My 10 year goal is to achieve professional ikigai.
This is a thread on how I will achieve that and how you can too using a process described at the end of the thread.
First I must describe my destination. After achieving my goal, my professional life will be:
- no deadlines/stress
- thinking & problem solving all day
- no busywork, eg I'm not doing anything that I don't love that someone else can do
- big-picture oriented, minimal details
- I will have access to financials and a databoard that lets me check the health of our businesses
- my work will be mostly creative
- I'm not talking to anybody with whom I feel the need to slow down to get my point across
- I'm not doing one-on-one non-repeatable training
That's in 10 years - what do I need to do to make that a reality? Basically I need to take these jobs on my ikigai board and apply the following:
- start
- sell
- stop
- automate
- contract out
- hire
- systematize
Starting, selling, stopping just take courage. I got that down, but automating contracting out, hiring, and systematizing are skills that I need to improve. So here is my concrete list of actions I need to make that improvement a reality:
1. We’re the biggest seller of kickboards on Amazon. I’m not into kickboards at all, we’re not good at selling kickboards, the world does not need us to make kickboards. Let’s sell this product line ASAP.
2. I need to get better at automation, so I’m going to hire a developer and learn how to better manager developers.
3. I need to get better at hiring generally:
I see hiring as 4 things: appraising their abilities, proclivities, options, and firing them fast when you err.
a. I'm going to pay for or hack culture index to get better at proclivities
b. I'm going to administer better tests or tricky questions in interviews to appraise
c. I need to get more nosy in interviews to figure out what their options are (no one takes a worse job)
d. I need to be fair but push myself to be unsentimental about firing people who are not working out.
4. I need to organize our systems and create a training program that allows me and my team to bring on good people and make them as effective as possible with minimum work/cost.
5. I need to implement a bonus and employee retention system to keep my best people
6. I need to finish reading traction and implement as much of it as I can bring myself to.
7. i've got to scale the business profitably so I can attract better and better talent
This process came from this thread, which I highly recommend.
Do you want to be looking back on your life in 10 years, asking yourself why you didn't make long-term goals when you were younger?
No, so read the thread. One of the best on Twitter.
A lot of people said "this is a false equivalence".
It's not (as you can see above).
It's easier to get vaccinated than it is to lose weight, but there are numerous pros to losing weight over vaccines (no boosters, improves health vis-a-vis multiple illnesses).
I'm sure some idiot will say "there's no cure for obesity" - there is. You're just delusional.
The best way to make it on social media isn’t to write threads or to give value or any of that.
It’s just to be *somebody*.
To give another example: I think @paulg once said that his website really caught on after writing some really high
number of posts.
That feels like correlation not causation.
When you read his work, most of the time you’re only reading it because of his success with Y Combinator.
I don’t have the backend stats but I’d bet that’s how his blog made it big.
To me, writing those super well written threads, rewriting Wikipedia, or even giving really amazing value (that is meme dense and well written to succeed) feels like a waste of time. Just pour that energy into building a business. Succeed and then turn on Twitter. Boom.
I'm a first time father and I was raised by wolves so I had no idea what to expect.
Boy! When they had you your kid after he gets ripped out of, y'know...
It's an amazing moment. It's a combination of being A) totally overwhelmed B) really tired C) unsure how to proceed
D) Proud! I cried a little.
It's pretty cool. As soon as you make a new human, they become an extension of you. For example, I used to be insecure about myself. Now I'm also insecure about my child too, which is GREAT!
Rough cost and time to ship a 40' container from Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam to Dallas area:
Panama canal -> Houston: $20,400. 54 days
Los Angeles -> train to Dallas: $25,278. 60 days
Los Angeles -> truck to D $27,381. 34 days
Fly to Dallas airport $170,206.60. 12 days
Fortunately, we don't have to pay these charges...
Because our suppliers have been shut down there for going on 1.5 months, so we have nothing to ship.
NB that these prices change all the time. They're actually quite cheap from Vietnam because they've stopped exporting these days.
The idea is just to give you a sense of what stuff costs.