Reproductive health advocates in Canada have been talking for DECADES about how the primary issue is ACCESS, but the strawman argument is that we are still debating the law.
So, ok, let's talk about some laws.
Let's talk about the Atlantic provinces, which have restricted abortion in violation of the Canada Health Act, which, if you recall, is totally a law.
Ottawa has done nothing but make empty threats, so yeah, I want to talk about this LEGAL ISSUE during a federal election.
Let's talk about Catholic hospitals, enshined in Canadian law to deliver religiously-specific care (no other religion has this right).
They are LEGALLY allowed to restrict not just abortion, but even options counseling for unintended pregnancies.
If you need an abortion for medical reasons, a Catholic hospital will transfer you to a non-Catholic hospital even if the delay would comprise your health.
This is legally allowed.
Let's talk about how in Ontario a Supreme Court decision was needed to force doctors to refer or give info about abortion to their patients rather than just saying, "not my job."
Alberta flirted with legislation like this as well.
Multiple prominent doctors opposed this decision, including the past president of the OMA.
They wanted the LAW to protect their "conscience rights" to simply walk out of the room when a patient asked for info about abortion.
I would REALLY like to stop reading opinions on how solid and "settled" abortion rights are in Canada because ppl in Toronto who know how to navigate the HC system can easily access it. GMAFB.
@HNHealthUnit's newly appointed public health lead has spent much of the pandemic wishing we could be more like Sweden or Florida.
The food shaming was just a bonus, I guess.
Public health is all about shaming people into making better choices, amirite?
Curious how an ICU doctor ends up in a public health leadership position. Public health is a distinct specialty with its own 5 yr residency. Why is a public health doctor not filling this role?
What's it called when you QT a question, but then block the person so they can't see it or answer you?
Cowardice? I'm going with cowardice.
And, Warren, you absolute fool, the Morgentaler decision has NOTHING to do with Catholic hospitals. I'm actually embarrassed for you. 🤦
Next time I hear about Catholic hospital denying reproductive care I'm going to ask them in my haughtiest tone if they know about the Morgentaler decision. That should work out great, according to Warren.
Fortunately for Warren, he blocked me before he could learn anything. Preserving ignorance FTW!
You know who loves to hear about how abortion is freely and legally available everywhere in the reproductive health utopia that is Canada? Catholic hospitals in rural communities. Oh yeah, they're REAL big on honouring Supreme Court decisions from 1988.
Dr. Charles Hoffe tells Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson that after vaccination it’s “absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form” and that “spike proteins will predictably cause blood clots… it is guaranteed.”
Hoffe’s proof? He’s doing D-dimer tests for pts vaccinated in the past 7 days and claims 62% are positive. D-dimer is a test to investigate blood clots.
D-dimer is ALSO a test that will be false positive for roughly ½ of ppl who take it. It’s a notoriously useless test.
Let me be clear: Hoffe's many claims are pseudoscience.
He uses medical terminology and sounds very technical and erudite, but there’s logic missing in much of what he says and it can be hard to pick up on that without - for example - knowing what a D-dimer is.
When I say that confusion is a tactic, I don’t mean that the Ford government is rubbing its hands with glee as it crafts misleading messaging. The communication failure is much more subtle than that.
We need to remember the toll it takes on people to constantly have to figure out what the new info is, where the real facts are and how to navigate the system.…
This is true not only for patients and families, but for workers in the system as well. This toll drains useful energy that could be spent advocating for oneself, both on a personal level and in an organized way.…