A complex network of people being anti social all the way to calling for violence online.
There's no one single diagram showing the whole system, but multiple diagrams showing the system.
Erin will share with us what diagrams she used to map them
Who are the players in the ecosystems?
Erin ended up with over 1200 extremist and militia groups.
This is a network diagram of the ideology and general size of the group.
It looks like it was generated with real data but it was qualitative
Tried looking at the different spaces hate speech was showing up, but it was implying information that Erin wasn't intending.
So these maps didn't really convey what was happening — so Erin went back to first find the parts.
These were the parts, ideologies, who was impacted and focussed on ideologies and biases
What Erin ended up with — Who, What & Why
Most hate stems from trauma someone has experienced that they pass on to find their community.
Why and How that hate speech manifests.
Outcomes of being a target of this hate speech
Targets (part of the diagram)
Where it happens and the Types of platforms that can perpetrate
Who'a working to stop online hate.
The scope and scale of the platforms makes it hard for mods to keep up.
The different kind of outputs they want to see
This is the taxonomy that Erin created — it doesn't show the connectors.
here is one part of the connections (very very detailed)
A more succinct model of taxonomy + connections + people trying to mitigate it
Following the money of online hate speech.
How could the money and infrastructure be visualised?
Iceberg & stack didn't really work.
Corporate value chain that funds hate speech
All of the web infrastructure that supports hate speech should be called out.
What is the radicalisation path for individuals?
The straight negative path
The influences, amplification and confirmation biases reinforce the path.
Intervention & places of disruption
Where platforms can interrupt and suppress
Research Erin develop these maps from
Some of the questions that still need to be answered:
How do games differ than social platforms?
How should our approach differ?
how can we manipulate engagement and virality for good outcome?
How do we continue and encourage connection?
How much is too much?
How do we know if our design intentions make positive change?
How can understanding the ecosystem help design improve as a practice?
Where are the most salient opportunities to change?
What policies, laws and legislation should I understand in my role as a designer?
what's our responsibility for pushing back and keeping kindness and community at the forefront over profits?
All the diagram Erin created except the escalation pathway are available here: adl.org/online-hate-ec…
Christian is joining us from the lands of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.
"Why is a product manager telling me what to do?"
Christian was being recruited for Yahoo in their platform design team — what happened was one of the PM's passed on him because he was too senior and wouldn't do what the PM wanted.
@corey_tutt@DeadlyScience Corey's presentation may contain images and voices of people who have died.
@corey_tutt@DeadlyScience Deadly is a form of slang that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders use to say things are cool, so when you hear deadly science think cool science but better.