4. for a legitimate or non-legitimate government, what if any limit is their over its power to interfere with domestic affairs politically or economically?
All theories more or less agree here, even if they have different reasoning.
Even if you live in the godless, atheist, Christ-hating Soviet Union, you should still obey traffic laws.
This is an aspect of God's Economy (provision for the End of Man in the face of evil)
The Unworthy Steward is still a steward, and accountable to his Master nonetheless.
His life will be required at his hands for the evil he does.
Will Biden, Fauci, and Gates burn in Hell? I'll leave that to your imagination.
This is always what people really want to know - when can I get my gun and start shooting Federal troops.
Many of us have revered ancestors who did just that in 1641-9, 1688, 1776, or 1861.
I'm eventually going to touch on Passive Obedience Theory, which is the official political doctrine of the Lost Cause - trashtalk from Wiki about that:
Cavaliers, Jacobites, Confederates -- you know, the Good Guys.
Death to Citizen Welf the Dark Guelph!
If you don't get the reference to Citizen Welf, read Jefferson's early drafts of the Virginia predecessor to the Declaration of Independence.
A rough draft, as it were. A bit censored later.
His fellow committeemen talked him out of that fine phrase.
When I say 'passive obedience' I'm sure the NPCs will immediately leave the room... but the word 'passive' doesn't mean BOHICA (Bend Over Here It Comes Again).
Quite the contrary -- it's a theory, if you will, of Christian Disobedience (strange idea required by warped minds).
The word 'passive' is a reference to the Passion of Christ, who 'disobeyed' the Roman Magistrate (or really, the Sanhedrin because even Pilate washed his hands of the affair)... because he obeyed the Law of God, His Father.
Christians don't RESIST, PROTEST, REBEL or Leftist/Marxist shit like that (IT'S A TRAP).
We obey a HIGHER LAW -- the Law of God.
Where can I find the Law of God? I mean, besides in the Russian Gymnasium textbook of that title.
In Christ's Passion, in *perfect obedience* to God the Father, he offered himself up to suffering in order to achieve the Salvation of the Human Race
(sounds pretty in line with perfect politics to me...)
The alternative would have been Active Obedience (collaboration with the Roman Empire and the Jewish Sanhedrin, which would have resulted in the ultimate failure of God's Prophets and the promises they wrote).
In other words, kinda the situation we are in today.
So, Active Obedience is collaboration (bad bad bad) and *Passive Obedience* is obeying God's Law, and also of course the Law of Nature which was
Tell you what is written in letters deep as a spear is long on the trunk of the World Ash Tree? Tell you what is engraved
on the sceptre of the Emperor-Beyond-The-Sea?'
For a medieval Catholic, Lex Scripta and Lex Divina can be nothing other than the Sacra Biblia -- the first and most well established written law of the Body of Christ.
... and the only possible objective for a Christian Society in its three ways of perfection -- domestic life, civil life, and the religious life.
Christians: your war on the state is just.
Therefore, seek the blessing of your Bishop before you engage the Enemy.
the rest of this discussion will be somewhat theoretical -- what manner should this battle take, what should be its objectives?
However, if you have neither the righteous Patriarchy of Domestic Society, the Catholic and Orthodox Bishops of Romanity (or even your fave Scotsman)
and lack the assent of any Magistrate that has the Mandate of Heaven...
I'd look in the mirror and have a bit moar 'Conversation'.
Even the Saxon pagans made every decision in the Council twice -- once drunk and once sober.
@GigiSims10 I think it partly takes a while for things to work their course. The Soviet Union took two full generations and maybe more. *If* it did (Golitsyn thesis is a thing)
and I don't think we can be spared our Solzhenitsyn 'Live by Truth' moments.
@GigiSims10 'Embrace the Horror' as linuxhippie said really does mean to face the Truth we are embracing a horror -- mostly where we are coming from, since the actual Truth is not so bad in comparison to the Sleep of Reason.
@GigiSims10 But the first step towards *real* (authentic, truthful) action is a sober assessment of 'where we are at'.
Partly we don't know: I can't tell you whether the Financial Crisis of 2007 ended with the fatal crisis of 2021/22, or if we will *ever* see a technological world like...
btw, I've always thought that the iconic 'plastics' was a deliberate leak of nuclear secrets (a reference to fogbank). Hollywood inside joke. Prove me wrong.
It's ironic that George Bush had to initiate a crash programme to remember how to *make* the fogbank material, just to keep old 70s weapons designs in repair.
I think it is pretty clear that the government is illegitimate (though I'd argue it complies with the altered Constitution of the US -- but that was already tyrannical as SCOTUS clearly shows in Roe v Wade if nowhere else) -- abortion is not the Salus of any Populi...
... but rather a 'Religon of Death' as Socialism has sometimes been called.
And changing the US Constitution from FDR Socialism to some weird alliance of the CCP and an Islamic State (a Heresy, mind you, and against the Salvation of the People,
Specifically, which of these are allowed morally and politically, effectively:
- non-collaboration and non-resistance
- non-collaboration with resistance
- 'protesting' individually or verbally
- mass line of protesting
- armed resistance ('rebellion')
Non-collaboration with evil that doesn't involve resistance to the magistrate -- is your clear duty
Non-collaboration *with* resistance violates even the duty owed a usurper and tyrant *HOWEVER* it is only seeming resistance if you can show the tyrant is violating the Law of God
... and in many cases this case can probably be made.
'protesting' individually or verbally - this is pure vanity. Non-collaboration, keeping a low profile, obeying the Law of God, yes
Grandstanding and 'street dialectic' with Marxist is never correct or ethical.
3. is the present government of the states or FedGov legitimate? Is it tyrannising in any way?
Thread 3 of 6. This one is pretty contentious. The American People and the Government of the United States have not been the same since 1865. Lincoln was a Tyrant and his...
... successors too.
Those just joining this opinion, i'm not here to fight about the past. Welcome. We're all Confederates now.
Even if you accept that half or all of America has an Occupied Government (YOG, ZOG, or DOG or BOG whatever) Demoncrat or Bidet for the obscure Xs
You still have to ask ... what would Robert E Lee do?
Now Lee was an Episcopalian in an era when that meant next thing to being a Tory, and the rest of the South (Calhoun, Stephens and pals) were Presbies -- and both Churches held similar expositions of the Civil Magistrate.