#wangian🔞foxxian is hoping to leave gusu lan with a chest of gold, but instead he leaves with his chest full of milk.
And eggs in his tummy, and also his hole a sloppy, wrecked mess.

second jade dragonji intends to find his new, naughty, runaway wife.
foxxian tries to rob a dragon; foxxian ends up getting pregged
eggpreg, mpreg, noncon, bestiality
dragons means hoards which means money, be it gold or jewels or raw materials. wwx is desperate for money and takes drastic measures, even if it means he may be caught and killed.

turns out he's not killed and eaten, but bred.

huh, who'd thunk it.
the dragon played him like a qin, waiting until wwx was finishing stuffing his robes with jewelry before he sprung up from his 'slumber' and threw wwx against the cave wall.

in the moments of his dizzy haze, the pearly dragon had already shredded his robes to strips and spread
his legs apart, leaving wwx painfully exposed.

wwx's protest was lost as the dragon's long tongue slid into his mouth and down his throat. he could Feel the dragon's warning growl as he flailed and became still, too afraid to anger the beast - all while choking on its tongue.
the long and thin appendage was so firm and dextrous, easily sliding in and out of his throat, licking and tasting him thoroughly. wwx whimpered - this was Not happening.

when the dragon finally pulled its tongue free, wwx gasped for breath, so greedily sucking in air.
he yelled in protest, crying out in pain as the sharp claws poked into his skin. wwx was forced onto his stomach, a strong paw holding him face down and hips up. his protests and begging went unnoticed by the dragon, instead it forced his legs further apart and dove in.
pain blinded wwx; he passed out.

wwx woke slowly, consciously trickling back back like a drying stream. his body bounced, bopped and swayed to the rhythm of the dragon's strong thrusts. each time the beast thrusted into his stretched hole, wwx's body jolted forward. his chest
scraped along the cave floor painfully, but it didnt compared to the pain in his backside.

the dragon was big, too big for him and yet his hole relinquished to its monstrous cock.

wwx could feel every movement with his whole body. the dragon was so strong, so fast, so hard, and
just so brutal. wwx could only lie there and taking his throbbing cock with tears streaming down his cheeks.

pleasure came soon after, compounded by the dragon picking up its pace. he clawed at the ground, throwing his head back and wailing. his hole was being stretched too far!
his poor body, being used to lewdly by the dragon. his inner walls being abused by its thick cock, the fat head beating against his prostate and soft walls. his hole was being ruined, absolutely wrecked by a dragon's cock.
wwx was being ruined by a dragon's cock.

he cried out.
wwx's own cock dribbled pre onto the floor. the neglected and inflamed tip bounced with each thrust into his hole and tapping against his bulging stomach, but otherwise untouched.

his stomach, oh gods, his Stomach!

he was going to die, die from cock! the dragon's cock, it was
too big! his toned, flat belly bulged out under the weight of the beast's cock. a distinct shape forming and further straining wwx's meek body. he was helpless, his weak body completely at the mercy of the dragon.
wwx's own orgasm was lost as the dragon came with a roar, slamming his hips tightly against wwx's beaten ass. he squealed. hot thick cum flooded his insides like an ocean wave. wwx was left twitching, no long in control of his muscles and forced to take it all inside his body.
it was far from the end. the dragon began to move again, thrusting at full speed and strength as it continued to spill his seed into wwx's body. the resulting sound was wet and lewd and only served to arouse wwx even more.

his hole was frothing semen now.
he begged, he screamed and cried, trying to escape the dragon's hold. more and more semen filled him. it was so much, so hot it warmed his insides.

as if his belly wasn't distorted enough, but surely now it was distended, rounded out and filled with dragon cum.
a particular powerful thrust as semen squirting from his stretched hole and wwx blacked out.

the next time wwx woke, he was laying in a soft bed, but taking dragon cock once more. he could barely comprehend the mindblowing orgasm before it hit him and was spraying his spend over
his own stomach.

wwx's stomach was indeed stretched out now. he lay back, dragging his hands over his round belly, wading over layers of wet spend. he didn't know if it was all his or the dragon's as well, but the beast's semen definitely filled his stomach.
another orgasm shared with the dragon. wwx ejaculated with a wail, too much pleasure and pain wrecking his exhausted belly.

would this ever end?
it did not end even days later. wwx spend days and nights deep in the dragon's cave, swaying on the edge of consciousness as it used his hole, filling him again and again with its seed.

but it changed one day, when wwx woke uncomfortable - more so than usual.
eggs, wwx realised, the dragon was depositing his ends into him.

wwx thrashed and screamed, but it was too easy for the dragon to control him. the dragon's cock was buried deep into his hole already, a few eggs already sitting heavily against his insides.
wwx was silenced by the dragon's tongue sliding down his throat. his body was pulled taught, every muscle tense as the dragon rocked against him.

the pressure was excruciating, each egg passing his abused hole, slipping past his prostate, and popping free from the dragon's
cock to land inside him.

wwx came unexpectedly, he twitched and struggled when an egg knocked against the others and his tight walls. sparks flew behind his eyelids as he rode out his orgasm. the dragon purred above him.
one dozen dragon eggs, laid inside him. wwx panted for breath, his stomach was so tight and cramped. too many large eggs filled him, this wasn't right, but they were In Him.

wwx whimpered looking at his misshapen and distended tummy. he was pregnant - pregnant with dragon eggs.

updates tmr with wwx 'escaping' with the help of the 'stranger'.

lwj is formally introduced next update.
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🔞wwx gets his chance to escape many days later but it is no easy task. he is heavily pregnant, a large belly filled with heavy dragon eggs weigh him down. his chest has ballooned out, sagging painfully sensitive&sore - they're filled to the bring with milk and leak continuously.
he can barely move, staggering with each step. he's barely eaten, barely drank, and spent numerous days laying on his back or side, being r@p3d by a dragon. his anus aches terribly so, thoroughly used and left gaping.

wwx dreads the damage done to his body.
he doesnt know about any lasting effects but he doubts they can be fixed. his whole can no longer close, left soft and pliant from use. the dragon hasn't gone a day without fucking him, spreading his aching hole around his enormous cock and spilling more seed inside him.
NOTE: cw and tags can be found at the top of the thread
wwx perseveres; he Will escape.

he stumbles down the mountain, slow and unstable on weak legs. he knows he isnt making much progress, daylight was already fading when he left the cave and is rapidly disappearing past the horizon.

a tree root catches his foot and sends him
tumbling down. wwx doesn't even get the chance to brace himself and he's already being thrown down the mountain side.

he's unconscious long before he stops rolling.
wwx wakes in a bed. the room he occupies is awfully bland but clearly of high status. a decorative bedside table carries a series of small ceramic bottles smelling like medicines. someone must have saved him.

wwx's shoulders sag, but apprehension lingers; he's still pregnant.
wwx startles when the doors opens. a man dressed in startling white robes walks in. the man sits on the bed.

"you're awake." wwx nods, too weary to speak.

"allow me to check your wounds, you have suffered greatly." the man doesnt wait for a reply and pushes the blanket aside.
wwx sees his ankle is tightly wrapped, and so are his legs. the man works quickly, removing the old bandages and applying salve to the many scrapes and cuts. the man allows tends his arm injuries.

"wait," he says. "there are more."

"what do you mean?" wwx questions.
"between your legs, there was blood." wwx's heart lurches in his chest, he doesnt want to be touched there.

"no, i dont- there's no need to." thats apparently the wrong thing to say.

like a candle flame flickering out, the man's demeanour completely changes. wwx's breath
catches in his throat at the snap of the man's fingers.
he can't speak!

"do not be difficult." another snap and wwx collapses onto the bed, limps weak and limp. he's lost all control of his body! he can't even groan or make a sound.

"i had not expected foxes to be so weak."
wwx's heart stutters in his chest. his legs are spread apart, clothes peeled away. his leg is lifted over the man's shoulder.

"you may call me lan zhan, or husband. soon you will be begging for me." wwx wants to protest, call the man - the Dragon - crazy, but
instead he lies pliant and limb.

he whimpers, suddenly able to make sounds, when the dragon spreads his cheeks, and dip two fingers between. they press against his aching hole and dive in.

"No!" wwx exclaims in surprise. the man pauses, eyes darkening dangerously.
"you are my mate; you may not deny me." the fingers press deeper. wwx cries out. his hole burns with the stretch, weakly protesting against the intrusion that forces through.

the dragons pistons his fingers in and out, drawing wails from wwx's throat. it burns, it hurts!
"Good, so good for me. my wife, my mate is so good for me. you will carry my young." wwx whimpers. the dragon easily locates his prostate, perfectly rubbing back and forth, coaxing pleasure through his body.

wwx's cock fills up, hardening and already aching.
the dragon is impatient, quickly prepping him with rough movements before wwx's leg is lift over his shoulder.

when the dragon's fat cock breeches him, wwx arches off the bed with a cry. his rim burns from the stretch. the dragon moans deeply above him.
tears blur wwx's vision, his eyes roll back with a long drawn out moan. he can hear the dragon growl.

the dragon wastes no time, quickly pulling out and thrusting back in. wwx squeals. pleasure assaults him, the man's hips hitting his ass and thighs, his vulnerable walls being
abused again and again. each powerful thrust violates him more and more, drowning him in more pleasure as he's taken by the dragon.

wwx's entire body bounces with the dragon. his chest sways, tits heavy and bouncing against his chest.
wwx still cant move, only lay and take and take the dragon's cock, his body bouncing.

the tears spill. the pleasure is overwhelming. his distended belly sways, straining under the dragon's powerful movements. the weight is immense on wwx's body and the assault of pleasure is
no help.

wwx cums when the dragon comes. the stutter of the dragon's hips against his ass, the flood of semen scorching and tainting his walls, the nip of nails digging into his thighs. wwx spills his own load against his tummy.

he whimpers, gasping for breath and whining high
in high throat. he can feel it. he can feel himself losing to the pleasure. his mind is becoming foggy, thoughts of resisting and escaping disappearing into the haze of pleasure.

the dragon speaks, but wwx can't hear him. movement between his legs startles him, drawing out
a moan. the dragon starts up again.

moans un-contained, wwx takes his cock. the dragon hover above him, lips wrapping around one nipple and a hand stroking his belly. wwx wails, his sensitive nipple hardens and squirts him, into the hot mouth sucking on it.
wwx gasps with relief. the pressure in his tit beginning to diminish and replace with even more pleasure.

the dragon pulls away to praise him, but wwx doesnt hear, only moans when the mouth returns to sucking on his nipples, alternating and drinking his milk.
pleasure consumes him. hands join to fondle his breasts, cupping each tit in one hand and rolling them around so, so roughly, but wwx moans. he whines and thrashes, trying to buck his hips for more. his hole is still being speared open around a fat cock, his belly jolting around,
and his consciousness is rapidly fading, but wwx merely begs for more.

the last thing wwx registers is a soft chuckle from above him, before a white hot orgasm washes over him and he passes out on that dragon's cock.
updates tmr.

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wwx moaned high and needy. he sat on his mate's cock, a fat, dragon cock stretching his well-used hole and abusing his sensitive prostrate and walls.

strong arms held open his legs, muscled chest against his back, and a sculpted abdomen curved along his ass.
the dragon held him so firmly, bouncing him up and down on his cock, drawing helpless moans from wwx. his stomach jostled uncomfortably with each powerful thrust, his tits swinging. his mate hadn't drained him for the past few days, insisting to keep him full of milk.
wwx detested the fullness of his chest, no fondling or leaking could relieve him for the immense pressure. he waited for the moment his dragon decided to drink form him.
he rolled his head back, onto his mate's shoulder and wailed as he orgasmed again. wwx's cock was too spend to even twitch, and hung limply. in fact, wwx was entirely limp in the dragon's hold, merely bouncing and jostling around.

his hole made lewd, wet noises and frothed
with semen that filled him to the brim. his dragon came so many times already, each time unloading thick semen into wwx's body, only to be fucked out of him and soon replaced with a fresh load. this dragon's stamina was too great.

wwx's eyes fluttered shut, his mouth hung open
letting out 'whore like moans' as his mate described it. wwx was a whore now - a complete cockslut. the pleasure was just too much for him to resist, and wwx has succumbed to his dragon. he allowed lan zhan to mate him and fuck him again and again, until wwx's brain
became foggy and limbs lost control. every day was filled with sex with his mate. wwx didnt go a single day with at least a dozen loads of sticky semen leaking from his loose hole.

wwx reached behind him, pulling his mate into a wet kiss. he greedily sucked
on his dragon's tongue, desperate to taste him. lan zhan swallowed up his moans with his own.

he broke away leaving wwx whining pitifully. he wanted more. he Needed more! but his tongue was too tongue to speak.
a wide hand gripped his tit making wwx squeal. lan zhan loved to fondle his tits and did so vigorously. rolling, squeezing, pulling, pinching - wwx came once more. he tensed in his dragon's lap, hole clenching down feebly, and shuddered. lan zhan growled in his ear.
his dragon picked up pace, fucking into him hard and faster, forcing his cock in even deeper. wwx whimpered, he could swear the eggs were being jostled too much by their father's cock. they knocked around painfully in his stomach.

lan zhan came.
his mate's orgasm was punctuated with slow rolling hips and the familiar gush of seed flowing through him. wwx tightened around his mate's softening cock, trying to keep everything inside. lan zhan continued to rock inside him, rubbing his sensitive walls. they shared a kiss,
still so wet and sloppy and full of moans.

wwx mewled softly. his tits still ache with milk, but his ass and desire were sated - so was his mate.

semen leaked from around his dragon's cock and added to the mess that coated their abdomens.

happy, wwx purred and fell asleep.

more fanfics and threadfics can be found in this Moment↘

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14 Sep
#mdzs #wangxian as new parents, Everything causes panic & distress for wangxian and especially their little boy's chewing habit, which includes: wires, fingers and toes, his feeding spoons, blanket corners.

perhaps the most distressing is the chewing on plushie noses and eyes.
yes, like any other baby, ayuan explores the vast world with flailing feet and a slobbering mouth.

yes, like any other baby, their little ayuan is quite fond of chewing and sucking, and especially so on the beady eyes and noses of plushies.
it is probably every parents worst fear for their child to choke and a bear plushie's nose is Prime Choking Material.

just How they managed to catch ayuan
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12 Aug
#shl #woh #wenzhou 🔞incubus zhou zishu who doesn't have an appetite anymore - not since the last of the seven nails. now, he's completely sickened by the idea of feeding and starves himself until he must eat.
that certainly changes when he meets the impostrous wen kexing.
for the first time in nearly a year, zzs finds himself not disgusted by feeding.

since escaping prince jin's clutches, zzs's appetite degraded with the rest of his health and martial arts. he's starved himself ill in effort to avoid sexual intimacy and eating all together.
that all changes when wkx muscles his way into his life. as cunning and stealthy the man is, zzs finds himself trusting him.

a never-ending running mouth that hides his own secrets, zzs knows wkx won't pester him with questions or demand answers. they share this mutual trust.
Read 7 tweets
1 Aug
modern au where
zzs, an ex bodyguard, is hired by conglomerate bigshot wkx to protect and care for his toddler daughter, gu xiang, as a nanny.

protection for protection is their agreement. that and a very generous paycheck and board.

somewhere along the line, romance blossoms~
#shl #woh #wenzhou
rated G
nanny au, kid fic, single parent au, bodyguard au
zzs is used to working for big shots, its what he's been doing since his teenage years. over a decade as a bodyguard and even a spy, he's since retired from working for his cousin in hopes of living a more calm and sedate life.

although somehow, he's
Read 14 tweets
23 Jul
#shl #woh #wenzhou specialist yby is brought in to help w a male pair of mers: wenzhou; having mated for years but have not showed any signs of pregnancy.

also they're extreme loners to other mers, are picky eaters, and hate all staff - except noobie zcl apparently.
abo verse and mer-hybrid
entirely SFW✅ no smut

mer alpha wkx, mer omega zzs
noobie mer keeper zcl, specialist senior mer keeper yby, mer betas caoxiang
※ yby pov

happy extremely belated mermay
in 20 years, yby has never encountered a more stubborn mer - Ever. wen kexing the mer is named, problem mer no.1, exact age is unknown but has been in captivity for 36 years, mated to problem no2, never sired any offspring in captivity despite even being mated.

wkx is The issue.
Read 54 tweets
19 Jul
#mdzs #wangxian 🔞
wei wuxian has a new talisman! it's called The Pussy Popper, which is a misnomer bc its not about popping pussies at all.

but the name catchy so why not? not like anyone else will be using them either.

no, no, this is a talisman about prepping his womb.
nsfw threadfic; 18+ only🔞
eggpreg, mpreg, boypussy, hybrids, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, wwx is a bratty bottom, wifexian?

foxxian is Ready™ for dragonji's scaly babies. he wants them Now.

𝕨𝕨𝕩: 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕨
𝕝𝕨𝕛: ℕ𝕠.
𝕨𝕨𝕩: 𝔻:
𝕨𝕨𝕩: 𝕐𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕤 ℕ𝕆𝕎
yes, prepping his womb.

more than half a decade into settling down in cloud recesses, wwx and his amazing hubby, lwj, still do not have any kids (aside from ayuan wHOSE ALL GROWN UP NOW uuwuwuuwu😭)

but lovely hubby lwj refuses to conceive any children with wwx. 'too dangerous'
Read 33 tweets
18 Jul
twitter should allow ppl to consent or Not consent to their tweets being added to Topic

this will help:
- keep nsfw content out of undesirable audiences (minors, trolls, dudebros)
- reduce harassment cuz the tweet is barely related to the Topic it was added too
- more im sure
the whole Topics feature is just asking for harassment

EXCEPT, that aside from going private, accounts can't do shit about keeping their tweets/content away from Topics.
so twt has successfully put accts into the spotlight for harassment w only 1 defence: private

lovely huh.
im sure im not the first to bring this up but it only just occurred to me now.

will i be harassed by a troll for this thread?🧐
Read 4 tweets

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