It is morning in Kabul. The city is not as chaotic as yesterday. Almost all men are wearing traditional Afghani clothing, and women are wearing Burqa to not provoke the Taliban.
2/ During the Iran-Iraq war in the '80s, IRGC (Iran Revolutionary Guard Corps) had an engineering corps to build bridges and infrastructure for the Basiji Militia and the other guard corps use during the war. Well, the war ended and these war veterans had nothing to do.
Meanwhile, Khomeini died and Khamenei took over as the Supreme Leader, leaving the presidency seat vacant.
Here comes Rafsanjani. He becomes the president of Iran and forms an IRGC construction firm with these former IRGC engineers to build Iran's infrastructure.
"Comrades, the situation of our comrades in Sistan and Baluchestan is very worrying.
Many people do not have access to fresh water; Many people are not able to afford masks and soap.
COVID-19 has claimed many lives this week, and many people in the area have been without power in the scorching summer heat.
Power outages have claimed the lives of many patients in hospitals and homes.
There is great concern about the spread of black fungus in Sistan and Baluchestan of Iran; There have also been rumors of this complication in some areas bordering the region known as Afghanistan."
This is usually not our style but it seems necessary once in a while.
Since people like Hassan show their profound illiteracy of the situation in Iran yet they are so smug to smear their bullshit all over the internet, some education is required.
Iran is an imperialist nation. According to the Iranian constitution (articles 152 & 154), Iranians have a duty to spread "the Islamic Revolution" throughout the world aka spread their influence and power outside Iran
Hezbollah in Lebanon, Fatemiyon in Afghanistan, Hashad Al-Shabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) in Iraq, Modafean-e-Haram (Holy Shrine Defenders) in Syria, Houthis in Yemen, and Hamas in Palestine get almost all the help & financial support from the Iranian regime.
Anarchist Union of Afghanistan and Iran’s Second Communique: The Necessary of Armed Self-Defence Against the Murderous Regime
It is the essence and foundation of anarchism and quality of anarchists that when people rise up against states, they are quickly informed and they👇🏽
2-closely follow popular insurrection and revolutions, because anarchism is nothing less than the spirit of people’s disobedience. rebellion and will to revolution.
Anarchism means anger, rebellion, and society’s attack on every oppression and injustice that are perpetuated by
3-authorities and states. Since the anarchist is pragmatic and is calling for the overthrow of the state and the transformation of society, the anarchist knows radical struggle and popular revolution are the only way to undermine this power. According to the analysis and