as honorable combatants, instead preferring to hide behind every tree, every rock, every piece of cover to be found to snipe and confound them. now here nearly 250 years later we ourselves are...
@haroldmhanes likewise confounded by those whom we seek to impose our morals, our standards, our philosophies on. I stand to this day as a believer in liberal democracy, but this must be consensual, we cannot force this on people who do not, will not, can not believe as we do, to do so is...
@haroldmhanes In itself a violation of our purpose. We as a nation need to return to an actual interpretation of the Truman Doctrine, where when a people, a nation, a group, cry out for liberty, we support them, first through diplomatic means, then through increasing pressure, and only...
@haroldmhanes in the most extreme cases through military intervention, never for our own purposes but only for the proliferation of liberty. We've failed at this, not just here in Afghanistan, but in Iraq, in Vietnam, in other places since 1945. Yes we did vanquish the greater forces...
@haroldmhanes of Leninist/Stalinist thought, Eastern Europe is for the most part free to determine their own destiny now, as are the Baltic States. But Authoritarianism still threatens these nations as it does our own through interference. We need to learn the lessons that History is....
@haroldmhanes Throwing in our face and do better, we need to champion liberty in a more successful way, because right now we are failing spectacularly and I lament this, I grieve for our failures. No we are not a perfect country, there is no perfect country, but this unique experiment...
@haroldmhanes This singular constitutional republic, represents what I still believe is the best way forward, even with our failures, failures that we have a mechanism to acknowledge and move forward, but our divisions, divisions poked and inflamed by both internal and external...
@haroldmhanes influences, stand ripe to overturn this experiment, and if we as a people allow that to happen, then humanity and the cause of liberty will be lessened for it, and for centuries to come.