➡️ Hike fossil fuel prices,
➡️ Hike prices & taxes on fossil fuel based vehicles,
➡️ Announce strict mandatory Scrap policies for fossil fuel vehicles,
➡️ Offer subsidies on EVs,
➡️ Lure people to buy highly overpriced, rebranded EVs using Made in India & Green energy propaganda.
They will deliberately design the EVs with less battery capacity and longer charge durations & will keep charging infrastructure underdeveloped.
Aim is to restrict the mobility of people, & 24x7 surveillance using EVs in-built 4G or 5G connectivity. #ClimateActionPlan
Subsidies for EVs are just a carrot.
In reality govt wants to ban private vehicles for commoners in near future as a part of Paris climate action plan. #UNAgenda2030
Even fanboys are now getting frustrated with frequent price hikes of newly launched EVs.
Increasing Ethanol percentage will damage the small Petrol engines & make them unusable within short period of time & that's the aim; to phase out the fossil fuel vehicles.
Owners of old cars will have to shell out about Rs 4,500. The highest hike in fee is for goods vehicle transporters whose fee has gone up from Rs 200 to Rs 10,000 (medium) and Rs 12,000 (large).
Climate Action policies has creep into our daily life and now hurting everyone financially.
Singer & music composer Palash Sen has posted his plight on social media.
"A Manufactured Plague" & Modi govt's V@ccination War on Innocent Cattle. 1/n
पोलियो उन्मूलन की तर्ज पर पशुओं को लगेंगे मुंह खुर व गलघोटू के टीके
इस अभियान को चलाकर प्रत्येक पशु का टीकाकारण किया जाएगा। डीसी डा. आदित्य दहिया ने बताया कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के विजिन को पूरा करने के लिए ही यह अभियान शुरू किया गया है।
Doctors and staff flee from Kriti Hospital, Gurgaon. Several (allegedly 25 nos.) COVID patients died because of absense of medical care and monitoring.
Prima facie it seems that someone might have threaten doctors & staff to leave the hospital. t.me/EscapeTheMatri…